Saturday, December 31, 2016

El amor del capitán Brando. 1974.

Любовь капитана Брандо / El amor del capitán Brando.Любовь капитана Брандо / El amor del capitán Brando.

Aurora (Ana Belen) is a high-school teacher. When two attractive men fall in love with her, she enjoys their attention. One of them is a young student of hers (Jaime Gamboa), the other is a man returning from his many years of exile following the Spanish Civil War (Fernando Fernan Gomez). Her gentle and wise handling of these two fragile hearts gives this story its focus.
Director: Jaime de Armiñán.
Cast: Fernando Fernán Gómez, Ana Belén, Jaime Gamboa, Julieta Serrano, Antonio Ferrandis, Pilar Muñoz, Eduardo Calvo, Fernando Marín, Chus Lampreave, Julia Lorente, Verónica Llimera.
Spain, 1974.
Language: Spanish.
Download El amor del capitán Brando.

Любовь капитана Брандо / El amor del capitán Brando.
El amor del capitán Brando. 1974.

Swim Team. 1979.

Команда пловцов / Swim Team. 1979.
Funny and silly comedy about a new swimming coach who is hired to break a team's seven-year losing streak.
Director: James Polakof.
Cast: James Daughton, Stephen Furst, Richard Young, Jenny Neumann, Elise-Anne, Kim Day, Buster Crabbe, Mickey Newbury, Gunilla Hutton, Jim Yallaly, Guy Fitch, Stan Taff.
USA, 1979.
Language: English.
Команда пловцов / Swim Team. 1979.
Swim Team. 1979.

Friday, December 30, 2016

La' os være / Leave Us Alone. 1975.

Оставьте нас одних / La' Os Vaere / Leave Us Alone.
In this Danish film, like the unrelated but very similar film Lord of the Flies, a largish group of unformed young people find themselves alone on an island with no civilizing adult presence to restrain them. In this film, the group includes adolescent and pre-adolescent boys and girls. As in the other film, the crudity of their unrestrained impulses results in murder, though for the most part they simply flirt with and bully one another.
Director: Ernst Johansen, Lasse Nielsen.
Cast: Martin Højmark, Ole Meyer, Jens Wagn Rasmussen, Sven Hastel, Kenneth Nielsen, Søren Christiansen, Anja Bærentzen, Henrik Rasmussen, Svend Christensen, Bjørn Martensen.
Denmark, 1975.
Language: Danish.
Оставьте нас одних / La' Os Vaere / Leave Us Alone.
La' os være / Leave Us Alone. 1975.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Wakolda / The German Doctor. 2013.

Ваколда / Wakolda / The German Doctor.Ваколда / Wakolda / The German Doctor.

 The true story of an argentine family who lived with Josef Mengele without knowing his true identity, and of a girl who fell in love with one of the biggest criminals of all times.
Director: Lucia Puenzo.
Cast: Natalia Oreiro, Alex Brendemuhl, Diego Peretti, Florencia Bado, Guillermo Pfening, Elena Roger, Ana Pauls, Abril Braunstein, Alan Daicz, Juan I. Martinez.
Argentina, France, Spain, Norway, 2013.
Language: Spanish.
Ваколда / Wakolda / The German Doctor.
Wakolda / The German Doctor.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Maja Steinansikt. 1996.

Maja Steinansikt. 1996.
 NO. Maja kaller sammen til full krigsmaling med bestevenninen Silvia, når verdens beste pappa får en langbent og mørkhåret hemmelighet. Men det er først når Silvia flytter, og mamma ligger på sykehuset for å få lillebror, at ting begynner å skje...
Blant annet møter Maja Gloria, som bor i foreldrefri sone, fordi hun har funnet ut at de fleste foreldre er best hver for seg. Maja vil, som de fleste barn, ha både mamma og pappa, og tar saken i egne hender! Kanskje er det sant at forelskelse gjør blind, men da har man ikke regnet med at indianere til og med kan se i mørket! Så lenge Maja får bestemme, skal cowboyene aldri vinne!
EN. What happens to 10-year-old Maya when she discovers that the world's best dad has a long-legged, dark-haired secret? If your Indian name is Maya Stoneface, you put on your war paint with your best friend Silvia and raise the war-cry. But Maya finds herself alone after Silvia moves away and Mom goes to the hospital to have her baby brother. It is then that Maya discovers her independence and that's when things begin to happen. Maya meets Gloria who has determined that parents are best kept separately, but Maya, like most children, wants a mother and a father in the same place, and takes matters into her own hands. Even if Dad is blinded by love, he hadn't counted on Indians being able to see in the dark. As long as Maya gets to decide, the cowboys will never win. Maya Stoneface is a fresh and humorous family film which at its core is firmly anchored in a warm and close father/daughter relationship.
Director: Lars Berg.
Cast: May-Thali Magnussen-Liberman, Øyvin Bang Berven, Pia Borgli, Laila Goody, Cecilie Frøshaug, Helle Haugen, Roger Hilleren, Johannes Joner, Ingolf Karinen, Elsa Lystad, Kristin Solemstad.
Norway, 1996.
Download Maja Steinansikt.
Maja Steinansikt. 1996.
Maja Steinansikt. 1996.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Kompis. 2014.

Kompis. 2014.
 Kent only has his buddy Thomas, but that doesn’t mean he is a good friend for that reason. But today something happens that will change their relationship forever.
Director: Mads Eriksen.
Cast: Jone Kalvig Egdetveit, Bjarne Fiskå-Andersen, Emma Aasland, Asbjørn Røen Halsten.
Norway, 2014.
Language: Norwegian.
1920x1024 HD.
Download Kompis.
Kompis. 2014.
Kompis. 2014.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Der grüne Heinrich / Henri le Vert / Henry's Romance. 1993.

Зелёный Генрих / Der grüne Heinrich / Henri le Vert / Henry's Romance. 1993.
 It is carnival time in Munich and participants are overindulging in alcohol and sensual pleasures. "Follow us into madness" beckons Lys who is drunk on life, but the sensitive Henry does not follow him. Lys has betrayed his fiance, as Henry once betrayed his lost love Anna. In memory of Anna and his cruel Dickensian childhood, Henry challenges Lys to a duel to try to appease his guilt.
Director: Thomas Koerfer.
Cast: Thibault de Montalembert, Andreas Schmid, Florence Darel, Anna Scheschonk, Assumpta Serna, Christine Schorn, Arno Chevrier, Dominique Sanda, Nadja Uhl, Pierre Besson.
Switzerland, France, Germany, 1993.
Download Der grüne Heinrich / Henri le Vert / Henry's Romance.
Зелёный Генрих / Der grüne Heinrich / Henri le Vert / Henry's Romance. 1993.
Der grüne Heinrich / Henri le Vert / Henry's Romance. 1993.

Fantasy Island. 2007. DVD.

Остров Фантазий / Fantasy Island.
 Your Ticket to Paradise. Four young goddesses. A tropical island. Very little clothing. And a camera that reveals all.
RECENTLY WORLD CLASS photographer and filmmaker Petter Hegre spent a week on a remote island in the Indian ocean with 4 young models. The result is a sensual journey in erotic excellence, and a captivating adventure into the world of adult entertainment.
Director: Petter Hegre. 2007.
Cast: Anna S, Angelica, Linda L, Paulina.
Format : AVI / 720x400
Duration : 62 min
File Size : 1120 MB

Format : DVD / 720x400
Duration : 62 min
File Size : 3580 MB
Download Fantasy Island. DVD-Rip.
Download Fantasy Island. DVD.
Остров Фантазий / Fantasy Island. 2007. DVD.
Fantasy Island. 2007. DVD.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Den vita stenen. 1973.

Белый Камень / Den vita stenen. 1973.
 SE. Den vita stenen ar en svensk TV-serie pa 13 delar fran 1973. Den var baserad pa Gunnel Lindes barnbok Den vita stenen fran 1964. TV-serien premiarvisades pa SVT1 fran 6 oktober till 29 december 1973. Serien visades ocksa pa norsk tv forsta gangen i 1975. Det har varit flera ganger i repris pa NRK, bland annat 1982.
Serien regisserades av Goran Graffman.
Fia bor i Haradshovdingens hus och ager den vita stenen, som inte bara ar vit och vacker utan aven len. Fia haller stenen kar men en dag traffar hon Hampus som lovar att mala ogon-nasa-mun pa kyrkklockan om han far stenen av Fia. Fia i det fina huset och skomakarens brorson Hampus utvecklar en spannande vanskap byggd pa utmaningar.
Tva barn, Fia som bor i haradshovdingens hus, och Hampus som ar skomakarens brorson, inleder en lek dar de maste utfora olika uppdrag for att kunna erovra en vit sten fran varandra. Hampus, som kallar sig Farornas konung efter en figur pa en cirkus, lovar att mala oga-nasa-mun pa kyrkuret, och lyckas med det. Fia, som anvander namnet Fideli, far utmaningen att vara tyst en hel dag, men det gor det valdigt svart for henne att varna Farornas konung nar haradshovdingen tanker undersoka vem som klottrat pa kyrkans egendom.
EN. Fia and her mother, a piano-teacher, live in the country villa with bad-tempered housekeeper Malin. One day a boy called Hampus comes to the village together with his uncle, a shoemaker.
Script: Gunnel Linde.
Director: Goran Graffman.

Cast: Julia Hede-Wilkens, Ulf Hasseltorp, Eva Dahlqvist, Mona Dan-Bergman, Goran Graffman, Monica Nordquist, Ulf Johansson, Betty Tuvén, Gunilla Söderholm, Ann-Charlotte Lithman.
Sweden, 1973.
Language: Swedish.
13 episodes, the series total duration of approximately 6.5 hours.

Белый Камень / Den vita stenen. 1973.

Белый Камень / Den vita stenen. 1973.
Den vita stenen. 1973.

閃光 / Senko / Spark. 2008.

閃光 / Senko / Spark. 2008.

JP. 田舎に暮らす6歳の少年が、初めて直面する死を自然を通しながら受け入れてゆく。
EN. A young Japanese family is confronted with their mother’s illness. This impressive short film shows us in deeply symbolic images how Yu and his father deal with the possibility of death, and how it affects a small child's vision of life.
Director: Yuki Kawamura.
Cast: Toko Fujisaki, Ginga Hirao, Rin Takagi.
Japan, France, 2008.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English.
Download 閃光 / Senko / Spark.
閃光 / Senko / Spark. 2008.
閃光 / Senko / Spark. 2008.

Friday, December 16, 2016

La Femme Enfant. 1980.

Женщина-ребёнок / La Femme Enfant.
Elisabeth a treize ans, et elle vit dans un faubourg industriel du Nord de la France. Douee pour la musique, elle joue de l'orgue a l'eglise locale, alors que ses parents assez bornes ne s'interessent qu'a leur salon de coiffure. Depuis trois ans deja, Elisabeth a en secret une relation amoureuse avec Marcel, un homme de 45 ans a qui elle rend visite chaque matin avant l'ecole, faisant un crochet a velo jusqu'a sa maison solitaire au milieu des bois. Marcel est muet et, exclus du contact avec ses semblables, ils s'est profondement attache a Elisabeth, a qui il voue une veritable adoration. Entre ces deux etres incompris s'est developpee une relation passionnee, tourmentee et possessive; mais ou le pouvoir n’est pas toujours du meme cote. Car si Marcel est apparemment le plus tort, il est aussi terriblement dependant du bon vouloir de sa jeune amie, qui peut a tout moment le faire cruellement souffrir, comme le jour ou elle manque le rendez-vous ou il comptait feter son anniversaire. Tour a tour, Elisabeth est une amante soumise ou une maitresse exigeante. Et comme la Lorelei du poeme qu'elle recite en classe, Elisabeth sera pour Marcel la femme fatale qui le menera a sa perte. En effet, comme elle a gagne le concours de jeunes organistes, ses parents l'envoient poursuivre ses etudes au conservatoire de Lille, ou elle est logee en pension. N'osant annoncer son depart a Marcel, elle le quitte sans rien dire, et c'est par hasard, en epiant les conversations des clients au salon de coiffure de ses parents, que Marcel apprendra la terrible verite. Desespere, il se tranche la gorge avec le rasoir du coiffeur qui lui fait la barbe.
1024х576 HD.
Director: Raphaele Billetdoux.
Cast: Klaus Kinski, Michel Robin, Penelope Palmer, Helene Surgere.
France, Germany, 1980.
Language: French.

Женщина-ребёнок / La Femme Enfant.

Женщина-ребёнок / La Femme Enfant.
La Femme Enfant. 1980.

Monday, December 12, 2016

El sexo ataca (1ª jornada). 1979.

El sexo ataca (1ª jornada). 1979.
 ES. Tip y Coll, Gracita Morales. Comedia. Manuel Summers realizó este filme a mayor gloria del peculiar sentido del humor de la pareja Tip y Coll (Dios los cría y ellos se juntan), que en este caso centran sus inconfundibles chistes en el sexo como motor de la humanidad.
Todo lo que usted nunca quiso saber sobre el sexo de los españoles. Un documento de ficción que parece una ocurrencia surrealista. Con los inefables Tip y Coll improvisando a fondo. Atentos a las encuestas populares.
Si hay una pareja cómica que de verdad se adelantó a su tiempo, que en los años en lo que se estilaba era contar chistes, apostaban por un humor ferozmente surrealista a base de diálogos absurdos, y que además supieron ganarse al público con ese humor, esos fueron Tip y Coll. Sobretodo en sus primeros años. Ya avanzados los ochenta y entrando en los noventa, que aun permanecían en activo,  su humor fue flojeando, eso si, tras 30 años de carrera humorística.
EN. Manuel Summers made this film to the greater glory of the peculiar sense of humor of the couple Tip and Coll (God breeds them and they come together), which in this case center their unmistakable jokes in sex as the engine of humanity.
Director: Manuel Summers.
Cast: Luis Sánchez Polack, José Luis Coll, Gracita Morales, José Riesgo, Rafael Conesa, Antonio Casco, Cristina Galbó, Beatriz Galbó, León Klimovsky, Jorge Grau, José Morales, Emilio Fornet.
Spain, 1979.
Language: Spanish.
Download El sexo ataca (1ª jornada).
El sexo ataca (1ª jornada). 1979.
El sexo ataca (1ª jornada). 1979.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Des enfants qui s'aiment. 2005.

Des enfants qui s'aiment. 2005.
 FR. Des vacances en famille à la montagne.
Eliane, une petite fille de neuf ans, est aussi libre qu'un oiseau en cage. Elle tente d'échapper à l'autoritarisme de sa mère qui exerce sur elle et sur ses autres enfants une pression maladive.
Souffrant de semi-surdité, Eliane utilise son handicap pour se protéger des adultes qui l'entourent. En dépit des blessures et des traumatismes, elle se confronte à son propre enfermement et cherche la liberté dans les grands espaces.
EN. A family vacation in the mountains.
Nine-year-old Eliane is as free as a caged bird. She tries to escape her bossy mother, who lives in a state of pathological stress that affects Eliane and her siblings. Partially-deaf, Eliane uses her disability to protect herself from the adults around her. Despite the emotional bruising and trauma, she faces up to her own isolation and looks for freedom in wide open spaces.
Director: Gilles Volta.
Cast: Elbera Volta, Marie Balmelle, Félicie Roger, Nina Franchetti, Sabrina Franchetti, Pierre-François Jaouen, Emile Gruyer, Karim Fathi, Jalal Fathi, Dorothée Decoene, Yannick Le Perff, Xavier Champagnac, Vincent Gruyer.
France, 2005.
Language: French.
Download Des enfants qui s'aiment.
Des enfants qui s'aiment. 2005.
Des enfants qui s'aiment. 2005.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Een vrouw als Eva / A Woman Like Eve. 1979.

Een vrouw als Eva / Подобно Еве.
NL. De film is geregisseerd door Nouschka van Brakel, die ook het script schreef in samenwerking met Judith Herzberg. De muziek in de film is van Laurens van Rooyen. De hoofdrollen in deze film worden gespeeld door Monique van der Ven, Marijke Merckens, Renée Soutendijk, Maria Schneider en Peter Faber.
Eva is getrouwd met Ad. Ze wonen samen met hun twee kinderen in een flat, maar Eva is niet gelukkig met haar leven als huismoeder. Na een ruzie op Moederdag, gaat Eva samen met haar buurvrouw naar Zuid Frankrijk. Daar ontmoet Eva op het strand de Franse Liane. Eenmaal terug in Nederland kan Eva haar maar niet vergeten en krijgt ze verwarde gevoelens. Ze besluit de relatie met haar man te beëindigen en Liane op te zoeken in Frankrijk. Maar eenmaal in Frankijk wordt Eva steeds ongelukkiger. Ze besluit in een woonboot in Nederland te gaan wonen, samen met haar twee kinderen. Uiteindelijk worden de kinderen na de rechtszaak over de echtscheiding van Ad en Eva bij hun vader geplaatst, die inmiddels samen woont met Sonja, de voormalige buurvrouw. Eva is nu helemaal alleen en besluit toch haar ware liefde te volgen. Ze stapt naar het perron en overweegt haar keuze: Neemt ze de trein naar een nieuw leven?.
EN. Een vrouw als Eva is a 1979 Dutch film about a woman who leaves her husband for another woman. The film was directed by Nouchka van Brakel; Monique van de Ven stars in the title role of Eve, with Peter Faber as her husband Ad and Maria Schneider as Liliane, who becomes Eve's lover. The plot focusses on the child custody battle that ensues after Eve leaves her husband.
Director: Nouchka van Brakel.
Cast: Monique van de Ven, Maria Schneider, Marijke Merckens, Peter Faber, Renee Soutendijk, Anna Knaup, Mike Bendig, Truus Dekker, Helen van Meurs, Ben Hulsman, Karin Meerman.
Netherlands, 1979.
In the film is absent audio track.

Download Een vrouw als Eva / A Woman Like Eve.
Подобно Еве / Een vrouw als Eva / A Woman Like Eve. 1979.
Een vrouw als Eva / A Woman Like Eve. 1979.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Le voleur d'enfants. 1991.

Похититель детей / Le voleur d'enfants. 1991.
 FR. En 1925, Philemon Bigua, riche colonel argentin en exil a Paris, ne reve que de retourner dans son pays. En attendant, ne pouvant avoir d'enfants, il vole ceux des autres, les enfants demunis ou malheureux. Tout va pour le mieux jusqu'au jour ouu un ami dans le besoin lui vend sa fille Gabrielle, agee de 16 ans.
EN. In 1925 Paris, the Colonel kidnaps unhappy or abandoned boys, providing them and his wife with comfort and joy in his rich mansion. Then things become complicated when he adopts a girl.
Director: Christian de Chalonge.
Cast: Marcello Mastroianni, Ángela Molina, Michel Piccoli, Virginie Ledoyen, Loïc Even, Nada Strancar, Cécile Pallas, Daniel Martin, Gabriele Tinti, Massimo Giuliani.
France, Italy, Spain, 1991.
Download Le voleur d'enfants.
Похититель детей / Le voleur d'enfants. 1991.
Le voleur d'enfants. 1991.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Mais ne nous délivrez pas du mal / Dont Deliver Us From Evil. 1971.

Не Избавляй Нас От Лукавого / Dont Deliver Us From Evil.Не Избавляй Нас От Лукавого / Dont Deliver Us From Evil.

Anne and Lore, neighbors and best friends, barely into their teens, board at a convent school where they have taken a vow to sin and to serve Satan. Anne keeps a secret diary, they read a salacious novel, they get a classmate in trouble, they spy on the nuns, they set aside their communion wafers; they make a pact of devotion. Summer vacation starts: Anne's parents leave her alone with the servants for two months at the family chateau. She and Lore are free to make mischief. They are cruel as well and play games of seduction. As summer ends and fall term begins, things come to a head.
Director: Joel Seria.
Cast: Jeanne Goupil, Catherine Wagener, Bernard Dhéran, Gerard Darrieu, Marc Dudicourt, Michel Robin, Veronique Silver, Jean-Pierre Helbert, Nicole Merouze, Henri Poirier, Serge Frederic, René Berthier, Jean-Daniel Ehrmann.
France, 1971.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Mais ne nous délivrez pas du mal / Dont Deliver Us From Evil.
Не Избавляй Нас От Лукавого / Mais ne nous délivrez pas du mal / Dont Deliver Us From Evil. 1971.
Mais ne nous délivrez pas du mal / Dont Deliver Us From Evil. 1971.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Bestialita. 1976.

«Скотоложество» / Bestialita. 1976.
 "Bestiality" was directed by Peter Skerl and co-written by infamous George Eastman of "Anthropohagus" and "Porno Holocaust" fame.This ultra-sleazy Italian thriller is about a young girl,who saw her mother having sex with the family dog.When the woman's husband returns home and sees this,he chains the dog to the house and sets it on fire.Years later this event turns little girl into a total nymphomaniac,who enjoys screwing various guests,who visit the island,where she lives with her dog."Bestiality" is a totally sleazy and politically incorrect film that shouldn't disappoint fans of Italian smut.Tons of sex and nudity with a little bit of zoophilia thrown in plus a surprisingly bloody and off-beat climax.The scene of woman having sex with her black dog is obviously simulated.
Director: George Eastman, Peter Skerl.
Cast: Philippe March, Juliette Mayniel, Enrico Maria Salerno, Ilona Staller, Leonora Fani, Marisa Valenti, Katharina Williams.
Italy, 1976.
Download  Bestialità 1976.
«Скотоложество» / Bestialita. 1976.
Bestialita. 1976.

Ramybė mūsų sapnuose / Peace to Us in Our Dreams. 2015.

Покой нам только снится / Ramybė mūsų sapnuose / Peace to Us in Our Dreams. 2015.
 LT. Kanų kino festivalio nepriklausomoje paralelinėje programoje „Dvi režisierių savaitės“ buvo pristatytas aštuntasis režisieriaus Šarūno Barto pilno metražo filmas „Ramybė mūsų sapnuose“. Istorija apie tai, kaip vieną vasaros dieną vyras, jo paauglė duktė ir draugė atvažiuoja į kaimą praleisti savaitgalio. Vyro ir jo jaunosios draugės santykiai sudėtingi, šešiolikmetė duktė sunkiai išgyvena suaugusiųjų santykių krizę, jaučiasi vieniša ir atstumta, gyvena savo paslapčių ir fantazijų pasaulyje. Nuo mažumės ji draugauja su kaimo berniuku, sodyboje leidžia su juo dienas. Kartą berniukas iš medžiotojų pavagia šautuvą su optiniu taikikliu. Nuo tos dienos kaime prasideda drama.
FR. Un père, sa fille et sa compagne se rendent dans leur maison de campagne pour le weekend. Au coeur d’une nature resplendissante, partagée entre forêts et lacs, d’étranges voisins troublent l’harmonie qu’ils sont venus chercher. Aux alentours, un jeune garçon erre avec son chien et trouve bientôt, à la lisière du bois, un fusil de chasse.
EN. "Humans always doubt," says a father to his daughter. "Just imagine if suddenly everything (were) clear. What would you do?" What indeed? Such questions serve as a substitute for drama in Sharunas Bartas' "Peace to Us in Our Dreams," an old-school broodfest in which a man, his daughter and his violinist companion openly ponder Big Themes during a country getaway.
Director: Šarūnas Bartas.
Cast: Ina Marija Bartaité, Sarunas Bartas, Edvinas Goldstein, Lora Kmieliauskaite, Klavdiya Korshunova, Giedrus Nakas.
Lithuania, France, Russia, 2015.
Language: Lithuanian.
Subtitles: French, Spanish.
Download Ramybė mūsų sapnuose / Peace to Us in Our Dreams.
Покой нам только снится / Ramybė mūsų sapnuose / Peace to Us in Our Dreams. 2015.
Ramybė mūsų sapnuose / Peace to Us in Our Dreams. 2015.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Like a Kiss from Jesus. 2015.

Like a Kiss from Jesus. 2015.

A boy frolicking about on the beach meets this girl who gives him his first kiss.
Director: Benjamin Borderie.
Cast: Anthony Ursin, Hermine Pruvost, Walter Franziska, Cédric Mézin, Rémy Scaranuzzino, Hortense Bozetti.
France, 2015.
Language: French.
Download Like a Kiss from Jesus.
Like a Kiss from Jesus. 2015.
Like a Kiss from Jesus. 2015.

Friday, December 2, 2016

La rivière. 2001.

Река / La rivière. 2001.
 FR. La Rivière est un court métrage réalisé par Michel Houellebecq et diffusé en 2001 sur Canal+ dans la série « L'Érotisme vu par... ».
EN. An artistic erotic short film showing five women enjoying themselves by a river.
Director: Michel Houellebecq.
Cast: Laetitia Clément, Cielle Delhomme, Audrey Jouffain, Annabelle Brun, Naïma Abdalahoui.
France, 2001.
Language: French.
Download La rivière.
Река / La rivière. 2001.
La rivière. 2001.

Søndagsengler / The Other Side of Sunday. 1996.

 Другая сторона Воскресенья / Sondagsengler / The Other Side of Sunday.
 The Other Side of Sunday, Also known in Norwegian as "Sndags Engler", is a movie that criticizes the small, and often tight church community. We follow the Preachers Daughter; Maria in her journey to liberate herself from the stiff church community and her father.
Director: Berit Nesheim.
Cast: Marie Theisen, Hildegun Riise, Bjorn Sundquist, Sylvia Salvesen, Martin Dahl Garfalk, Ina Sofie Brodahl, Ann Kristin Rasmussen, Jorgen Langhelle.
Norway, 1996.

Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
Download Søndagsengler / The Other Side of Sunday.
Другая сторона Воскресенья / Sondagsengler / The Other Side of Sunday. 1996.
Søndagsengler / The Other Side of Sunday. 1996.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Olivier Smolders. Spiritual Exercises. Part-1.

Olivier Smolders. Spiritual Exercises. Part-1.
 This special collection features 10 spellbinding short works from Belgian experimental filmmaker Olivier Smolders, including "Adoration" (1987), "Mort a Vignole" (1998), "L'Amateur" (1997) and "La Philosophie Dans Le Boudoir" (1991). "Pensees et Visions D'une Tête Coupée" (1991), "Ravissements" (1991), "Point de Fuite" (1988), "L'Art D'Aimer" (1985), "Neuvaine" (1984) and "Seuls" (1989) round out the sampler.
5 most interesting films presented below.
1. Adoration.
A young man films his love for a young woman.
"Adoration" is loosely based on Issei Sagawa's cannibalistic murder case. In 1981 he murdered and cannibalized a Dutch woman named Renée Hartevelt. After his release Sagawa has become a minor celebrity in Japan and has made a living through the public interest on his crime. A young Japanese man invites beautiful French student to his apartment. She reads some poetry. Suddenly he shoots her in the back, dismembers her body and cannibalizes her tasty flesh. Experimental and gruesome short which looks almost like a true crime documentary. The use of silence and master shots certainly enhances truly chilling atmosphere of gloom.
Cast: Takashi Matsuo, Catherine Aymerie.
Belgium, France, 1986.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Russian.
2. Point De Fuite.
A new teacher comes to class to teach a lesson on a complicated math theorem. The class is waiting completely nude and catches her off guard. She takes off her clothes before the beginning of her lesson. During the lesson, the students put their clothes back on and take away her clothes, as she is concentrated solely on the theorem. Upon finishing, she is embarrassed that they are clothed and she is left naked, but there is now someone at the door. The class ask the unknown to come in, and they find a naked teacher but clothed students. Inspired by a mathematical rhetoric.
Cast: Catherine Aymerie, François Galland, Stéphanie Dessens, Sarah Lefévre, Valerie De Wilde, Catherine Van Hauwermeiren.
Belgium, 1988.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Russian.
3. Seuls.
Screaming children, their non-standard behavior, plot and dialogue are absent.
Belgium, 1989.
4. Pensées et visions d'une tête coupée.
FR. Portrait d'un peintre imaginaire à partir de la vie et de l'œuvre d'Antoine Wiertz.
EN. Portrait of an imaginary painter from the life and work of Antoine Wiertz.
Cast: Christian Courtois, Alexandre von Sivers, Lémi Cétol, Barbara De Jonghe, Catherine Aymerie, Valérie Braekman, Nelly Boets.
Belgium, 1991.
Language: French.
5. L'Amateur / The Amateur.
EN. The story of a man who smells of women’s nudity.
ES. La historia de un hombre que olfatea la desnudez femenina.
Cast: Yves Degen, Cathy Grosjean, Eric Pauwels, Mélanie Rullier.
Belgium, 1997.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Olivier Smolders. Spiritual Exercises. Part-1.

Поклонение / Adoration.

Точка, стремящаяся к нулю / Загнанная / Point De Fuite.

Одни / Seuls.

Видения отрубленной головы / Pensées et visions d'une tête coupée.

Любитель / L'Amateur / The Amateur.