Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Materske znamienko / Pipo Schafft Alle. 1985.

Каникулы Пипо / Materske znamienko / Pipo Schafft Alle. 1985.
 Der kleine Tomas „Pipo“ (Jozef Vrabel) Pipko aus Bratislava nimmt einen Irish Setter in Pflege, den er Silvo tauft. Er fahrt mit ihm auf dem Fahrrad zu Onkel Sirak (Viliam Polonyi) aufs Land. Dort trifft er Marian Djurina, genannt Maros (Andrej Belak), und Katka (Katka Sulajova) aus dem Kinderheim. Nach anfanglichen Schwierigkeiten werden Pipo und Maros beste Freunde. Als die Adoptiveltern mit Mario nicht zurechtkommen, nimmt Pipos Familie ihn bei sich auf.
Die Folgen dauerten jeweils eine halbe Stunde. Die Serie lief im gleichen Jahr unter dem Titel Pipo schafft alle in der DDR.
Director: Marta Gogalova.
Cast: Jozef Vrabel, Andrej Belak, Ivo Gogal, Jan Gresso, Mikulas Huba, Lubomir Kompanik, Iveta Kozkova, Jan Kroner, Zofia Martisova, Lubomir Pavlovic.
Czechoslovakia, 1985.
Download Materske znamienko / Pipo Schafft Alle.

Каникулы Пипо / Materske znamienko / Pipo Schafft Alle. 1985.
Materske znamienko / Pipo Schafft Alle. 1985.

Pafnucio Santo. 1977.

Святой Пафнутий / Pafnucio Santo.
The controversial, sexy, surreal story of a messenger and his journey and encounters with many historical events and people like Auschwitz, the Ku Klux Klan, Frida Kahlo, Cortes and Emiliano Zapata (as a beautiful woman!).
Director: Rafael Corkidi.
Cast: Juan Barron, Pablo Corkidi, Susana Kamini, Gina Morett, Piya, Jorge Humberto Robles, Sebastián, José Luis Urquieta, María de la Luz Zendejas.
Mexico, 1977.
Language: Spanish.
Download Pafnucio Santo.
Святой Пафнутий / Pafnucio Santo. 1977.

Святой Пафнутий / Pafnucio Santo. 1977.
Pafnucio Santo. 1977.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Lilika. 1970.

Лилика / Lilika.
 Lilika is a 1970 Yugoslavian drama film directed by Branko Plesa. A story about young orphan girl who was rejected by her mother. The film won the Golden Leopard at the Locarno International Film Festival.
Director: Branko Plesa.
Cast: Dragana Kalaba, Branko Plesa, Ljerka Drazenovic, Nada Kasapic, Tamara Miletic, Gizela Vukovic, Vesna Krajina, Danilo 'Bata' Stojkovic, Ljiljana Kontic, Vladimir Pevec.
Yugoslavia, 1970.
Language: Serbian.
Download Lilika.
Лилика / Lilika.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Tomato Kecchappu Kôtei / Emperor Tomato Ketchup. 1971.

Томатный кетчуп императора / Tomato Kecchappu Kôtei / Emperor Tomato Ketchup. 1971.
Emperor Tomato Ketchup (トマトケチャップ皇帝 Tomato Kechappu Kōtei) is a Japanese short experimental film made by Shūji Terayama and released in 1971 at 27 minutes. The original "Director's Cut" version of the film as created in 1970 was re-edited from repaired original prints and released as a 75-minute feature in 1996, 13 years after Terayama's death.
A young boy is the emperor of a country in which children have overthrown the adults.
Director: Shûji Terayama.

Cast: Goro Abashiri, Tarô Apollo, Shiro Demaemochi, Mitsufumi Hashimoto, Maya Kaba, Keiko Niitaka, Masako Ono, Salvador Tari..
Japan, 1971.
Download Tomato Kecchappu Kôtei / Emperor Tomato Ketchup.

Томатный кетчуп императора / Tomato Kecchappu Kôtei / Emperor Tomato Ketchup. 1971.
Tomato Kecchappu Kôtei / Emperor Tomato Ketchup. 1971.

Le a cipövel! 1975-1976. DVD.

Долой обувь! / Le a cipovel! DVD.
 Palánk, Bádogos, Csepcsányi és a többiek először mennek háromnapos kirándulásra szülői felügyelet nélkül - minthogy már nagyfiúk.
A szülők titokban megbízzák a helybelieket, figyeljék fiaikat, vigyázzanak rájuk - minthogy azok még kisfiúk. Az "őrangyalszolgálat" kezdetben jól is működik, a bajok akkor kezdődnek, amikor a fiúk elkezdik az előre megtervezett nagy számháborút...
Director: Attila Szabó.
Cast: Fenyvesi Zoltán, Király László, Bilki Mihály, Krajczár György, Müller Péter, Kaló Flórián, Kovács Károly, Gyenge Árpád, Soós Lajos, Paudits Béla, Bánhidi László, Csala Zsuzsa, Tordai Teri, Sütő Irén, Hacser Józsa.
Hungary, 1975-1976.
Language: Hungarian.
Download DVD Le a cipövel!:
3 parts archive:

Долой обувь! / Le a cipovel! DVD.
Le a cipovel! DVD.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Den vita stenen. 1973.

Белый Камень / Den vita stenen. 1973.
 Den vita stenen ar en svensk TV-serie pa 13 delar fran 1973. Den var baserad pa Gunnel Lindes barnbok Den vita stenen fran 1964. TV-serien premiarvisades pa SVT1 fran 6 oktober till 29 december 1973. Serien visades ocksa pa norsk tv forsta gangen i 1975. Det har varit flera ganger i repris pa NRK, bland annat 1982.
Serien regisserades av Goran Graffman.
Fia bor i Haradshovdingens hus och ager den vita stenen, som inte bara ar vit och vacker utan aven len. Fia haller stenen kar men en dag traffar hon Hampus som lovar att mala ogon-nasa-mun pa kyrkklockan om han far stenen av Fia. Fia i det fina huset och skomakarens brorson Hampus utvecklar en spannande vanskap byggd pa utmaningar.
Tva barn, Fia som bor i haradshovdingens hus, och Hampus som ar skomakarens brorson, inleder en lek dar de maste utfora olika uppdrag for att kunna erovra en vit sten fran varandra. Hampus, som kallar sig Farornas konung efter en figur pa en cirkus, lovar att mala oga-nasa-mun pa kyrkuret, och lyckas med det. Fia, som anvander namnet Fideli, far utmaningen att vara tyst en hel dag, men det gor det valdigt svart for henne att varna Farornas konung nar haradshovdingen tanker undersoka vem som klottrat pa kyrkans egendom.
Screenwriter: Gunnel Linde.
Director: Goran Graffman.

Cast: Julia Hede-Wilkens, Ulf Hasseltorp, Eva Dahlqvist, Mona Dan-Bergman, Goran Graffman.
Sweden, 1973.
Language: Swedish.
The total duration of the series about 6 hours, split into 2 archives.
Download Den vita stenen:
2 parts archive:

Белый Камень / Den vita stenen. 1973.

Белый Камень / Den vita stenen. 1973.
Den vita stenen. 1973.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Child Bride. 1938.

Child Bride.
Jennie is a twelve-year-old girl living with her parents in extremely rural mountain country. Her schoolteacher, Miss Carol, though a mountain girl herself, has gone off to be educated and returned in hopes of stopping the tradition of child marriage which permeates the culture. Jennie's father Ira is a good man who tries to protect Miss Carol from the men who threaten her if she doesn't call off her crusade. One of these men, Jake Bolby, has his eye on little Jennie and plots to make her his bride.
Director: Harry Revier.
Cast: Shirley Mills, Bob Bollinger, Warner Richmond, Diana Durrell, Dorothy Carrol, George Humphreys, Frank Martin, George Morrell, Angelo Rossitto.
USA, 1938.
Language: English.
 Download Child Bride.

 Child Bride. 1938.

Child Bride. 1938.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Ben Loke'ah Bat / Boy Takes Girl. 1982.

Мальчик нравится девочке / Ben Loke'ah Bat / Boy Takes Girl.Two doctors from Tel Aviv join 'Doctors Without Borders' and travel to Thailand to help out refugees. They leave their daughter, Aya (aged 10) at a kibbutz where the children are housed by age, but not gender. Not only does she have to get used to dealing with a lot of children, making friends and enemies, she has to get used to sharing her room with boys. And sharing the showers with them too. 
Director: Michal Bat-Adam.
Cast: Gill Dontchevsky, Ayala Fiszel, Erella Ashkenazi.
Israel, 1982.

Language: English.
Download Ben Loke'ah Bat / Boy Takes Girl.

Мальчик нравится девочке / Ben Loke'ah Bat / Boy Takes Girl.
 Ben Loke'ah Bat / Boy Takes Girl.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Así del precipicio. 2006.

На грани / Asi del precipicio. 2006.

Three flatmates in Mexico City face uncertainties: Lucia who has a great job as an art director for TV commercials is abusing alcohol and cocaine. She risks losing her job, going to prison for assault, and she's woefully in love with a bullfighter who may be two-timing her. Carmen, an artist without income, can be manic - snorting lots of cocaine and hanging out with a gay man and a transvestite. What's her future? Hanna contemplates divorce from Abraham, a wealthy momma's boy, and she's disoriented by feelings of attraction to Sandra, a customer at her jewelry store. Can any of these poor little rich girls sort things out in a world of excess?
Director: Teresa Suarez.
Cast: Ana de la Reguera, Ingrid Martz, Gabriela Platas, Daniel Vives, Anna Ciocchetti, Sandra Romano, Alejandro Nones, Rafael Amaya.
Mexico, 2006.
Language: Spanish.
Download Asi del precipicio.

На грани / Asi del precipicio. 2006.
Asi del precipicio. 2006.

Agua fria de mar. 2010.

Agua fria de mar  / Холодные воды моря.
On New Year's holidays, Mariana (21) and Rodrigo (30) drive to the coast where he has to sell a property. There, they find Karina (7), late at night and in the middle of nowhere. She tells then she ran away from home.
Director: Paz Fabrega.
Cast: Luis Carlos Bogantes, Lil Quesada Morua, Adriana Alvarez.
France, Costa Rica, SpainNetherlands, Mexico, 2010.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English, Dutch.
Download Agua fria de mar.

Холодные воды моря / Agua fria de mar. 2010.
Agua fria de mar. 2010.

Xilu xiang / Little Cheung. 2000.

Маленький разносчик / Малыш Чунг / Xilu xiang / Little Cheung.
 In 1997, Little Cheung is a street-wise nine-year-old boy living in a bustling neighbourhood of Hong Kong, just before the reunification with China. His parents are always working at their restaurant, so Little Cheung becomes much closer to his grandmother and her Filipino maid Armi. Little Cheung befriends Fan, a girl his age who is an illegal immigrant from China. He splits his tips with her when she helps him deliver take-outs for his father. The pair have some amusing adventures, and delight in peeing in the drinks of a troublesome thug. Against his father's will, Little Cheung starts searching for his older brother, whom his father disowned because he became a gangster.
Director: Fruit Chan.
Cast: Chum-Yuk Chuen, Armi Andres, Robby, Wai Yiu Yung.
Hong Kong, 2000.
Language: Chinese.
Subtitles: Russian.

Маленький разносчик / Малыш Чунг / Xilu xiang / Little Cheung.
 Xilu xiang / Little Cheung. 2000.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Strazdanota vasara. 1988.

Лето в веснушках / Strazdanota vasara. 1988.

Rezisieriaus B. Talackos vaidybinis filmas pagal Broniaus Busmos apysaka "Seskas spastuose", pasakojancia apie jausmingos sielos ir lakios fantazijos desimtmecio berniuko gyvenima ir nuotykius vasara gimtajame kaime, pilname grozio, spalvu ir geru zmoniu bei pastebeta jaunuoliu meiles istorijos trikampi. Berniuko, stebincio pasauli ir zmones, vardas Adulis, o veiksmas vyksta ta vasara, kai jo brolis Rapolas "isejo i kariuomene"...  
Director: Bronius Talacka.
Cast: Haroldas Tankevicius, Илона Бальсите, Хермис Прейкштас, Аста Эйниките, Сакалас Уждавинис, Нийоле-Она Лепешкайте.
USSR; Lithuanian television studio, 1988.
Language: Lithuanian.
Download Strazdanota vasara.
Лето в веснушках / Strazdanota vasara. 1988.
Strazdanota vasara. 1988.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Daniel y Ana / Daniel and Ana. 2009.

Даниэль и Анна / Daniel and Ana. 2009.
 Daniel and Ana, brother and sister, best friends. Both are at pivotal, defining moments in their contented lives. Ana is about to be married, Daniel is a gregarious teenager discovering his personal and sexual identity. Yet their harmony is instantly shattered when they are kidnapped and something shocking happens which forces them to confront their desires and fears. Suddenly their old lives are a distant memory. Now, nothing they have known will ever be the same again.
Director: Michel Franco.
Cast: Dario Yazbek Bernal, Marimar Vega, Jose Maria Torre, Luis Miguel Lombana, Montserrat Ontiveros, Verónica Langer, Jéssica Castelán, Cristobal Martínez Yáñes.
Mexico, Spain, 2009.
Language: Spanish.

Даниэль и Анна / Daniel and Ana. 2009.
Daniel y Ana / Daniel and Ana. 2009.

Du Sel Sur La Peau. 1984.

Соль на коже / Du Sel Sur La Peau. 1984.
 The universally recognized topic of this light comedy is the struggle between refusing to fall in love only to be rejected, and falling in love, regardless. After a computer operator (Richard Bohringer) has been through a painful relationship, he is determined to look the other way every time any interesting woman enters his life. He has his other loves -- photography and model planes -- to challenge him anyway, though his mother is not about to understand how a model plane can replace a woman in his life. One day, a car breaks down in front of his house, and a young mother (Catherine Frot) with her 10-year-old daughter (Anne Clignet) come in looking for assistance. The daughter is endearing and would make a terrific subject for a photo contest. As both the young mother and the computer operator studiously ignore the flicker of romantic sparks, it is only a matter of time before the flame either grows or is extinguished. 
Director: Jean-Marie Degesves.
Cast: Michel Bawedin, Liliane Becker, Richard Bohringer, Harry Cleven, Anne Clignet, Catherine Frot, Michel Galabru, Yvette Merlin.
France, Belgium, 1984.
Language: French.
 Download Du Sel Sur La Peau.

Соль на коже / Du Sel Sur La Peau. 1984.
Du Sel Sur La Peau. 1984.

Fragile: Russian Photographer Evgeny Mokhorev.

Хрупко: Русский фотограф Евгений Мохорев / Fragile: Russian Photographer Evgeny Mokhorev.Хрупко: Русский фотограф Евгений Мохорев / Fragile: Russian Photographer Evgeny Mokhorev.

 FRAGILE is a film about photography in the Post Soviet Era in St. Petersburg. It looks at the bitter elegancy of this town, it’s citizen and the tender and graceful models of Evgeny Mokhorev.
The film accompanies Evgeny Mokhorev as he photographs people on the street in St. Petersburg in the tradition of Brassai. In the next part he shares a deep insight in his way of working with nude models. The film features several series of outstanding and moving photographs by Evgeny Mokhorev about children and teens in St. Petersburg.
In between the movie shows further interviews with honoured Art Collector Joseph Baio (Aperture Foundation), Nailya Alexander (Gallerist of Evgeny Mokhorev, New York), Ekaterina Kondranina (Curator, House of Photography, Moscow) and Dr. Irina Tchmyreva (Art Historian, Curator, Moscow).
Director: Christian Klinger.
Language: Russian, English.
Download Fragile: Russian Photographer Evgeny Mokhorev.

Хрупко: Русский фотограф Евгений Мохорев / Fragile: Russian Photographer Evgeny Mokhorev.
 Fragile: Russian Photographer Evgeny Mokhorev.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Jock Sturges, photographer.

Линия красоты и грации / Line of beauty and grace. Jock Sturges.
 All the most interesting of the fine art photographer Jock Sturges in one archive:
1. Line of beauty and grace is a tale about photography and art, family and life, dealing with the history of man and woman, life and art. Many art historians consider Jock Sturges, born in 1947, to be one of the most important fine art photographers of our times.
As a catholic and graduated in psychology and photography, he survived the attacks of conservatives in the United States. Sturges has created a series of intensely powerful and moving photographs with an outstanding sensitivity for composition and light. Sturges's artistic work is an uncompromising search for truth and clarity. His private life is marked by his open nature and inspired by the love he shares with his wife Maia.
In Line of beauty and grace, the filmmaker and photographer Christian E. Klinger journeys into the life and work of this extraordinary man.
Jock Sturges was born in New York City, and worked in San Francisco for many years. He graduated with a BFA in Perceptual Psychology and photography from Marlboro College in 1974. Later, he received an MFA in photography from the San Francisco Art Institute in 1985.
His published collections include: The Last Day of Summer (1991, Aperture), Radiant Identities (1994, Aperture), Jock Sturges (1996), Jock Sturges: New Work 1997-2000 (2000, Scalo) and Jock Sturges: Notes (2004, Aperture).
His photographs are in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Bibliothиque Nationale in Paris and Museum fьr Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt.
Director: Christian E. Klinger.
Amadelio Film, 2008.

Jock Sturges - Last Day of Summer.Jock Sturges - Last Day of Summer.
2. "The Last Day of Summer" - one of the first photo album Jock Sturges published a mass edition in 1991 in New York, just after that photographer has received worldwide fame and glory. 
Format: jpg, 1500x2500 - 2200x3200

3. The music video presentation photo album Jock Sturges Last Day of Summer.

Download Jock Sturges, photographer.

Линия красоты и грации / Line of beauty and grace. Jock Sturges.
Line of beauty and grace. Jock Sturges.

Complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.

Полная коллекция фоторабот Дэвида Гамильтона / Complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.
 The archive contains a complete collection of Hamilton's photos, over 7,000 photos, as well as scans of magazines PHOTO and calendars over the years.
Format : jpg, bmp
550x550 - 2500x1900
File Size : 800 MB
Download Complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.

Полная коллекция фоторабот Дэвида Гамильтона / Complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.
Complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.


Friday, March 4, 2016

Në ditët e pushimeve / In holidays. 1982.

На каникулах / Në ditët e pushimeve / In holidays. 1982.

AL. Një grup fëmijësh kalojnë pushimet në bregun e Adriatikut. Midis tyre është Detini një djalë i ndrydhur dhe fjalëpak shokët e vënë në lojë dhe ai mendon të largohet. Por shoku i tij më i afërt Gjini e ndihmon të rimarrë veten dhe të futet në shoqëri.
EN. Rare Albanian film about the pioneer summer. A group of children pass the vacation in the shore of Adriatic. Among them is also Detini a self isolated and shy boy. His friends play with him so he thinks to leave them. But his close friend Gjini helps him to recover and integrate with the others.
Director: Drita Koçi-Thana, Besim Kurti.
Cast: Helidon Kongo, Genti Mehmeti, Artan Pogoni, Arben Mitrushi, Elvis Kaba, Lazarin Mazreku, Erton Boçi, Sokol Balla, Genti Molko, Konstandin Kazanxhiu, Eno Bozgo.
Albania, Albfilm, Tirana, Shqipëria e Re, 1982.
Language: Albanian.
Download Në ditët e pushimeve / In holidays.
На каникулах / Në ditët e pushimeve / In holidays. 1982.
Në ditët e pushimeve / In holidays. 1982.

Një gjeneral kapet rob. 1980.

Një gjeneral kapet rob. 1980.
 Një fshat i bukur bregdetar… Çeta vullnetare e fshatit gjatë stërvitjes ushtarake ndez fantazinë e fëmijëve. Duke imituar të rriturit dhe duke imagjinuar veten në një kohë lufte ata ndahen në dy grupe dhe nisin një lojë mjaft tërheqëse. Spikat trimëria e “gjeneral” Batos dhe e Gonit.
Director:  Spartak Pecani.
Cast:  Florenc Skëndej, Enkela Doracaj, Eptan Lohja, Enrik Gjoka, Genc Dautaj, Gent Strazimiri, Endri Lulo.
Albania, 1980.
Language: Albanian.
Download Një gjeneral kapet rob.

Një gjeneral kapet rob. 1980.
Një gjeneral kapet rob. 1980.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Tirza. 2010.

Тирза / Tirza. 2010.
 Jörgen's world is crumbling. Forced into early retirement and harassed by his ex-wife, the only part of his life which makes sense - his beloved daughter Tirza - is shattered when she disappears on holiday in Namibia. After weeks of terrifying uncertainty, Jörgen goes searching for her, but the heat, his drinking and bad memories combine to unhinge him. His only ally is a child prostitute called Kaisa. Together they journey into the wilderness on Tirza's trail to discover her fate.
Director: Rudolf van den Berg.
Cast:  Sylvia Hoeks, Abbey Hoes, Johanna ter Steege, Naomi van Es, Jeroen Spitzenberger, Gijs Scholten van Aschat, Nasrdin Dchar, Titia Hoogendoorn, Michael Dube, Panduleni Hailundu, Keitumetse Matlabo.
Netherlands, 2010.
Download Тирза / Tirza.

Тирза / Tirza. 2010.

Тирза / Tirza. 2010.
Tirza. 2010.

Le tombeau des filles. 2011.

Le tombeau des filles / The Girls' Grave. 2011. HD.
Sissi and Victoria are sisters. Whereas the younger is slowly emerging from the world of childhood, the elder tries in vain to be a grown up. In the room they share, Sissi is preparing for her gymnastic competition and Victoria has boys coming and going.
Director: Carmen Jaquier.
Cast: Sharon Oberson, Anissa Cadelli, Vincent Weber, Etienne Garachon, Paul Ferens.
Switzerland, Ecole Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne, 2011.
Geneve, Cinema Tous Ecrans Festival, Reflet d'Or du meilleur court metrage suisse 2011.
Locarno, Festival del film Locarno, Pardino d'argento (Concorso nazionale) 2011.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Le tombeau des filles / The Girls' Grave. 2011.
Le tombeau des filles / The Girls' Grave. 2011. HD.
Le tombeau des filles / The Girls' Grave. 2011. HD.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Reckless. 2013. HD.

Безрассудная / Reckless. 2013. HD.
 An uncompromising and controversial short set in the Scandinavian suburbia on the hottest day of the summer. A sister reluctantly babysits her little brother. Two young boys catch her attention, and she makes a crucial decision.
Director: Bjorn Erik Pihlmann Sorensen.
Cast: Emilie K. Beck, Silje Hagrim Dahl, Fredrik M. Frafjord, Marcus Rix, Thomas Stene-Johansen, Anneke von der Lippe.
Norway, 2013.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
Video good quality 1280x720 HD.
Download Reckless. 2013.
Безрассудная / Reckless. 2013. HD.
 Reckless. 2013. HD.