Sunday, April 2, 2017

Stein. 1990.

Штайн / Stein. 1990.Ernst Stein (Rolf Ludwig) used to be a classical actor in the East German stage, but he was so disgusted by the use of his country's soldiers to help put down the 1968 freedom movement in Czechoslovakia that he walked off the stage in the middle of a performance of King Lear. Since then, he has been living in seclusion in his country house, surrounded by young admirers. Nothing, it seems, will deter him from living as he pleases now, certainly not the tanks that rumble past his door; mere soldiers attempting to break into his home present almost no challenge to him. He continues entertaining his young friends with impromptu performances in the grand style, and they engage in lively banter in a difficult to understand Berlin dialect. Like this film's leading character, director Egon Gunther walked away from his career in disgust, and emigrated to West Germany and freedom. The reunification of Germany allowed him to work with old colleagues for the first time in ten years, and this film was received with great appreciation when it was shown at the 1991 Munich Film Festival.
Director: Egon Gunther.

Cast: Rolf Ludwig, Franziska Herold, Eveline Dahm, Johanna Mohring, Margit Bendokat, Uwe Dag Berlin, Eckhard Doblies, Jorg Foth, Gerhard Handel, Alexander Hetterle.
DDR,  DEFA, 1990.
Language: German.
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Штайн / Stein. 1990.
 Stein. 1990.

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