Monday, December 30, 2019

Chroniques sexuelles d'une famille d'aujourd'hui / Sexual Chronicles of a French Family. 2012.

Chroniques sexuelles d'une famille d'aujourd'hui / Sexual Chronicles of a French Family. 2012.
 FR. Des petits déjeuners où les silences sont parfois pesants, des dîners où on parle de tous les sujets sauf de sexe ; le quotidien d’une famille d’aujourd’hui est ébranlé quand le fils cadet est pris en flagrant délit, lors d’un cours de biologie à l’école, en train de se masturber...
EN. The school catches 18-year-old Romain video taping himself masturbating in class and suspends him. Though the school drops the matter after learning it's only one incident in a game in which all students participate, Romain remains distressed. He's still a virgin and the only member of his family not engaged in sexual activity.
Director: Pascal Arnold, Jean-Marc Barr.
Cast: Mathias Melloul, Valerie Maes, Stephan Hersoen, Leila Denio, Nathan Duval, Yan Brian, Adeline Rebeillard, Philippe Duquesne.
France, 2012.
Language: Russian (French).
Download Chroniques sexuelles d'une famille d'aujourd'hui / Sexual Chronicles of a French Family. 2012.
Chroniques sexuelles d'une famille d'aujourd'hui / Sexual Chronicles of a French Family. 2012.
Chroniques sexuelles d'une famille d'aujourd'hui / Sexual Chronicles of a French Family. 2012.

Alice in den Städten / Alice in the Cities. 1974. HD.

Alice in den Städten / Alice in the Cities. 1974. HD.
 Alice in the Cities (German: Alice in den Städten) is a 1974 German road movie directed by Wim Wenders. It is the first part of Wenders' "Road Movie trilogy", also which includes The Wrong Move (1975) and Kings of the Road (1976). The film is shot in black and white by Robby Müller with several long scenes without dialogue. The film's theme foreshadows Wenders' later film Paris, Texas.
German journalist Philip Winter has a case of writer's block when trying to write an article about the United States. He decides to return to Germany, and while trying to book a flight, encounters a German woman and her nine year old daughter Alice doing the same. The three become friends (almost out of necessity) and while the mother asks Winter to mind Alice temporarily, it quickly becomes apparent that Alice will be his responsibility for longer than he expected. After returning to Europe, the innocent friendship between Winter and Alice grows as they travel together through various European cities on a quest for Alice's grandmother.
Director: Wim Wenders.
Cast: Yella Rottländer, Rüdiger Vogler, Lisa Kreuzer, Edda Köchl, Ernest Boehm, Sam Presti, Lois Moran, Didi Petrikat, Hans Hirschmüller, Sibylle Baier, Mirko.
West Germany, 1974.
Language: German, English, Dutch.
1920x1080 HD
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Alice in den Städten / Alice in the Cities. 1974. HD.
Alice in den Städten / Alice in the Cities. 1974. HD.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Agosto / August. 2015. HD.

Agosto / August. 2015. HD.
 IT. Un bimbo, una bimba e il vagabondare sospeso tra gli indizi dellТestate. Agosto ш unТatmosfera, ш il caldo che dilata il tempo e lascia esplodere i luoghi negli occhi dei due piccoli protagonisti.
FR. Deux enfants, la campagne. Les heures que s’écoulent, lentes dans un chaud mois d’août. Leur désir d’aventure.
EN. For the courageous idea to narrate the magical suspension of childhood expanded time, Agosto received the Jury Special Mention. The short film is the first collaborative work between Adriano Valerio and Eva Jospin. It is about two children and their adventures in the countryside during a very hot month of August spent in Northern Italy.
Directors: Eva Jospin, Adriano Valerio.
Cast: Ada Thoretton, Oscar Thoretton.
France, Italy, 2015.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Italian.
1280x720 HD
Download Agosto / August. 2015.
Agosto / August. 2015. HD.
Agosto / August. 2015. HD.

Así del precipicio / On the Edge. 2006.

Así del precipicio / On the Edge. 2006.
ES. Así del precipicio es una película mexicana de 2006 de género dramático, dirigida por Teresa Suárez. Protagonizada por Ana de la Reguera, Ingrid Martz y Gabriela Platas.
Después de una intensa noche de drogas y sexo, Lucía, cansada de las mentiras de Matías, decide terminar con él definitivamente. La vida de excesos harán que llegue tarde al llamado de un comercial, donde trabaja, y será despedida. Un altercado con un limpiavidrios que insiste en limpiar el parabrisas de su coche, hará que pierda el control y, obedeciendo a un impulso irrefrenable a causa de su estado, le disparará con una pistola. Lucía es detenida, pero gracias a las influencias pasará solamente unas cuantas horas en la delegación. Hanna se encuentra en una crisis matrimonial. Mientras espera convencerse de que el divorcio es realmente lo que quiere, se va a vivir con Lucía y Carmen. Hanna conocerá a la Señora Romano en la tienda lujosa donde trabaja, y por primera vez considerará que le guste una mujer. Carmen, una artista conceptual, retrasa el término de su obra pasando día y noche drogándose en un reventón. Lucía promete no meterse más drogas y alcohol, y logra mantenerse limpia dos semanas, hasta que vuelve a ver a Matías. Él le vuelve a mentir y recae en las drogas. Carmen mira cómo unos narcotraficantes (a quienes confunde con la policía judicial) se llevan a Piti, y paranoica, corre a esconderse. Al tratar de huir de la ciudad, cae al precipicio. Lucía acepta que no puede sola y pide ayuda. Lo primero es reconocer que es adicta.
EN. Three flatmates in Mexico City face uncertainties: Lucía who has a great job as an art director for TV commercials is abusing alcohol and cocaine. She risks losing her job, going to prison for assault, and she's woefully in love with a bullfighter who may be two-timing her. Carmen, an artist without income, can be manic - snorting lots of cocaine and hanging out with a gay man and a transvestite. What's her future? Hanna contemplates divorce from Abraham, a wealthy momma's boy, and she's disoriented by feelings of attraction to Sandra, a customer at her jewelry store. Can any of these poor little rich girls sort things out in a world of excess?
Director: Teresa Suarez.
Cast: Ana de la Reguera, Ingrid Martz, Gabriela Platas, Daniel Vives, Anna Ciocchetti, Sandra Romano, Alejandro Nones, Rafael Amaya, Roberto Medina.
Mexico, 2006.
Language: Spanish.
Download Así del precipicio / On the Edge. 2006.
Así del precipicio / On the Edge. 2006.
Así del precipicio / On the Edge. 2006.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Anthology of short films. Part 77.

Anthology of short films. Part 77.
 The new release of an anthology of short films, number seventy seven, the last for this year. Today there are ten films in the program, almost all fresh in HD. This time I am very lazy and therefore only the names of the mini-films...
1. Fool's Day.
USA, 2013.
2. Monstagram.
USA, 2017.
3. Freak.
Sweden, Stockholms Konstnärliga Högskola, 2017.
4. Les jumeaux ne sont pas des Enfants.
France, 2012.
5. Tyler.
USA, 2014.
6. Een meisje wordt vrouw / A Girl becomes a woman.
Denmark, 1978.
7. Spring.
USA, 2017.
8. Desintegración.
Spain, Dream Zero Films, 2014.
9. Curricán.
Spain, UK, 2015.
10. Por un infante difunto.
Spain, Tinieblas Films, 1998.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 77.
Anthology of short films. Part 77.
Anthology of short films. Part 77.
Anthology of short films. Part 77.
Anthology of short films. Part 77.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Les diables / The Devils. 2002. HD.

Les diables / The Devils. 2002. HD.
 FR. Ils sont deux à fuguer sans arrêt, un garçon et une fille, frère et sœur. Deux enfants perdus, abandonnés à la naissance. Chloé ne parle pas, hors du monde, et ne supporte pas qu'on la touche. Elle dessine toujours la même maison. Elle marche aussi, droit devant elle, un drôle de sourire sur le visage, comme si ses pas la conduisaient vers un endroit précis.
Joseph lui organise les fugues, puis la suit, la protège, persuadé qu'elle veut retrouver la maison de leurs parents. Qu'elle en a le pouvoir. Et qu'une fois son but atteint, elle guérira. C'est son rêve à Joseph : avoir une maison à lui, une famille, une sœur avec qui il puisse communiquer et jouer... Une sœur qui lui rende un peu de l'amour insensé qu'il a pour elle.
EN. Les Diables (The Devils) is a 2002 French drama film from director Christophe Ruggia starring Adèle Haenel and Vincent Rottiers.
The siblings Joseph and Chloé are 12 and have just been placed on another children's home. For years they were on the same or separate homes or on the run together. Chloé is an autist. She does not talk, feels panic when touched, and eats only when told so. Joseph dearly loves her and firmly thinks she needs him. The child psychiatrist agrees that he has a very positive influence. Joseph dreams that Chloé will recover if they find their parents. The psychiatrist finds the mother. But she is also an autist. When the children were one year old she left them on the street just from an impulse. This is the first crack of Joseph's dream. The children escape from this home. When they are caught next time Chloé is send to a mental hospital. The same thing is about to happen to Joseph after a suicidal attempt in the police arrest. Because of his friendship with the gang leader lots of children liberate him on the way. With much violence they also liberate Chloé. Eventually Joseph will have...
Director: Christophe Ruggia.
Cast: Adèle Haenel, Vincent Rottiers, Rochdy Labidi, Jacques Bonnaffé, Aurélia Petit, Galamelah Lagra, Dominique Reymond, Frédéric Pierrot, Danielle Ambry, Azouz Begag, Omar Bekhaled, Laurence Cormerais, Khereddine Ennasri .
France, Spain, 2002.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Les diables / The Devils. 2002.
Les diables / The Devils. 2002. HD.
Les diables / The Devils. 2002. HD.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Les bottes. 2004.

Les bottes. 2004.
 FR. En mai 1968, Caroline, onze ans, quitte les événements parisiens pour la campagne. Sa Mère l'inscrit en arrivant à un stage d'équitation. Unique élève de Monsieur Peyrac, elle conçoit une folle passion pour le bel homme silencieux. Le problème est que sa mère aussi s'est entichée du beau professeur…
EN. This one is hard to find: a France 3 production that deals with the events of May 1968 as seen by a very impressionable twelve year old girl. Caroline and her mother and sister go to their house in the country to wait out the turmoil of the bogus revolution, while Dad keeps working in the city. Caroline falls for the dashing Philippe, her riding instructor (wonderful performance from Pascal Greggory, trimly bearded), and so does her mother; the latter two carry out a torrid affair.
Marie-France arrives on the scene, she is also struck by the macho Philippe and moves in with him. By now there are so many female aggressions going on, you wonder how they can all be resolved without wholesale killings.
Director: Renaud Bertrand.
Cast: Pascal Greggory, Anne Brochet, Daphné Baiwir, Albane de la Chapelle, Olivier Saladin, Marc Rioufol, Jean Rochefort.
France, 2004.
Language: French.
Les bottes. 2004.
Les bottes. 2004.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Angela. 1995. HD.

Angela. 1995. HD.
 Angela is a 1995 drama film directed by Rebecca Miller and starring Miranda Stuart Rhyne, Charlotte Eve Blythe, and Anna Levine. Miller's directorial debut, it won awards at the Sundance Film Festival, the Brussels International Festival of Fantasy Film and the Gotham Awards.
The ten year-old Angela and her little sister Ellie move to an old house in the countryside with her parents Mae and Andrew. Their mother has mental illness and has just left an institution and her husband tries to keep the dysfunctional family together. Angela is an imaginative disturbed girl that might have inherited the illness of her mother and is obsessed by purification to get rid of her sins; and has visions of the fallen angel Lucifer and the Virgin Mary. She leads her little sister in her paranoia and uses a circle of toys and dolls to protect them against evil. They have a crazy neighbor that Angela believes is an angel and she asks the woman how to find the way to heaven. When Mae returns to the institution, Angela becomes uncontrollable in her quest to heaven.
Director: Rebecca Augusta Miller.
Cast: Miranda Rhyne, Charlotte Eve Blythe, Anna Levine, John Ventimiglia, Ruth Maleczech, Vincent Gallo, Garrett Bemer, Peter Facinelli, Hynden Walch, Henry Stram, Caitlin Hall, Frances Conroy.
USA, 1995.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download Angela. 1995.
Angela. 1995. HD.
Angela. 1995. HD.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Pecado Horizontal. 1982.

Pecado Horizontal. 1982.
 PT. Após 15 anos sem se verem, três amigos (Marcos, Bruno e Guina) se reencontram durante um casamento na cidadezinha onde foram criados. Cada um dos três conta uma aventura sexual do passado ocorrida com alguma mulher da cidade. A partir daí, o filme é intercalado com passagens em flashback que mostram as histórias de cada um.
EN. In a small town, three men meet after 15 years for a wedding and, instead of attending the ceremony, they go to a bar and start remembering the past, along with their sexual adventures.
Director: José Miziara.
Cast: Mariza Sommer, Matilde Mastrangi, Zilda Mayo, Paulo Ramos, Antônio Fonzar, Danton Jardim, Clayton Silva, Felipe Levy, José Miziara, Renée Casemart, Rubens Moral, Genésio de Carvalho.
Brazil, 1982.
Language: Portuguese.
Download Pecado Horizontal. 1982.
Pecado Horizontal. 1982.
Pecado Horizontal. 1982.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Viktoria. 2014. HD.

Viktoria. 2014. HD.
 Viktoria (Bulgarian: Виктория) is a 2014 Bulgarian-Romanian drama film written, directed and produced by Maya Vitkova. The film premiered in-competition in the World Cinema Dramatic Competition at 2014 Sundance Film Festival on January 19, 2014.
On January 26, it premiered at 2014 International Film Festival Rotterdam. The film later screened at the 2014 Göteborg International Film Festival.
On 10 November, 1979 - 10 years before the collapse of Communism in Europe, Boryana is determined not to give birth to a child in Communist Bulgaria. The only thing Boryana longs for is to escape to the West. But despite her attempt to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy, her baby survives... Unwanted, Viktoria is born with no umbilical cord to connect her to her mother and thus proclaimed "the baby of the decade". Viktoria becomes a symbol of Communist Bulgaria. While growing up, she dominates her environment and is at subconscious war with her mother - the one who didn't want her. But on 10 November, 1989, when the political situation collapses, turning Viktoria's life upside down, the hardships of the new time bind her and her mother together.
Director: Maya Vitkova.
Cast: Irmena Chichikova, Daria Vitkova, Kalina Vitkova, Mariana Krumova, Dimo Dimov, Georgi Spasov, Anastasia Ingilizova, Svetoslav Draganov, Simeon Tsolov.
Bulgaria, Romania, 2014.
Language: Bulgarian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
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Viktoria. 2014. HD.
Viktoria. 2014. HD.

Verbotene Liebe / Forbidden Love. 1989. HD.

Verbotene Liebe / Forbidden Love. 1989. HD.
  DE. Verbotene Liebe ist ein DEFA-Spielfilm des Regisseurs Helmut Dziuba aus dem Jahr 1989.
Der 18-jährige Georg liebt die 13-jährige Nachbarstochter Barbara (Julia Brendler). Als sich herausstellt, dass beide miteinander geschlafen haben, zeigt Barbaras Vater ("Tatort"-Ermittler Peter Sodann) den Jungen an - aber hauptsäch­lich, um dessen verhasstem Vater eins auszuwischen. Als Georg vor Gericht gestellt werden soll, bieten seine Mitschüler der Staatsmacht die Stirn… Das Drehbuch nach einer in der DDR lange verbotenen Erzählung lag drei Jahre lang auf Eis, erst am Vorabend der Wende konnte sich Helmut Dziuba an die Verfilmung machen - die leider etwas hölzern ausfiel.
Uncensored Version.
EN. Sensitive, honest, balanced, beautifully photographed drama that - 10 years after date - is still more actual considering the more and more uptight reaction towards sexuality as such of, and as expression of love between young people. With sharpness the film shows the inhuman attitude and petit bourgeois hypocracy of the community and the destructive effect of only following rules.
Uncensored Version.
Director: Helmut Dziuba.
Cast: Julia Brendler, Hans-Peter Dahm, Gudrun Ritter, Heide Kipp, Peter Sodann, Karin Gregorek, Rolf Dietrich, Dietrich Körner, Gert Gütschow, Bärbel Röhl, Stefan Rehberg, Joachim Konrad, Karl Kranzkowski.
DDR, DEFA, 1989.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Verbotene Liebe / Forbidden Love. 1989.
Verbotene Liebe / Forbidden Love. 1989. HD.
Verbotene Liebe / Forbidden Love. 1989. HD.

Die Vorstadtkrokodile. 1977.

Die Vorstadtkrokodile. 1977.
 DE. Die Vorstadtkrokodile ist ein Fernsehfilm von Wolfgang Becker aus dem Jahr 1977 nach dem Kinderbuch Vorstadtkrokodile von Max von der Grün. Die Erstausstrahlung fand am 25. Dezember 1977 im Abendprogramm des Deutschen Fernsehens statt, eine Wiederholung in zwei Teilen am 3. und 4. Januar 1978 im Nachmittagsprogramm.
Die Vorstadtkrokodile, das ist eine widerspenstige Bande von 10-13-Jährigen. Nicht nur kess mit der Zunge, sondern auch mal flink mit der Faust. Um bei den Krokodilern aufgenommen zu werden, muss man eine gefährliche Mutprobe bestehen. Erst dann darf man sich das Bandenabzeichen, ein Krokodil, auf die Jeans nähen. So klettert Hannes auf den Dachfirst der alten Ziegelei, doch beim Abstieg rutscht er ab und bleibt hilflos an der Regenrinne hängen. Die Krokodile nehmen Reißaus. Ein Glück, dass Kurt alles beobachtet und die Feuerwehr ruft. Kurt ist an den Rollstuhl gefesselt, aber der "Rennfahrer" erkämpft sich mit Witz und Köpfchen einen Ehrenplatz in der Gruppe. Und weil Kurt mehr im Kopf hat als andere in den Beinen, gelingt es ihnen die Einbruchsbande, die in der Papageien-Siedlung ihr Unwesen treibt, zu stellen.
EN. It is about a gang of middle class teen kids who stumble upon a crime in their neighborhood. Remarkably one of the gangmembers is in a wheelchair, he is somewhat the leader of the group.
Director: Wolfgang Becker.
Cast: Wolfgang Sieling, Rita Ramachers, Thomas Bohnen, Thomas Müller, Josef Sieger, Holger Schneider, Heinz Bäther, Martin Semmelrogge, Manfred Rudolph.
West Germany, 1977.
Language: German, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
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Die Vorstadtkrokodile. 1977.
Die Vorstadtkrokodile. 1977.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Den store badedag / The Great Day on the Beach. 1991. HD.

Den store badedag / The Great Day on the Beach. 1991. HD.
 DK. Den store badedag er en dansk film fra 1991, der omhandler arbejderkvarter på Vesterbro i midten af trediverne. I filmen møder man den seksårige Gustav Adolf, hans storskrydende far, og hans kærlige, naivt-kloge mor, der er svensker. En udflugt til stranden, som familien en søndag foretager sammen med andre af kvarterets særprægede beboere, får et uventet forløb og betyder, at Gustav Adolfs beundring for faderen får et knæk.
EN. The Great Day on the Beach (Danish: Den store badedag) is a 1991 Danish drama film directed by Stellan Olsson. The film was selected as the Danish entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 64th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
Copenhagen 1930. Through the eyes of a boy, his family and the outside world is depicted. A well knit, working class family. The boy has great expectations on his father. This leads to the involuntary unmasking of the father.
Director: Stellan Olsson.
Cast: Erik Clausen, Nina Gunke, Benjamin Rothenborg Vibe, Jesper Klein, Hans Alfredson, Liselotte Lohmann, Bjarne Liller, Kirsten Rolffes, Yvonne Schaloske, Karina Rasmussen, Steen Stig Lommer.
Denmark, Sweden, 1991.
Language: Danish, Swedish.
Subtitles: Danish.
1920x1080 HD
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Den store badedag / The Great Day on the Beach. 1991. HD.
Den store badedag / The Great Day on the Beach. 1991. HD.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Toto le héros / Totò the Hero. 1991. HD.

Toto le héros / Toto the Hero. 1991. HD.
 FR. Toto le héros est un film franco-germano-belge réalisé par Jaco Van Dormael, sorti en 1991.
À travers une mosaïque complexe de flashbacks, un vieil homme du nom de Thomas Van Hasebroeck (Toto) se souvient de la vie apparemment sans éclat qu'il a menée et imagine comment les événements auraient pu tourner différemment.
Depuis l'âge de huit ans, Thomas est persuadé — à tort ou à raison — d'avoir été échangé par erreur à sa naissance avec un autre bébé, son voisin Alfred Kant. La jalousie ressassée à l'égard de cet homme mieux loti lui a gâché toute son existence, parfois avec des conséquences tragiques pour ses proches. Il ne songe qu'à se venger et envisage même de tuer Alfred. Pourtant Thomas trouvera sur le tard une manière plus originale de donner un sens à sa vie.
EN. Thomas and Alfred were born around the same time; a fire in the nursery had nurses scrambling to save the newborns. Because he felt that he deserved Alfred's good fortune at being born into a wealthy family, Thomas conceives the idea that he and Alfred were switched at birth, and he can't help seeing that his unhappiness should be Alfred's, from the loss of his sister to his inability to have a relationship with the woman Evelyne. So, as his life is ending, he formulates a plan of revenge against his bitter enemy, his lifetime adversary, the man who stole his existence.
Director: Jaco Van Dormael.
Cast: Michel Bouquet, Mireille Perrier, Jo De Backer, Gisela Uhlen, Thomas Godet, Sandrine Blancke, Peter Böhlke, Didier Ferney, Hugo Harold-Harrison, Fabienne Loriaux, Klaus Schindler, Pascal Duquenne.
Belgium, France, Germany, 1991.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1920x1080 HD
Download Toto le héros / Totò the Hero. 1991:
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Toto le héros / Totò the Hero. 1991. HD.
Toto le héros / Totò the Hero. 1991. HD.

L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978. DVD.

L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978. DVD.
 IT. L'immoralità è un film drammatico del 1978 diretto da Massimo Pirri.
In una villa solitaria, posta in un parco a qualche chilometro di distanza dall'abitato, vivono la signora Vera, suo marito da tempo immobilizzato su di una sedia a rotelle e la dodicenne Simona. Mentre la madre cerca evasioni con gli uomini dei dintorni e in casa passa il tempo a bisticciare con il marito, la ragazzina trascorre molte ore nel parco o nascosta in casa a spiare i genitori. Un giorno Simona si imbatte in Federico, un giovane ferito e inseguito perché ha ucciso una bambina dopo averla violentata. La piccola nasconde il fuggitivo, ma ben presto la madre si accorge della presenza dell'uomo e intreccia con lui una relazione. Vera, avendo capito di chi si tratta, ha la ben precisa intenzione di servirsi di Federico per eliminare il marito. Simona, maturata in fretta, desidera un figlio da Federico. La situazione precipita, anche perché i sospetti della polizia e dei "vigilanti" si stanno accentrando sulla villa...
EN. Federico is a child-killer running from the law. Wounded, he is taken in by a 12 year old girl named Simona. Their strange love affair is interrupted by Simona's depressed, oversexed mother Vera, who concocts a plan with Federico to kill her wheelchair-bound, reclusive husband. Simona does not take kindly to this new relationship between Federico and Vera.
L'Immoralita is a film that is difficult to pigeon hole into one 'type' of film, but suffice to say it's an entertaining and well worked thriller with enough substance to satisfy most viewers, providing they can stomach the sometimes uncomfortable tone of the movie. Almost everything about the film really is rather detestable and as such the characters are hard to care for; making watching the film akin to watching a car crash at times. The film begins with a scene that sees a man carrying the body of a dead girl before burying her, and then being pursued by a bunch of people with guns. This man turns out to be Federico; a murderer and paedophile, wanted for killing children. Wounded, he bumps into a young girl who he befriends after she offers him shelter. The girl lives with her parents; the mother, lauded as the town slut, and her dilapidated father who is rotting away in a wheelchair. The murderer and the child grow closer together despite the law being after him and the pair develops a friendship that is shattered when the mother discovers the sheltered criminal.
Director: Massimo Pirri.
Cast: Lisa Gastoni, Howard Ross, Karin Trentephol, Andrea Franchetti, Wolfango Soldati, Franco Ferri, Deborah Lupo, Ida Meda, Mel Ferrer.
Italy, 1978.
Language: Italian, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download DVD L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978:
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L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978. DVD.
L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978. DVD.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000.

Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000.
 FR. Lise, une jeune adolescente qui rêve de partir à la mer, est en plein deuil familial. Elle n'a d'autre échappatoire que la correspondance qu'elle entretient avec Gwen, sa meilleure amie. Celle-ci vit en Bretagne au sein d'une famille de marins pêcheurs en pleine crise. Au fur et à mesure de leur correspondance, les deux jeunes filles vont s'apercevoir qu'elles n'ont plus rien à se dire. Une rupture d'autant plus violente que l'attachement était grand.
EN. Girls Can't Swim (French: Les Filles ne savent pas nager) is a 2000 French coming of age drama film. It was first shown at the 2000 Montreal FilmFestival.
Even though they grew up in opposite parts of France, Gwen and Lise are best friends and spend every summer vacation together on the Brittany coast where Gwen lives and Lise's family has a summer home. But this summer is different because Lise's family isn't going on vacation for reasons that she won't explain to Gwen. Sick of her parents bickering about money and missing her bosom buddy, Gwen finds a boyfriend and mingles with some horny out-of-towners. Now fifteen, she's discovered that summer can be fun even if Lise isn't there. Then suddenly, Lise shows up at Gwen's house uninvited to stay for a couple of weeks. The following days are filled with unexpected surprises, causing the girls to reevaluate the importance of their friendship and the nature of their teenage anxieties.
Director: Anne-Sophie Birot.
Cast: Isild Le Besco, Karen Alyx, Pascale Bussières, Pascal Elso, Marie Rivière, Yelda Reynaud, Sandrine Blancke, Julien Cottereau, Dominique Lacarrière.
France, 2000.
Language: French, Russian.
Download Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000.
Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000.
Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Veruschka - poesia di una donna / Veruschka - Poetry of a Woman. 1971.

Veruschka - poesia di una donna / Veruschka - Poetry of a Woman. 1971.
 IT. Veruschka, poesia di una donna, anche conosciuto con il titolo di Veruschka, è un film italiano del 1971 diretto da Franco Rubartelli e interpretato da Veruschka.
Vera è una modella tedesca che nel pieno del successo attraversa una crisi esistenziale che la porta ad allontanarsi dal proprio amante e agente. Tenta di ritrovare l'amore della gioventù, Michael, rifugiandosi nella casa dove è cresciuta, in Germania. Ma anche qui è infelice e prova desideri di morte, cercando di estraniarsi dalla realtà attraversa l'uso di droghe. L'amante la raggiunge e la riporta in Italia, ma la loro ritrovata unione dura poco e si interrompe nuovamente, quando Vera desidera fuggire dal successo. Alla fine i due si ritrovano ancora una volta e proprio quando lei sembra aver trovato la risposta alle proprie angosce interiori i due muoiono in un incidente stradale.
EN. Fashion photographer Franco Rubartelli's visually lush and moody head film about European supermodel Veruschka.
Director: Franco Rubartelli.
Cast: Veruschka von Lehndorff, Luigi Pistilli, Gianni Di Luigi, Maria Cumani Quasimodo, Silvana Venturelli, Bruno Boschetti, Mirella Pamphili.
Italy, 1971.
Language: Italian, German.
Download Veruschka - poesia di una donna / Veruschka - Poetry of a Woman. 1971.
Veruschka - poesia di una donna / Veruschka - Poetry of a Woman. 1971.
Veruschka - poesia di una donna / Veruschka - Poetry of a Woman. 1971.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Messieurs les enfants. 1997. DVD.

Messieurs les enfants. 1997. DVD.
 FR. Messieurs les enfants est un film de Pierre Boutron, d'après l'œuvre homonyme de Daniel Pennac, réalisé en 1996 et sorti en 1997.
Pris en faute par leur professeur de français, Joseph, Igor et Nourdine se retrouvent avec pour punition le sujet suivant : "Vous vous réveillez un matin, et vous constatez que, dans la nuit, vous avez été transformé en adulte. Complètement affolé, vous vous précipitez dans la chambre de vos parents. Ils ont été transformés en enfants. Racontez la suite". Malheureusement pour eux, le sujet va devenir réalité.
EN. Messieurs les enfants is a 1997 French comedy film, directed by Pierre Boutron.
To punish three troublemakers, Albert Castraing, their French teacher, gives them an essay to do, in which they must imagine what their lives would be if they were suddenly transformed into adults. The next morning, the three twelve-year-old boys realise to their amazement that...they HAVE BEEN transformed into adults! As for they parents they have become...KIDS! It is the beginning of a series of mishaps for Joseph, a Jew, Igor, a catholic and Nourdine, an Arab...
Director: Pierre Boutron.
Cast: Pierre Arditi, François Morel, Zinedine Soualem, Catherine Jacob, Jean-Louis Richard, Michel Aumont, Anne Jacquemin, Jean-Claude Leguay, Philippe Khorsand, Géraldine Bonnet-Guérin.
France, 1997.
Language: French, Russian.
Download DVD Messieurs les enfants. 1997.
Messieurs les enfants. 1997. DVD.
Messieurs les enfants. 1997. DVD.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Astrid. 2018. 4K.

Astrid. 2018. 4K.
 DK. Astrid på tolv år er i sommerhus med sin familie. Alt er godt indtil Astrid afbryder sine forældre i en meget intim situation, som ændrer hendes opfattelse af dem fuldstændig. Astrids far lader, som om intet var hændt, men deres tætte forhold kan aldrig blive det samme. For Astrid er alting ændret, og hun skubbes ud på en ensom og sårbar rejse fra barn til voksen.
EN. Astrid twelve, she lives in a cottage with her family. Everything is in order, until Astrid finds his parents in a very intimate situation. This completely changes her attitude towards them. Father Astrid pretends that nothing happened, but their close relationship can never be the same. For Astrid, everything has changed, and her lonely journey to growing up begins.
Director: Anna Friis Sørensen.
Cast: Katharina Mohr Wegener, Dan Zahle, Ditte Marie Le-Fevre, Emma Camille Kronberg Lund.
Denmark, KBH Film & Fotoskole, 2018.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
3840x2160 Ultra HD
Download Astrid. 2018.
Astrid. 2018. 4K.
Astrid. 2018. 4K.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Muşchetarii în vacanţă / Bingo! Holiday Kids! 1984.

Muşchetarii în vacanţă / Bingo! Holiday Kids! 1984.
 Mușchetarii în vacanță este un film românesc din 1984 regizat de Savel Stiopul. Rolurile principale au fost interpretate de actorii Ernest Maftei, Matei Alexandru, Coca Andronescu.
Trei copii isi propun sa aduca, fiecare, din vacanta cate o intamplare extraordinara.
Director: Savel Stiopul.
Cast: Coca Andronescu, Serban Cantacuzino, Bogdan Carp, Nicu Constantin, Ernest Maftei, Alexandru Matei, Dana Mladin, Simona Răducu.
Romania, 1984.
Language: Romanian.
Subtitles: Romanian.
Download Muşchetarii în vacanţă / Bingo! Holiday Kids! 1984.
Muşchetarii în vacanţă / Bingo! Holiday Kids! 1984.
Muşchetarii în vacanţă / Bingo! Holiday Kids! 1984.

Cerf-volant du bout du monde / The Magic of the Kite. 1958.

Cerf-volant du bout du monde / The Magic of the Kite. 1958.
 FR. Cerf-volant du bout du monde est un film franco-chinois réalisé par Roger Pigaut en 1958. Il s'agit de la première coproduction franco-chinoise.
Dans les années 1950, à Montmartre, une bande d'enfants avec à sa tête Pierrot, toujours accompagné de sa petite sœur Nicole, découvre un magnifique cerf-volant échoué dans un arbre. Par ruse, Pierrot et ses amis récupèrent le cerf-volant et y découvrent une lettre écrite en chinois.
Grâce à un antiquaire qui leur traduit la lettre, les enfants apprennent qu'un petit garçon chinois, Song Tsiao Tsing, attend une réponse. Hélas, l'adresse est restée dans la queue du cerf-volant volée par Bébert, un ancien de la bande. L'antiquaire leur apprend également que le personnage représenté sur le cerf-volant est Sou Wou Kong, le roi des singes.
Pierrot, au fond de son lit, rêve que ce singe les transporte en Chine, lui et sa sœur, à la recherche de l'auteur de la lettre...
EN. This interesting little French film is set in a run-down suburb of Paris. It's about a group of bored children making mischief to fill the days (eg sticking a cat up a tree and then calling the fire brigade so they can watch them get it down!) One of them has a Chinese kite, with a message on a piece of paper in Chinese on it. His mates try to grab it to sell to an antique shop. One night, one of the boys and his sister are visited by a mysterious Chinaman and are promptly floated off on their bed to China in their pyjamas. The Chinaman clicks his fingers and they appear once again in their everyday clothes, and have all sorts of adventures in China.
Director: Roger Pigaut.
Cast: Patrick de Bardine, Sylviane Rozenberg, Jacques Faburel, Gérard Szymanski, Alain Astié, Henri Blanchar, Georges Desplaces, Raphaël Hassan, Claude Bougis, Chun-Hua Chang.
France, China, 1958.
Language: French, Chinese.
Download Cerf-volant du bout du monde / The Magic of the Kite. 1958.
Cerf-volant du bout du monde / The Magic of the Kite. 1958.
Cerf-volant du bout du monde / The Magic of the Kite. 1958.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Maramao. 1987.

Maramao. 1987. DVD.
 IT. Maramao è un film italiano del 1987, opera prima del regista Giovanni Veronesi e scritta da quest'ultimo assieme al fratello Sandro.
Il quasi adolescente Sandro e il fratello minore Giannino sono in vacanza, assieme alla famiglia, su un'isola privata. Qui le storie dei due bambini si intrecciano a quelle dei figli delle altre famiglie. I giovani protagonisti sono quasi lasciati a loro stessi dagli adulti, che sono inquadrati solo dalle spalle in giù e compaiono solo in momenti quali il pranzo o per mandare a letto i propri figli. Sandro avrà il primo approccio con la sessualità sull'isola, quando conoscerà la giovane Patrizia.
EN. Set at the seaside in Sardinia, the film (depicting the transformation from childhood to adolescence) is seen from the point of view of six children who pass the summer together. Adults appear only from the neck down, except an old sailor, whose wisdom only children can understand.
Director: Giovanni Veronesi.
Cast: Vanessa Gravina, Maurizio Begotti, Novello Novelli, Alberto Frasca, Carlo Monni, Cristina Sivieri, Filippo Tempesti, Romney Williams.
Italy, 1987.
Language: Italian.
Download DVD Maramao. 1987.
Maramao. 1987. DVD.
Maramao. 1987. DVD.