Saturday, July 8, 2017

Nesmluvená setkání. 1994.

Nesmluvená setkání. 1994.
 CZ. Na neobydlenou planetu Archa přilétá vědecká expwdice, která má ověřit, zda je prostředí nedávno objevené planety vhodné pro život lidí. Zakrátko se začnou na Arše dít podivné věci. Členové expedice postupně objeví, že průvodcem tajemných úkazů je malý chlapec, dítě pozemských astronautů, kteří zde kdysi ztroskotali. Chlapce zachránila a vychovala vyspělá a nepostižitelná civilizace, která je na Arše doma a nepřeje si být odhalena. Kolem chlapce - kosmického Mauglího - se roztočí řada dramatických událostí.
EN. The Earth is ready to colonize planet Ark as the initial tests showed there are no higher forms of life on it. Several ships are already on the planet preparing bases for the colonists. Androids working outside one of the ships start acting strange. Stanislaw, the communication officer, starts hearing voices of a crying baby and a call for help by a woman. In an old wreckage of a spaceship out in the mountains the crew find corpses of two people that had been dead for years. It turns out it's a ship from Earth that disappeared years ago. Soon they have an alien visitor on the ship - a boy that looks remarkably human. The colonization plans are canceled as the planet is now deemed occupied. All other ships leave the planet except for one that stays behind to establish contact. They realize the boy is a human son of the couple from the crashed ship nourished and raised by the alien civilization. But is he more alien than human? The boy learns to converse in human language in just few hours and avoids answering questions. The crew intends to use him to establish contact with the native civilization but things don't go quite the way they expect it.
Director: Irena Pavlásková.
Cast: Lukáš Vaculík, Martina Menšíková, Jan Kačer, Josef Abrhám, Petr Brukner, Marek Juráček, Irena Pavlásková, Tomáš Kympl, Miloš Hlavica, Stanislav Hýbler, Svatava Válová.
Czech Republic, 1994.
Language: Czech, Russian.
Download Nesmluvená setkání.
Nesmluvená setkání. 1994.
Nesmluvená setkání. 1994.

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