Monday, May 29, 2017

Madita. 1979. 10 episodes.

Madita. 10 series.
List of episodes:
1. Ein Sommertag auf Birkenlund
2. Der Ausflug
3. Eine gute Tat
4. Das Gespenst im Waschhaus
5. Alle Jahre wieder
6. Die Erbse in der Nase
7. Walpurgisnacht
8. Die Lдuse-Mia
9. Abbe geht in die Luft
10. Eine Erinnerung fьr das Leben.
Madita is the German title of a novel for children of Astrid Lindgren (Swedish original title: Madicken).
The heroine Margareta (called Madita) is a braunhaariges, pfiffiges girl.It lives with her parents, its small sister Elisabet (mentioned: Lisabet), the farm servant Alva, Pudel Sasso and cat Gosan on the property Birkenlund in Sweden. On the neighbour property “forest-rest” live gentleman and Mrs. Nilsson with its son Abbe, Maditas best friend.
Madita is not Swedish maiden name. The original Swedish name of the title heroine reads as in the German Margareta. Their Swedish pointed name is Madicken.
In Sweden two motion picture films (Madita ( 1979), Madita and Pims became (1980)) produced. Likewise 1980 were radiated history as six-part Weihnachtsserie in the Second Channel of German Television.
10 tlg. schwed. Jugendserie nach dem Buch von Astrid Lindgren ("Du дr inte klok Madicken"; 1979).
Die Schьlerin Madita (Jonna Liljendahl) und ihre kleine Schwester Lisabet (Liv Alsterlund) erleben zusammen viele Abenteuer. Die Engstrцms (Monica Nordquist und Bjцrn Granath) sind ihre Eltern, die Nilssons (Allan Edwall und Brigitta Andersson) Onkel und Tante. Deren Sohn Abbe (Sebastian Hakansson) ist bei den Erlebnissen oft mit dabei. Zur Familie gehцrt noch Alva (Lis Nilheim).
Jede Episode war 25 Minuten lang. Die Serie lief nach Tradition der Weihnachtsserien des ZDF zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr tдglich nachmittags.
Director: Goran Graffman.
Liv Alsterlund, Brigitta Andersson, Allan Edwall, Bjцrn Granath, Bjцrn Gustafson, Sebastian Hakansson, Kerstin Hansson, Jonna Liljendahl, Lis Nilheim, Ted Åström.
Drehbuch: Astrid Lindgren nach ihrem gleichnamigen Kinderbuch.
Sweden, 1979.
Language: Swedish.
Download Madita. 1979. 10 episodes.
Madita. 1979. 10 episodes.
Madita. 1979. 10 episodes.
Madita. 10 series.
Madita. 1979. 10 episodes.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Avaeté - Semente da Vingança / Avaete, Seed of Revenge. 1985.

Аваэте - семя мести / Avaeté - Semente da Vingança / Avaete, Seed of Revenge. 1985.
 PT. Avaeté - Semente da Vingança é um filme brasileiro de 1985, dirigido por Zelito Viana. O filme de ficção faz referência ao massacre dos índios Cintas-largas ocorrido na região de Fontanillas, hoje município de Juína, no noroeste do Mato Grosso. Participaram da gravação índios da etnia Rikbaktsa.
Criança índia sobrevive a terrível massacre e passa a ser protegida por cozinheiro branco arrependido de ter participado da expedição criminosa. Já adulto, e com o assassinato de seu protetor, ele inicia a solitária e eficaz vingança contra os matadores brancos.
EN. Little Indian boy survives his tribe massacre, growing up together with his wish for revenge and his quest for his own identity. Based on a true story.
Director: Zelito Viana.
Cast: Jairo Canoeiro, Gilson Nanimpe, Aribeti Ayres, Hugo Carvana, Jurandir de Oliveira, Macsuara Kadiweu, Jayme del Cueto, Jose Dumont, Alva Junior, Abraão Silva, Milton Rodríguez.
Brazil, West Germany, 1985.
Language: Portuguese.
Аваэте - семя мести / Avaeté - Semente da Vingança / Avaete, Seed of Revenge. 1985.
Avaeté - Semente da Vingança / Avaete, Seed of Revenge. 1985.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Badhuset. 1989.

Баня / Badhuset.
 EN. Set in the WWII era, the story tells of a boy in a small village who befriends three girls around his age. One day he discovers a young couple sneaking into an old and cracked bathing shack and decides to alert his new friends. When the kids join up at the shack, the eldest girl comes up with the idea to lock the couple inside, threatening not to let them out until they "do it" and allow the kids to watch from the outside. And so begins the psychological warfare...
NO. Fortellingen utspiller seg på et småsted i Sverige under annen verdenskrig, og handler om en gutt som blir kjent med tre piker omtrent på hans egen alder. En dag oppdager han at et ungt par sniker seg inn i et gammelt og falleferdig badehus, og han bestemmer seg for å fortelle de nye vennene sine om dette. Da ungene kommer frem til badehuset, foreslår den eldste piken at de skal stenge paret inne og true dem med at de ikke slipper ut før de «gjør det» og lar ungene se på fra utsiden.
Director: Marcelo V. Racana.
Cast: David Blom, Sara Alström, Maria von Bredow, Johan H:son Kjellgren, Lena Nilsson, Anne Lindberg, Jan Abramson, Thomas Roos, Anna von Bredow, Cecilia Drott.
Sweden, Stiftelsen Svenska Filminstitutet, Sveriges Television AB TV2, Dramatiska Institutet, 1989.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Badhuset.
Баня / Badhuset.
Badhuset. 1989.

Fickende Fische / Fucking Fish. 2002.

Fickende Fische / Fucking Fish. 2002.
«Wenn du den Richtigen gefunden hast, halt ihn fest!»
"What does your paradise look like, then?" - "Dark. Quiet. Wet. And full of fish." Jan likes Shakespeare, water and fish. Nina likes roller-skates, cars and brightly dyed hair. Jan loves Nina. Nina loves Jan, but ... Do Fish Do It? is a film about first love, the problems of growing up, the vital question if fish have sex and a threat this love is exposed to. 16-year old Jan is absent-mindedly strolling through the streets when he's run over by roller-skating Nina. As fast as she has stormed into his life, however, she rushes off again. Nina is 15 years old and full of crazy ideas. She lives together with her brother, her father and his new girlfriend. Her mother isn't in touch much. That's why there is the unconventional Angel whose own daughter disappeared years ago and who is Nina's best friend and substitute mother. Jan is a little shy, with a sheltered upbringing. Yet the image of the perfect family is an illusion. Jan feels lonely and the only person who seems to understand him...
Director: Almut Getto.
Cast: Tino Mewes, Sophie Rogall, Hans Martin Stier, Annette Uhlen, Ferdinand Dux, Ellen Ten Damme, Jurgen Tonkel, Angelika Milster.
Germany, 2002.
Language: French.
Download Fickende Fische / Fucking Fish.
Fickende Fische / Fucking Fish. 2002.
Fickende Fische / Fucking Fish. 2002.

Pianke. 1983. DVD.

Pianke. 1983. DVD.
 DE. Pianke ist ein Spielfilm der DEFA im Auftrag des Fernsehens der DDR von Gunter Friedrich aus dem Jahr 1983 nach dem Roman Pianke von Peter Abraham aus dem Jahr 1981.
Zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs bewegt sich auf einem Fluss ein Segelboot zwischen den kämpfenden Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht und der sowjetischen Roten Armee. Als die deutschen Geschütze das Boot ins Visier nehmen, beginnen die Insassen das Volkslied Der Mai ist gekommen zu singen, worauf der Beschuss eingestellt wird. Nun wird die Geschichte erzählt, wie es zu dieser Situation kam, die etwa zwei Jahre vorher begann.
Herr Groß sitzt mit seinem Sohn Andreas im Luftschutzkeller seines Hauses. Nach der Entwarnung bekommt er von einem Luftschutzhelfer den Hinweis, dass vor seiner Wohnung zwei Polizisten in Zivil warten. Deshalb gehen die beiden nicht nach oben, sondern in eine Gartenlaube, die Andreas Vater bereits besorgt hatte. Auf dem Weg dorthin erklärt der Vater die Gründe des Ortswechsels, die politischer Natur sind und dass Andreas ab sofort Diethelm Krüger heißt. In der Kleingartenkolonie werden sie von dem neugierigen Blockwart Herms ausgehorcht, dem sich der Vater als Mitarbeiter Heinrich Hoffmanns, des Hausfotografen Adolf Hitlers ausgibt. Die Hoffnung des Jungen, ab nun nicht mehr zur Schule gehen zu müssen, erfüllt sich leider nicht. Der Lehrer verpasst ihm auch gleich einen neuen Spitznamen. Da er nicht sehr kräftig gebaut ist, nennt er ihn Pianke, was in der Mark der Ausdruck für Schwindelweizen ist...
EN. Rare war film from the former Socialist Germany, the story of a young German boy and his father who befriend a Jewish family...
 Director: Gunter Friedrich.
Cast: Lars Bittner, Helga Goring, Alexander Heidenreich, Renate Heymer, Volkmar Kleinert, Stefan Lisewski, Henrik Losch, Eileen Meyer, Horst Schulze, Hans Teuscher, Helga Göring, Simone von Zglinicki.
DDR, DEFA, 1983.
Language: German.
Film in high quality format DVD5.
Download DVD Pianke.
Pianke. 1983. DVD.
Pianke. 1983. DVD.

Metta Meta Gakido Koza. 1971.

Metta Meta Gakido Koza. 1971.
 Metta Meta Gakido Koza is a live-action comedy from 1971 directed by Mio Ezaki, based on a manga by Tanioka Yasuji. It’s a crazed blend of Benny Hill, Monty Python, and Takashi Miike’s Visitor Q. The main character is a lecherous boy, around twelve years old, who has a habit of hitting people on the head with an ax. (In fact, the characters are constantly inflicting violence upon each other, though there’s no blood.) Among the other characters are his brother, who is only a couple of years younger but is always dressed like a baby, and a “superhero” who wears a blue rooster costume with three leglike appendages attached for some reason. Occasionally, various characters grow huge buck teeth (a bit like the ones in the Monty Python sketch).
Director: Mio Ezaki.
Cast: Rika Fujie, Kirin Kiki, Tomomi Sawa. Miki Kawana, Kazuhito Matsubara, Attack Ichiro, Toyoko Takechi, Yaeko Wakamizu, Carrousel Maki, Yuki Sasama. Keiko Aikawa, Kyomi Sakura, Haruko Miyaji. Eiji Gô, Masahiko Tanimura, Toshiaki Minami, Takehiko Maeda, Nikaku Shofukutei, Yasuji Tanioka.
Japan, 1971.
Download Metta Meta Gakido Koza.
Metta Meta Gakido Koza. 1971.
Metta Meta Gakido Koza. 1971.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Dva lidi v ZOO. 1989.

Близнецы в зоопарке / Dva lidi v ZOO. 1989.
 CZ. Hlavní postavou je starý zoolog Montelík, přezdívaný Monty. Seznámit se s ním můžete v okamžiku, kdy se od něj odstěhuje jeho žena Josefína, protože už má dost problémů, které jim působí zvířata ze zdejší ZOO, a kdy k nim mají přijet na návštěvu vnuci Martin a Honza, k nerozeznání si podobná dvojčata. K problémům s dvojčaty, která se rozhodnou před dospělými vydávat za jednoho, však přibudou další. S ředitelem ZOO a hlavní zooložkou, kteří podvodně kšeftují se zvířaty, s mladou inženýrkou Emilkou, která se rozhodne zabránit prodeji šimpanzího mláděte, i se zvířaty samotnými.(
EN. Twin brothers are sent to Grandpa to spend some days. The Grandpa is a vet at a zoo and barely has time or patience to deal with the boys, most of the time the boys just help the animals by feeding, petting or playing their violins.
Director: Marie Poledňáková.
Cast: Miroslav Macháček, Jiřina Jirásková, Jan Hartl, Martin Morávek, Jan Morávek, Roman Skamene, Vilma Cibulková, Kateřina Macháčková, Helena Růžičková, Uršula Kluková, Zdeněk Srstka, Petr Kostka, Zdeněk Troška, Jana Štěpánková, Jaroslava Kretschmerová, Jiří Krampol, Jitka Smutná, Zdena Hadrbolcová, Ladislav Mrkvička, Marta Sládečková, Tomáš Engel, Karel Bělohradský, Marta Boháčová, Jan Faltýnek.
Czechoslovakia, Filmové Studio Barrandov, 1989.
Language: Czech, Russian.
Download Dva lidi v ZOO.
Близнецы в зоопарке / Dva lidi v ZOO. 1989.
Dva lidi v ZOO. 1989.

Regarde, Elle a les yeux grand ouverts. 1980.

Посмотри в её распахнутые глазки / Regarde, Elle a les yeux grand ouverts.Посмотри в её распахнутые глазки / Regarde, Elle a les yeux grand ouverts.

 In March 1977, six activists of the Movement for the Liberation of abortion and contraception (MLAC) were tried for the illegal practice of abortion. Around the trial, the film reveals the lives of this group of women proposing to appropriate medical knowledge associated with childbirth and abortion.
Ce documentaire relate l'experience vecue par des femmes du MLAC (association feministe fondee en 1973 et luttant pour le droit a l'avortement et la contraception) d'Aix en Provence, inculpees et jugees pour avoir pratique elles-memes des avortements (proces du 10 mars 1977). Leur lutte consistait non seulement a pratiquer des avortements, mais aussi des accouchements a domicile. Ces femmes militaient pour que l'accouchement et l'avortement soient controles et voulus par les femmes elles-memes. En arriere-plan de la lutte, s'inscrit une partie de la vie a la « Commune », une communaute pres d'Aix. 
Director: Yann Masson.
France, 1980.

Language: French.
Download Regarde, Elle a les yeux grand ouverts.
Посмотри в её распахнутые глазки / Regarde, Elle a les yeux grand ouverts.
 Regarde, Elle a les yeux grand ouverts.

Škriatok. 1995. Episode 2.

Škriatok. 1995. Episode 2.
 Seriál o dvoch deťoch a počítačovom škriatkovi. Peter a Evka práve vďaka počítačovej technike pochopia hodnoty ľudskej tvorivosti v literárnych dielach klasickej svetovej tvorby pre deti, akými sú Dobrodružstvá Toma Sawyera, Traja mušketieri, Peter Pan, V púšti a v pralese a mnohé iné. Vstupom súčasných detí do klasickej literatúry sa pôvodné príbehy začnú meniť. Peter a Evka "píšu" svoje vlastné na pôde známych situácií. Zažívajú okamihy konfliktov, nedorozumení, nebezpečenstva, ale aj zbližovania a pochopenia jeden druhého. Ich večne zaneprázdnené mamy sú prinútené uveriť neuveriteľnému. Aby svoje deti zachránili, musia tiež vojsť do sveta literatúry a detskej fantázie. Až touto skúškou môžu znova získať dôveru svojich detí a objaviť v sebe schopnosť krásneho a pre ľudský život tak prepotrebného snívania.
Director: Ľubo Kocka.
Cast: Táňa Pauhofová, Emil Huraj, Zuzana Tlučková, Ivo Gogál, Stano Dančiak, Dušan Jamrich, Vanda Tureková, Marián Slovák, Vladimír Jedľovský, Libuša Trutzová, Alžbeta Stanková, Oľga Šalagová, Zuzana Vačková-Rogelová, Juraj Predmerský, Ľubomír Gregor, Pavol Višňovský, Katarína Kolníková, Dušan Lenci, Ivan Vojtek, Zuzana Skopálová-Jányov.
Slovakia,  1995.
Language: Slovak.
Download Škriatok. 1995. Episode 2.
Škriatok. 1995. Episode 2.
Škriatok. 1995. Episode 2.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Nattlek / Night Games. 1966.

Ночные игры / Nattlek / Night Games.
 A young man and his fiancee visit the castle where he grew up. As the narrative, told in flashback, unfolds, it becomes clear that the boy's mother has been indulging in sexual peversity ranging from orgies to incest. Zetterling's second feature was adapted from her own novel and received sensational publicity at the time. The direct treatment of the subject matter - sex, birth and perversion - provoked something of an outcry from the press, who probably wouldn't bat an eyelid today.
Director: Mai Zetterling.
Cast: Ingrid Thulin, Keve Hjelm, Jorgen Lindstrom, Lena Brundin, Naima Wifstrand, Monica Zetterlund.
Sweden, 1966.
Language: Swedish.
 Subtitles: Russian.
Download Nattlek / Night Games.
Ночные игры / Nattlek / Night Games.
Nattlek / Night Games.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Žlutý kvítek. 1982.

Žlutý kvítek. 1982.
 CZ. Poetický příběh holčičky, které zelený balónek přivedl kamarády.
V poetickém příběhu jedenáctileté holčičky, kterou zranění páteře uvěznilo doma, hraje důležitou roli zelený balonek. Se vzkazem od Markéty se vznáší oblohou a dostane se do správných rukou. Děti po složitém pátrání nakonec Markétu najdou a s kamarády je její trápení snazší.
EN. A poetic story about a little girl that the green balloon brought friends.
In the poetic story of eleven-year-girls, that injuries of the spine was trapped at home, plays an important role green balloon. With a note from Margaret soars through the sky and gets into the right hands. Children after a difficult search, eventually Marguerite will find and with friends is her suffering easier.
Director: Miloš Bobek.
Cast: Monika Kvasničková, Martin Krb, Jana Preissová, Miroslav Masopust, Taťjana Medvecká, Boris Rösner, Naďa Urbánková.
Czechoslovakia, 1982.
Language: Czech.
Download Žlutý kvítek.
Žlutý kvítek. 1982.
Žlutý kvítek. 1982.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper. 1980.

Малютка Виргил и Орлан Жабоглот / Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper. 1980.
 DK. Børnefilm om drengen Lille Virgil (Bror Bødtker-Næss), der bor alene i et hønsehus, med sin etbenet hane Sigurd, som vækker ham hver morgen. Sammen med sin trofaste ven Oskar (Christian Honoré) oplever han spændende ting, blandt landsbyens særprægede beboere. Drengenes største problem er dog Orla Frøsnapper (Allan Olsen), som er byens værste bølle, og som kan tabe sine bukser af bare skræk. En dag, Lille Virgil kommer forbi et omrejsende cirkus, bliver han tilbudt at pudse en kanon for at tjene til en cirkusbillet. Men imens dukker Orla Frøsnapper op, for at få fat i Lille Virgil. For at Orla Frøsnapper, ikke skal blive opdaget af kanonkongens ejermand, får Lille Virgil en god idé, som kommer Orla Frøsnapper til ære…
EN. A magical journey into the heart of a child. It flows great in a happy mood all the way; not very much action and all these things movies have to content today. Still, for a kid, the antagonist, Orla Frogeater, is intimidating and scary at times. As is the dragon - is it real?
Director: Gert Fredholm.
Cast: Bror Bødtker-Næss, Allan Olsen, Christian Honoré, Katinka Bødtker-Næss, Karl Stegger, Elin Reimer, Peter Schrøder, Inger Hovman, Gotha Andersen, Arthur Jensen, Poul Nesgaard, Jess Ingerslev.
Denmark, 1980.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper.
Малютка Виргил и Орлан Жабоглот / Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper. 1980.
Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper. 1980.

Der Sittlichkeitsverbrecher / The Molesters. 1963.

Der Sittlichkeitsverbrecher / The Molesters. 1963.
 DE. Ein fünfjähriges Mädchen wird mitten in Zürich entführt. Die Mutter informiert sofort die Polizei, die alle umstehenden Gebäude durchsucht. Nach einigen Stunden findet man das Kind in einem Keller, wo der Täter es vergewaltigt hat. Unter Zuhilfenahme modernster wissenschaftlicher Mittel beginnt die intensive Suche nach dem Täter. Dank akribischer Spurensicherung wird er schliesslich gefunden und überführt.
In einem zweiten Fall wird geschildert, wie ein von seiner Mutter (Ellen Widmann) bevormundeter Bauernsohn (Franz Matter) sich zuerst an einem Nachbarkind und dann an Claudia, einem Ferienkind aus der Stadt, vergeht. Er kann nur gefasst werden, weil sich eine Magd getraut, der Mutter zu sagen, was das ganze Dorf schon längst weiss: Ihr Sohn ist ein Mädchenschänder.
Fall drei verfolgt die Gerichtsverhandlung gegen einen nicht geständigen homosexuellen Täter, der sich am Sohn eines Hauswarts vergangen haben soll. Der traumatisierte Junge muss nun vor dem Richter die Tat schildern, und nur dank seiner Erinnerung an ein spezielles körperliches Merkmal des Mannes kann dieser schliesslich verurteilt werden. Der letzte Fall erzählt von sexuellem Missbrauch innerhalb der Familie und rekonstruiert die Geschichte der 14-jährigen Karin, die von ihrem Stiefvater geschwängert wird.
EN. In exploring sex offenses, particularly against children, this film reveals the inner workings of the Zurich police and INTERPOL as they pursue persons accused of voyeurism, rape, fetishism, sadism, and masochism. After the criminals are arrested and given psychological tests, they may be sentenced to an institution or undergo brain surgery (with their consent) in order to be rehabilitated.
Director: Franz Schnyder.
Cast: Freddy Karsten, Peter Arens, Barbara Bietenholz, Peter Ehrlich, Eva Gaugler, Hans Gaugler, Kurt Heintel, Gaby Kaufmann, Walter Kiesler, Eva Kotthaus, Megge Lehmann, Peter Markus, Edwin Mächler.
Switzerland, 1963.
Language: English.
Download Der Sittlichkeitsverbrecher / The Molesters.
Der Sittlichkeitsverbrecher / The Molesters. 1963.
Der Sittlichkeitsverbrecher / The Molesters. 1963.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Au bout du bout du banc. 1979.

На самом краешке скамьи / Au bout du bout du banc. 1979.
Four generations of Oppenheim men gather in Paris for Isaac's 90th birthday. He's "Romeo," still a lady's man, waiting to hear from a woman to whom he has proposed, threatening suicide if she says no. They gather at Isaac's grandson's, Ben, who lives with Peggy and their son Mathias who's 10. Joining them, from Israel, is Isaac's son Elie. Against a backdrop of Elie's attempts to call his ex-wife, Ben and Peggy's marital difficulties, Mathias's budding sexuality, everyone's love of chess and practical jokes, Ben's house (shifting dangerously on its foundation), and the twentieth-century struggles of the Jews, the film explores their relationships and Isaac's aging.
Director: Peter Kassovitz.
Cast: Victor Lanoux, Jane Birkin, Georges Wilson, Henri Cremieux, Mathieu Kassovitz, Patrick Chesnais, Max Vialle, Georges Staquet, Yvonne Clech, Chloe Caillat, Fred Pasquali, Florence Giorgetti, Jean-Pierre Coffe, Patrice Minet, Odette Laure, Andre Thorent, Francoise Bertin, Rosine Young, Nathalie Guerin, Christian Varini, Jose Madeira, Caroline Cartier.
France, 1979.
Language: French.
На самом краешке скамьи / Au bout du bout du banc. 1979.
 Au bout du bout du banc. 1979.

Les soeurs Robin. 2006.

Сёстры Робен / Les soeurs Robin. 2006.
 FR. Célibataires, Marie et Aminthe vivent dans la maison de leur grand-père. Au moment où la seconde pense qu'il faut vendre cette demeure dans le but d'acheter un appartement, elle se heurte au refus catégorique de la première.
EN. Two elderly ladies, Marie and Aminthe, both single and without children, live together in the house of their grandfather. Aminthe lives in the memory of Fabien, her husband to-be, who died in Indo-China more than fifty years ago. Marie, the elder one, likes to remind the happy time of their childhood - before they lost their parents prematurely. As kids, each have their own character flaws but seem to have a pure and simple childhood. Now, they live their pensions - small -, vegetables of the kitchen garden that Marie sells at the market and of the piano courses which Aminthe gives... Not enough to maintain their old residence, badly heated and of which the roof is to be remade... But when Aminthe affirms that it is necessary to sell and buy an apartment, Marie refuses categorically. Soon we learn what secrets these girls have kept all their lives.
Director: Jacques Renard.
Cast: Line Renaud, Danièle Lebrun, Arthur Vaughan-Whitehead, Stéphanie Fatout, Elodie Le Brun, Bruno Buffoli, Cyril Brisse, René Pillot, Mathilde Verkinderen, Garance Le Guillermic, Carine Bouquillon.
France, 2006.
Language: French.
Download Les soeurs Robin.
Сёстры Робен / Les soeurs Robin. 2006.
Les soeurs Robin. 2006.

Prerušená hra / A Suspended Game. 1979.

Прерванная игра / Prerušená hra / A Suspended Game. 1979.
 Do světa dětských her i soupeření zasáhne uprchlý trestanec: unese jako rukojmí dva chlapce, aby si tak vynutil přechod do zahraničí. Souběžně sledujeme chování obou dětí i záchranné policejní akce. Všimneme si snahy vytvořit akční příběh, ale současně je zřetelný i politický podtext - mohli tvůrci myslet vážně, že by o otrlého kriminálníka mělo zájem Rakousko, které by ho přijalo s otevřenou náručí?
Director: Jozef Režucha.
Cast: Slavo Záhradník, Karol Čálik, František Kovár, Peter Kočiš, Svatopluk Matyáš, Gustáv Herényi, Milan Mach, Július Bulla, Roland Samek, Jozef Mifkovič, Ivan Macho, Nora Kuželová, Erik Jamrich, Tomáš Raček, Emil Adamík.
Czechoslovakia, 1979.
Language: Czech.
Download Prerušená hra / A Suspended Game.
Прерванная игра / Prerušená hra / A Suspended Game. 1979.
 Prerušená hra / A Suspended Game. 1979.

Blinker. 1999.

Блинкер / Blinker. 1999.
 Blinker, a boy of eleven, and his friends are really enjoying the summer holidays. A series of mysterious events and the pestering motor gang 'The Red Vampires' turns their idyllic holiday into a thrilling adventure. A feel-good family film, full of romance, suspense, emotions and above all, a heavenly philosophy! Based on the novel "Blinker and the Carrier Cycle Cinema" by Flanders' most popular children's author, Marc de Bel.
Director: Filip Van Neyghem.
Cast: Joren Seldeslachts, Melissa Gorduyn, Benny Claessens, Matthias Meersmans, Saskia Aelen, Warre Borgmans, Els Olaerts, Chris Lomme, Nathalie Meskens, Han Coucke, Kristof Verhassel.
Belgium, 1999.
Download Blinker.
Блинкер / Blinker. 1999.
 Blinker. 1999.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Vergeten straat. 1999.

Забытая улица / Vergeten straat. 1999.
 Picture this: a small dead-end street in a big Belgian city. Due to negligence in the city's building-scheme, the inhabitants of this small street find themselves suddenly confronted with expropriation and evacuation. A celebrated Flemish writer, occupying a small apartment in this street, which he uses as a working-place, witnesses how the inhabitants try to fight this injustice, but are faced with selfishness, individualism and resignation. He dreams up a new street, isolated from the world. A street in which human beings understand each other and cooperate in founding a new society. A street in which freedom, love and tolerance are no empty conceptions. A fable on the connection between imagination and reality. A film about eroticism, relationships, social disorder and the system's failure.
Director: Luc Pien.
Cast: Jos Verbist, Anja Daems, Caroline Maes, Guy Dermul, Dimitri Leue, Catherine Kools, Diederik Peeters, Rico Zermeno, Marc Peeters, Hilde Wils, Wim Opbrouck.
Belgium, 1999.
Language: Dutch.
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Забытая улица / Vergeten straat. 1999.
Vergeten straat. 1999.

Phoolan Devi / Bandit Queen. 1994.

Королева бандитов / Phoolan Devi / Bandit Queen. 1994.
 The movie tells the story of the bandit queen Phoolan Devi who was sent to prison in 1983 and got free in 1994. During five years she was prosecuted by the Indian police and turned into a legend (like a modern Robin Hood) by the Indian press. Although the press tended to make her the optimal hero with blue eyes, dark hair, being tall and beautiful she was in reality an average Indian which makes it hard for the movie to fulfill the expectations of the audience and tell the truth at the same time. Later in her life,She entered into the politics and was assassinated in 2001.
Director: Arnab Chaudhuri.
Cast: Seema Biswas, Nirmal Pandey, Rajesh Vivek, Aseem Bajaj, Deepak Chibber, Basant Rawat, Raghuvir Yadav, Anirudh Agarwal, Manoj Bajpayee, Puran Bhatt, Ranjit Chowdhry.
UK, India, 1994.
Language: Hindi, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
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Королева бандитов / Phoolan Devi / Bandit Queen. 1994.
Phoolan Devi / Bandit Queen. 1994.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Sennenbi / The Thousand Year Fire. 2004.

Тысячелетний огонь / Sennenbi / The Thousand Year Fire.
 Having lost both his mother and father, an 11-year-old city boy is sent to live with his grandparents in a small seaside village. Feeling responsible for his father's accidental death, he becomes increasingly introverted and finds himself unable to make friends with the local kids. Then an eccentric elderly doctor takes him under his wing, and tells him of an ancient ceremony where a sacred flame must be brought back from a remote island by a lone swimmer.
Director: Naoki Segi.
Cast: Shohei Murata, Miho Fujima, Kikuo Kaneuchi, Chiyoka Kitasaki, Tetsuro Tanba, Shingo Tsurumi, Sadao Watanabe, Nana Yamashita, Kazuko Yoshiyuki.
Japan, 2004.
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Тысячелетний огонь / Sennenbi / The Thousand Year Fire.
 Sennenbi / The Thousand Year Fire. 2004.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Izgubljeni zavičaj / Lost Homeland. 1980.

Izgubljeni zavičaj / Lost Homeland. 1980.
 HR. Izgubljeni zavičaj je jugoslavensko/hrvatski dramski film iz 1980. koji je režirao Ante Babaja. Film je nastao slobodnom adaptacijom dvaju proznih djela Slobodana Novaka: kratkog romana Izgubljeni zavičaj te segmenta Nekropola iz romana Izvanbrodski dnevnik, koji je iskorišten kao okvir priče filma. Glavne uloge tumače Nereo Scaglia, Zvonimir Črnko, Miljenko Mužić i Neda Spasojević. Radnja se odvija oko jednog gospodina koji odlazi na otok radi sprovoda člana obitelji, ali iskapanja arheologa kraj groblja potiču kod njega uspomene te se prisjeti svojeg djetinjstva, kada je živio na imanju Kontese Valerije čijim je imanjem upravljao njegov otac. Sudjelovao je u berbi grožđa i ulovu riba, ali mu se s vremenom zgadilo kako se njegov otac podcjenjivački i nepravedno ponašao prema malim seljacima s jedne strane, a vrlo podložno prema Valeriji s druge.
Prema anketi 44 filmskih kritičara iz 1999. u kojoj se određivala lista 20 najboljih hrvatskih filmova, Izgubljeni zavičaj se našao na 13. mjestu.
EN. Poetic and slow, with beautiful photography, this is the third feature-length film of director Ante Babaya. Shows life and customs on Croatian Adriatic islands before World War II. The funeral in his native village on an Adriatic island, evokes the main character's reminiscences from the childhood, but the bygone time exist only in his memories. He recalls his childhood, when his father was a steward of a rich woman. He remembers his father's conflicts with peasants, farmers and fishermen, the world which was strange to him because of injustice and suffering of others. But he also recalls the world after the war, when new government disowned the former ruling class and introduced new injustice and suffering.
Director: Ante Babaja.
Cast: Nereo Scaglia, Zvonimir Crnko, Miljenko Muzic, Neda Spasojevic, Ines Fancovic, Ivo Gregurevic, Ante Vican, Miodrag Krivokapic, Marija Kohn, Zaim Muzaferija, Jasminka Poklecki, Andjelko Stimac
Yugoslavia, Croatia, 1980.
Language: Croatian.
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Izgubljeni zavičaj / Lost Homeland. 1980.
Izgubljeni zavičaj / Lost Homeland. 1980.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Memoirs of a Survivor. 1981.

Memoirs of a Survivor. 1981.
'D' is a chronicler of a society in chaos, who looks down on the marauding gangs, and rubbish-strewn streets from the fortress prison of her flat. Buffeted by inner dreams and longings, D finds an alternative world by stepping through the wall of her flat, like Alice through the Looking Glass. Here it is Victorian England, the bosom of an unsettled family, harbingers, perhaps, of the decay to come. She flits between the two sides of her double life, always observing, never participating, and watches as her protégé, Emily, becomes involved with vagrants' leader Gerald and their efforts to control the violent scavengers fail.
Director: David Gladwell.
Cast: Julie Christie, Christopher Guard, Leonie Mellinger, Debbie Hutchings, Nigel Hawthorne, Pat Keen, Georgina Griffiths, Christopher Tsangarides, Mark Dignam, Alison Dowling, John Franklyn-Robbins, Barbara Hicks, John Comer.
UK, 1981.
Language: English.
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Memoirs of a Survivor. 1981.
Memoirs of a Survivor. 1981.
Memoirs of a Survivor. 1981.

Vilko Dantu Karoliai / A Wolf Teeth Necklace. 1997.

Ожерелье из волчьих зубов / Vilko Dantu Karoliai / A Wolf Teeth Necklace. 1997.
LT. Režisieriaus Algimanto Puipos filmas, sukurtas Leonardo Gutausko romano motyvais. Herojus - Šimas Tadas. Distancija tarp jo vaikystės ir dabarties sudaro keturių dešimtmečių istorinį kontekstą, atskleidžia visuomeninio gyvenimo pokyčius. Scenarijaus autorius Algimantas Puipa. Operatorius Viktoras Radzevičius.
EN. A famed Lithuanian painter expresses the torment of his youth through his paintings. But lately, even his work provides no solace, for he falls into a deep mid-life crises and can find no inspiration. This grim, earnest and arty drama looks back upon his formative years, the joy of which were destroyed by Stalin's policies. The darkness began for him when his father was arrested for being an enemy of the state and sent to a Siberian prison. The boy and his remaining family become social pariahs, and the only way his mother can support them is to prostitute herself to the local police and politicians. Eventually the young painter is sent to the countryside, but even there, he cannot escape the fear and oppression. To cope, he becomes hard and cynical; his mother too changes dramatically and when the father finally returns home, he finds himself among virtual strangers. 
Director: Algimantas Puipa.
Cast: Vidas Petkevicius, Monika Biciunaite, Ricardas Kavaliauskas, Remigijus Bilinskas, Linas Keina. 
Lithuania, 1997.
Language: Lithuanian.
Subtitles: Russian, English.
Download Vilko Dantu Karoliai / A Wolf Teeth Necklace.
Ожерелье из волчьих зубов / Vilko Dantu Karoliai / A Wolf Teeth Necklace. 1997.
Vilko Dantu Karoliai / A Wolf Teeth Necklace. 1997.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Vuelve. 2012.

Вернись / Vuelve. 2012.
 ES. Gabriel vive junto a sus padres en un antiguo monasterio convertido en museo. Las tensas relaciones entre Gregorio y Sofía, debido a un pasado que ocultan, conllevan al intempestivo suicidio de la madre afectando la estabilidad emocional del chico. En su inquietante duelo, Gabriel iniciará una serie de acciones buenas, con la idea de acercarse a la imagen de ella, mientras se devela el pasado oscuro de la familia.
EN. A visual incursion into the troubles psyche of a young boy whose unstable and manipulative mother committed suicide in front of him.
Vuelve follows the mental turmoil of a boy, Gabriel, dealing with the sudden and explicit suicide of his unstable mother, to whom he was symbiotically attached. One day she appears before him, and promises that God will give her a new lease of life if he acts out ‘good’ deeds on earth. Starting with seemingly innocuous acts and progressing in both intensity and malice, the boy follows the orders from his mother’s apparition. His compulsive desire to have her back drives the cruelty of his acts to an extent beyond what anyone thought possible.
Director: Iván Noel.
Cast: Juan Carrasco, Romina Pinto, Renzo Sabelli, Guillermo Tassara, Leticia Vota,  Rodrigo López, Dardo Leal, Ana Juárez.
Argentina, 2012.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1920x1080 HD
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Вернись / Vuelve. 2012.
 Vuelve. 2012.