Thursday, July 26, 2018

Het Debuut. 1977.

Дебют / Het Debuut.
 A 14 year old girl and a 41 year old friend of her father's fall in love, and soon their relationship grows into a sexual one as well. For some time all is happy, but then the tension grows too much, because of the secrecy and frustration of being the lover of a married man, and because she feels he starts to treat her too much like a child instead of a lover.
Director: Nouchka van Brakel.
Cast: Marina de Graaf, Gerard Cox, Pleuni Touw, Kitty Courbois, Dolf de Vries, Sandrien Van Brakel, Joop Keesmaat.
Holland, 1977.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Het Debuut.
Дебют / Het Debuut.
 Het Debuut.

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