Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Briefgeheim / Secret Letter. 2010.

Секретное письмо / Briefgeheim / Secret Letter. 2010.
 Secret Letter tells about 11-year old Eva, who's fed up with all the tensions at home. In order to make her parents clear how she feels about this, she runs away from home. She hides in the attic of her best friend's place, Jackie en Thomas. When she finds a secret letter and gets caught in neighbor Brandsema's garden, the head of a criminal organization, her plans take an unexpected turn.
Director: Simone van Dusseldorp.
Cast: Hanna Obbeek, Nils Verkooijen, Isabelle Stokkel, Daan Schuurmans, Lies Visschedijk, Finn Poncin, Sophie Houweling, Filip Peeters.
Netherlands, 2010.
Language: Dutch.
Секретное письмо / Briefgeheim / Secret Letter. 2010.
Briefgeheim / Secret Letter. 2010.

Lovely Rita. 2001.

Lovely Rita. 2001.
 Lovely Rita is not lovely at all. She is a sulky, deceitful, calculating teenager bent on seducing the local bus driver. She is very much an outsider at school and is the source of many arguments at home.
In the title role Barbara Osika gives a good rendition of a frustrated and unbalanced youngster, despite the fact that the script is both rather dull and uninteresting.
A couple of sex scenes are suggested rather than portrayed in any detail. The faces of the participants are immobile and unseen by the camera. The back of the young girl's head is seen blocking out the face of the bus driver. With very little movement the rest is left to the imagination of the viewer. The scene is short. One wonders if the censor has been at work here.
The director seems to have an obsession with the backs of heads, but sometimes it can be quite effective. The bus driver is filmed from behind as he sits at the wheel ( just as the passengers see him) while Rita exchanges fleeting glances with him in the mirror above his head.
It's amazing how the lid of a pedestal toilet seat can start an argument which grows from day to day to an unexpectedly very tense situation.
The final climax comes quite suddenly and adds a nice bit of drama sadly lacking in the earlier part of the film.
Director: Jessica Hausner.
Cast: Harald Urban, Felix Eisier, Agnes Napieralska.
Austria, 2001.
Language: German.
Lovely Rita. 2001.
Lovely Rita. 2001.

Jack. 2014.

Джек / Jack. 2014.
 DE. Jack ist zehn Jahre alt und noch nicht lange im Heim. Es ist Sommer. Die Vorfreude auf die Ferien ist gross. Doch am letzten Schultag wird er nicht abgeholt. Seine Mutter Sanna (26) ruft an und vertrostet ihn. Jack bleibt mit Danilo und den Erziehern allein zuruck. Es kommt zum Streit, bei dem er seinen Mitbewohner verletzt. Verangstigt lauft er nach Hause, um Schutz bei seiner Mutter zu suchen. Doch niemand macht ihm die Tur auf. Sanna ist nicht da. Nachdem Jack seinen sechsjahrigen Bruder Manuel von einer Freundin abgeholt hat, machen sie sich gemeinsam auf die Suche nach ihrer Mutter. Uber mehrere Tage ziehen sie durch die Stadt und folgen ihrer Spur. Dabei scheint es niemandem aufzufallen, dass sie ganz allein sind.?Eines Nachts brennt wieder Licht in ihrer Wohnung. Jack und Manuel rennen nach Hause, wo ihre Mutter sie in die Arme schliesst. Gemeinsam essen sie zu Abend. Jack versucht sich mitzuteilen, doch Sanna hort nicht zu. Ein Film uber die Reise eines Jungen, der fruh gelernt hat Verantwortung zu ubernehmen. Am Ende uberrascht er uns mit einer Entscheidung, die uns mit ihrem Mut den Spiegel vorhalt.
EN. For JACK, having a family is the most important thing in the world. Then, one day, his mother disappears. Together with his younger brother MANUEL, he embarks on a journey to find her... the journey of a boy who has learnt from an early age to take responsibility. In the end, his brave and startling decision holds up a mirror to all of us.
Director: Edward Berger.
Cast: Ivo Pietzcker, Georg Arms, Patrick Sommeburg, Leon Furstenau, Maurice Martin, Johann Fohl, Luise Heyer, Odine Johne, Johannes Hendrik Langer, Jacob Matschenz, Nele Mueller-Stofen, Vincent Redetzki, Sebastian Stielke, Justine Ewerth, Dolunay Bales, Michael Sideris, Daniela Holts, Stefan Mies, Christian Sengewald.
Germany,  2014.
Language: German.
Download Jack. 2014.
Джек / Jack. 2014.
Jack. 2014.

Tumman veden päällä / Above Dark Waters. 2013.

Tumman veden päällä / Above Dark Waters. 2013.
 A small boy opens his eyes in the morning, astonished by the sunlight. The family life is as usual, almost idyllic. But the boy starts to hear noises during the nights; arguments and crying. The father disappears; the mother takes the kids to the grandparents’ house. What are the consequences when the child’s unconditional trust and admiration for his parents breaks?
Director: Peter Franzen.
Cast: Olavi Angervo, Matleena Kuusniemi, Milja Tuunainen, Samuli Edelmann, Ismo Kallio, Marja Packalén, Peter Franzén, Mio Hamari, Tommi Raitolehto, Jonna Järnefelt.
Finland, 2013.
Language: Finnish.
Subtitles: English.
Tumman veden päällä / Above Dark Waters. 2013.
Tumman veden päällä / Above Dark Waters. 2013.

Y qué patatín y qué patatán. 1971.

Y qué patatín y qué patatán. 1971.
 ES. Y que patatín... y que patatán es una película filmada en blanco y negro de Argentina dirigida por Mario Sabato según su propio guion escrito en colaboración con el guion de Mario Mactas que se estrenó el 30 de septiembre de 1971 y que tuvo como protagonistas a Juan Sabato, Sergio Renán, Julia von Grolman y Fernando Siro. Es el filme póstumo de Calcaño y fue exhibida en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Venecia de 1971.
Cinco episodios que muestran a niños en situaciones límites. Una mirada cruda de la infancia.
EN. Five episodes that reflect a critical look on the universe of children. An ironic metaphor about the training of children and how they respond to limiting situations in their lives.
Director: Mario Sábato.
Cast: Héctor Alterio, Sergio Renán, Walter Vidarte, Julia von Grolman, Cipe Lincovsky, Fernando Siro, Walter Santa Ana, Elena Cruz.
Argentina, 1971.
Language: Spanish.
Download Y qué patatín y qué patatán. 1971.
Y qué patatín y qué patatán. 1971.
Y qué patatín y qué patatán. 1971.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Mixed Company. 1974.

Mixed Company. 1974.
Mixed Company is a 1974 comedy-drama film directed by Melville Shavelson and written by Shavelson and Mort Lachman. It stars Barbara Harris, Joseph Bologna, Tom Bosley, Lisa Gerritsen, Dorothy Shay, Ruth McDevitt and Haywood Nelson.
Kathy Morrison (Harris), mother of three, who helps run a "color-blind" adoption program, wants to have another biological child. Her husband, Pete (Bologna), the head coach of the Phoenix Suns, finds out he can't produce another child. Kathy thinks about adopting a boy, Frederic "Freddie" Wilcox, and Pete does not want to adopt a boy who happens to be black. When he relents, Freddie's arrival causes an upheaval in the Morrison's neighborhood, their school, and family. Kathy's answer is to adopt another child, in this case two, a war-traumatized half-Vietnamese girl, Quan Tran, and a Hopi boy, Joe Rogers. The new extended family must now learn to live together.
Director: Melville Shavelson.
Cast: Barbara Harris, Joseph Bologna, Tom Bosley, Lisa Gerritsen, Dorothy Shay, Ruth McDevitt, Ariane Heller, Stephen Honanie, Haywood Nelson, Eric Olson, Jina Tan, Bob G. Anthony.
USA, 1974.
Language: English.
Download Mixed Company. 1974.
Mixed Company. 1974.
Mixed Company. 1974.

Ein Zimmer mit Ausblick. 1978. Episodes 1-7.

Ein Zimmer mit Ausblick. 1978. Episodes 1-7.
 Ein Zimmer mit Ausblick ist eine aus sieben Episoden bestehende Fernsehserie der DEFA aus dem Jahr 1978.
Die Serie erzählt das Leben von Jette, die als Waisenkind bei ihrer Großmutter, Frau König, lebt. Da Jette nicht weiß, dass sie ein Waisenkind ist, sieht sie in dem ehemaligen Seemann der Volksmarine Martin Kirst, der in dem Haus als Untermieter einzieht, ihren Vater. Das widerstrebt ihrer Großmutter, die versucht, den Untermieter wieder loszuwerden. In der Aufregung erleidet sie einen Herzanfall und muss ins Krankenhaus, so dass sich Martin Kirst um das kleine Mädchen kümmern muss.
Episode List:
1. Der neue Untermieter          
2. Heirat nicht eingeplant          
3. Liebe im Spiel          
4. In bester Absicht          
5. Mein Kumpel Heinrich          
6. Die Reise nach Polen          
7. Der Bilderbrief
Director: Norbert Büchner.
Cast: Bernhard Baier, Michael Pan, Albrecht Götte, Petra Klemich, Karl Sturm, Hans-Gerd Sonnenburg, Regina Beyer, Helga Göring, Gerhard Vogt, Heide Kipp, Birgit Edenharter.
East Germany, 1978.
Language: German.
Download Ein Zimmer mit Ausblick. 1978. Episodes 1-7.
Ein Zimmer mit Ausblick. 1978. Episodes 1-7.
Ein Zimmer mit Ausblick. 1978. Episodes 1-7.
Ein Zimmer mit Ausblick. 1978. Episodes 1-7.
Ein Zimmer mit Ausblick. 1978. Episodes 1-7.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Novemberkatzen. 1986.

Novemberkatzen. 1986.
 "Novemberkatzen" - so werden die jungen und schwachen Kätzchen genannt, die erst im Herbst zur Welt kommen und die es nach landläufiger Meinung sehr schwer haben. Auch die elfjährige Ilse, die Jüngste in der Familie, merkt schon früh, daß das Leben für sie mit besonderen Schwierigkeiten verbunden ist. Am Rande eines norddeutschen Dorfes, in dem vom Wirtschaftswunder noch wenig zu spüren ist, lebt Ilse mit ihrer Mutter und ihren beiden Brüdern im Gemeindehaus. Ilses Alltag bestimmen Erlebnisse zwischen Dorfschule und Holzschuppen, ihrem kleinen Fluchtort, sowie Tratsch beim Krämer und heimliches Rauchen auf der Müllkippe. Ilse erkennt bald, daß man den Erwachsenen nicht trauen kann und so "verreist" sie auf der Suche nach Geborgenheit ans andere Ende des Dorfes zu ihrer Oma. Doch Vertrauen faßt Ilse nur zur alten Lene, die durch ein Kriegserlebnis geistig verwirrt ist, und zu ihrem kleinen "Novemberkätzchen".
Director: Sigrun Koeppe.
Writers: Mirjam Pressler (novel), Sigrun Koeppe.
Cast: Angela Hunger, Ursela Monn, Katharina Brauren, Robert Zimmerling, Jürgen Vogel, Andreas Kastning, Katja Engelhard, Micaela Kreißler, Peter Heinrich, Andrea Bürgin, Dorothea Carrera, Ingeburg Kanstein.
West Germany, 1986.
Language: German.
Download Novemberkatzen.
Novemberkatzen. 1986.
Novemberkatzen. 1986.

Le meraviglie. 2014.

Чудеса / Le meraviglie. 2014.
 Gelsomina's family functions according to very particular rules. First of all, Gelsomina, at twelve years of age, practically runs the family. Her three younger sisters obey her and work under her watchful eye. But the outside world mustn't know anything about their lifestyle, and they should be kept away from it, well-protected in their isolated countryside home. Gelsomina's father, Wolfgang, is a foreigner and Gelsomina is the future queen of this strange and improbable kingdom he has constructed for them. A male heir would have been better, of course, but Gelsomina is strong and determined and what's more, she has a special talent for beekeeping and making honey. It's Gelsomina that retrieves the swarms from the trees, who organizes the honey extraction, and she is the one that carries the hives. Whilst all around them the countryside is being burnt up by pesticides, rural life is falling apart and becoming something different, a TV show competition arrives from the city...
Director: Alice Rohrwacher.
Cast: Alba Rohrwacher, Maria Alexandra Lungu, Sam Louwyck, Monica Bellucci, Sabine Timoteo, Agnese Graziani, André Hennicke, Margarete Tiesel, Maris Stella Morrow, Eva Lea Pace Morrow.
Italy, Switzerland, Germany, 2014.
Language: Italian, Russian.
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Чудеса / Le meraviglie. 2014.
 Le meraviglie. 2014.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975.

Лето с Катькой / Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975.
Desaťročná Katka cestuje z Bratislavy na prázdniny. Ide na dedinu ku svojej tete, ktorá ju ale nečaká, pretože ju náhle museli odviezť do nemocnice. Čo teraz? Domov sa vrátiť nemôže, pretože mamička odišla za oteckom do zahraničia. Katky sa ujíma suseda Juríčková, no jej deti ju prijímajú ako nevítaného hosťa. Nakoniec sa nasťahuje k ďalšiemu príbuznému, k ujovi Jožovi a okamžite plánuje, ako mu dá jeho staromládeneckú domácnosť do poriadku...
Zoznam jednotlivých epizód:
1. Ujo Jožko
2. Kamaráti
3. Vohľady
4. Nápoj lásky
5. Kúzelník
6. Pohroma
7. Svadba.
Director: Radim Cvrček.
Cast: Katka Zatovičová, Jiří Vala, Ida Rapaičová, Emília Steigerová, Norbert Judt, Martin Masner, Ladislav Korený, Eva Krížiková, Jana Drbohlavová, Peter Debnár, Lubomír Kostelka, Ján Kramár, Pavla Severinová, Stanislav Tříska, Jaromír Roštínský, Mária Hájková, Mária Hojerová, Vlasta Mecnarowská, Jolana Hollá, Bohumil Slezáček, Milan Rabas, Jana Hliňáková, Jiřina Bohdalová, Ivan Krivosudský, Adam Matejka, Míla Šulc.
Czechoslovakia, Televízia Bratislava (CST), 1975.
Language: Slovak.
Лето с Катькой / Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975.
Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Primaria! 2010.

Начальная школа / Primaria!
 In this explosive celebration of children's creativity, PRIMARY! Follows the lives of students and their teachers in a peculiar yet somewhat recognizable primary school. When Jose Maria, more apt at lecturing Fine Arts at University than controlling a primary classroom, fills in his new post as art teacher, chaos seems on the verge of unleashing itself. However, the path that his young and infinitely imaginative little students take him through shows him there more than little he can learn form them, and a new life to discover...
Director: Iván Noel.
Cast: Francisco Alfonsin, Maica Sanchez Caballero, Eva Rubio, Mercedes Suarez Aller, Marga Martínez, José Joaquín Mena, Eva Rubio, Asencio Salas.
Spain, 2010.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
Начальная школа / Primaria!
Primaria! 2010.

Un poison violent. 2010.

Un poison violent. 2010.
  Anna a young teenager comes home from her Catholic boarding school for the holidays and discovers her father has left. Her mother is devastated and confined in the company of the local priest, who is also a childhood friend. Anna clings to her beloved grandfather. She also grows close to Pierre, a free-spirited teenager who cares little about God. Anna is preparing for her confirmation, but her budding desire for Pierre shakes her faith. She longs to give herself over, body and soul... but doesn't know if it is to God, or something else?
Director: Katell Quillevere.

Cast: Clara Augarde, Lio, Michel Galabru, Stefano Cassetti, Thierry Neuvic, Youen Leboulanger-Gourvil, Philippe Duclos, Francoise Navarro, François Bernard, Catherine Riaux.
France, 2010.

Language: French, Russian.
Download Un poison violent.
Un poison violent. 2010.
Un poison violent. 2010.

С деца на море / S detza na more / With Children at the Seaside. 1972.

С детьми на море / С деца на море / S detza na more.
The movie consists of two novels with the same characters, but different adventures. A group of kids spend all their holidays together at the seaside. They never grow tired of games and mischief. But sometimes they decide to arrange the lives of the adults, which lead to ludicrous situations. 
Director: Димитър Петров / Dimitar Petrov.
Cast: Petar Peychev, Ivaylo Dzhambazov, Emil Petrov, Krasimir Marianov, Ivan Arshinkov, Kiril Petrov, Ruslan Terziyski, Svetlana Kirilova, Mihail Mutafov, Tatyana Novoselska.
Bulgaria, 1972.
Language: Bulgarian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download С деца на море / S detza na more / With Children at the Seaside.
С детьми на море / С деца на море / S detza na more.
С деца на море / S detza na more / With Children at the Seaside. 1972.

Den förtrollade vägen / Lumottu tie. 1986.

Den förtrollade vägen / Lumottu tie. 1986.
 SE. Den förtrollade vägen är en tv-film från år 1986 producerad av Yle. Manus till filmen är skrivet av Benedict Zilliacus och baserat på Oscar Parlands roman med samma namn från 1953. Berättelsen skildrar händelser inspirerade av Parlands barndom, och han fungerar även själv som berättarröst i filmen. Filmen regisserades av Åke Lindman, som även stod för regin för den fristående fortsättningen Tjurens år (1989).
Filmen utspelar sig på Karelska näset där femåriga Riki semestrar med familjen och en massa släktingar. Den blyga Riki har en livlig fantasi och försjunker ofta i fantasier där djurvarelser blandas ihop med verkliga skeenden. Riki och storebror Bernt blir också förtjusta i grannflickorna Nina och Katinka, men blir besvikna. Och Riki tyr sig igen till sina fantasidjur.
EN. Writer and psychiatrist Oscar Parland (1912-1997) narrates this nostalgic story about his early childhood memories and fantasies. Five-year-old Riki spends the summer of 1917 at his cosmopolitan family's summer house by the Gulf of Finland. Surrounded by other children and eccentric adults who speak Swedish, German and Russian, Riki also encounters some fantastic animal characters no one else is able to see.
Director: Åke Lindman.
Cast: Christel Aminoff, Lisa Bergström, Nils Brandt, Paul Budsko, Kim Gunell, Yasmine Harkimo, Marcus Hietanen, Pirkko Mannola, Valentina Mecklin, Monica Nyman, Oscar Parland, Göran Schauman.
Sweden, Finland, 1986.
Language: Finnish.
Download Den förtrollade vägen / Lumottu tie.
Den förtrollade vägen / Lumottu tie. 1986.
Den förtrollade vägen / Lumottu tie. 1986.
Den förtrollade vägen / Lumottu tie. 1986.
Den förtrollade vägen / Lumottu tie. 1986.


Den förtrollade vägen / Lumottu tie. 1986. Del 2.
 The second series of biographical film Den förtrollade vägen / Lumottu tie.
Director: Åke Lindman.
Cast: Christel Aminoff, Lisa Bergström, Nils Brandt, Paul Budsko, Kim Gunell, Yasmine Harkimo, Marcus Hietanen, Pirkko Mannola, Valentina Mecklin, Monica Nyman, Oscar Parland, Göran Schauman.
Sweden, Finland, 1986.
Language: Finnish.
Download Den förtrollade vägen / Lumottu tie. Del 2.
Den förtrollade vägen / Lumottu tie. 1986. Del 2.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

A visszhang titka. 1972.

Тайное эхо / A visszhang titka. 1972.
 The Hungarian version of the famous Soviet film on the script Yuri Nagibin Девочка и эхо / Paskutinė atostogų diena.
A filmben szereplő furcsa kislány visszahangokat gyűjt, s "csodálatos gyűjteményét" megmutatja kis barátjának is. Később a kisfiú is dicsekedni akar a visszahangokkal, de a hegyek némák maradnak.
Director: Károly Wiedermann.
Cast: Rita Orosz, Tamás Albert, József Molnár, Gábor Katona, László Pozsonyi, György Rácz, Dezsõ Aszódi, Károly Ágoston.
Hungary, Magyar Televízió Müvelödési Föszerkesztöség, 1972.
Language: Hungarian.
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Тайное эхо / A visszhang titka. 1972.
A visszhang titka. 1972.

El nido. Full version. 1980.

Гнездо / El nido. Full version. 1980.
 In a town near Salamanca, an eccentric widower, aged 60, is captivated by an imp, a precocious 13 year old. Alejandro is wealthy and alone, passing time with music, chess, and his shotgun. Gregoria (Goyita) the daughter of a weak-willed policeman and his bullying wife, is a budding naturalist who conspires to meet Alejandro. Even though he knows the village is talking, Alejandro spends time with Goyita, on walks, horseback rides, and dinners. He's enchanted and tells his friend the village priest that he's living for the first time. Goyita makes new demands on Alejandro, and he must decide how to be true to his ethics and to this Platonic yet highly-charged relationship.
This is the full version of movie 104 min.
Director: Jaime de Armiñán.
Cast: Héctor Alterio, Ana Torrent, Luis Politti, Agustín González, Patricia Adriani, María Luisa Ponte, Mercedes Alonso, Luisa Rodrigo, Amparo Baró, Ovidi Montllor, Mauricio Calvo.
Spain, Argentina, 1980.
Language: Spanish.
Гнездо / El nido. Full version. 1980.
El nido. Full version. 1980.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Charlotte for Ever. 1986.

Шарлотта навсегда / Charlotte for Ever. 1986.
Stan, screeplay writer, had his time of glory in Hollywood. Today, alcoholic with a certain envy for suicide, his only link to life is his daughter, Charlotte.
A writer played by Serge Gainsbourg, is asking his agent for money which he needs because he is broke. His agent argues with him, and asks for the script he is supposed to be working on. After some prolonged begging, he finally gets the cash after promising to finish the script.
His daughter Charlotte is used as his on screen offspring here for a sense of reality. They argue constantly about her mother's death in a car accident in which she blames her father for causing. We get repeated flashbacks of a Porsche crashing into a fuel tanker and a fiery explosion. In between, old Serge drinks, has sex with various prostitutes, and reads from classic literature, including Lolita, to his fifteen year old daughter. He has inappropriate behavior with her, including some brief nudity of young Charlotte. The film goes nowhere, it just drifts from scene to scene with no direction. Why Mr. Gainsbourg would subject his young daughter to this subject matter at fifteen...
Director: Serge Gainsbourg.

Cast: Charlotte Gainsbourg, Serge Gainsbourg, Roland Bertin, Roland Dubillard, Anne Zamberlan, Anne Le Guernec, Sabeline Campo.
France, 1986.
Download Charlotte for Ever.
Шарлотта навсегда / Charlotte for Ever. 1986.
Charlotte for Ever. 1986.
Шарлотта навсегда / Charlotte for Ever. 1986.
 Charlotte for Ever. 1986.

Gyerekbetegségek / Children's Sicknesses. 1965.

Gyerekbetegségek / Children's Sicknesses. 1965.
 Egy első osztályba lépő kisfiú és osztálytársai a film hősei. Hétköznapjaikat és ünnepeiket látjuk, mindvégig gyermekszemmel. Bepillantást nyerünk a kisfiú családjának életébe, megismerkedünk elfoglalt és kissé szórakozott édesapjával, aranyos édesanyjával és nagymamájával, aki roppant jól tud főzni. Megtudjuk, nem olyan könnyű gyereknek lenni, mint ahogyan azt a felnőttek elképzelik. Sok bonyodalom éri a kislegényt, mire az első iskolaév véget ér, s ő rádöbben: egyedül Zizi, kis barátnője érdemes arra, hogy feleségül vegye.
Director: Ferenc Kardos, János Rózsa.
Cast:  István Géczy, Tünde Kassai, Emil Keres, Judit Halász, Béla Horváth, Éva Tímár, Dóri Bánfalvi, Mária Mamusich, Irma Patkós, Márta Bakó, Rita Baranyai.
Hungary, 1965.
Language: Hungarian.
Download Gyerekbetegségek / Children's Sicknesses.
Gyerekbetegségek / Children's Sicknesses. 1965.
Gyerekbetegségek / Children's Sicknesses. 1965.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Fillim i vështirë. 1986.

Трудное начало / Fillim i vështirë. 1986.
 “Rreziku i ardhjes së njerkës” vjen papritur në jetën e Bledit të vogël. Ky lajm që vogëlushi e mëson rastësisht ishte një shok emocional për të. Nga ana tjetër kjo ndikon në lidhjen shpirtërore midis babait të Bledit Agronit dhe Zanës një kolege e tij e cila ushqen një ndjenjë të thellë dashurie për Agronin.
Director: Albert Xholi.
Cast: Shkëlqim Basha, Marta Burda, Timo Flloko, Sokol Gjoshi, Marieta Ljarja, Margarita Xhepa, Donika Zyberi, Frederik Zhilla, Zhaneta Pali.
Albania, Shqipëria e Re, 1986.
Language: Albanian.
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Трудное начало / Fillim i vështirë. 1986.
Fillim i vështirë. 1986.

Little Feet. 2013.

Маленькие ножки / Little Feet. 2013.

1. A couple of young kids living in Los Angeles (played by Rockwell's children Nico and Lana), decide that they want to see "the river." Setting out alone, their encounters along the way provide the heart and soul of the movie. Moments of wordless play are interspersed with the camera exploring the city as if through the eyes of his youthful protagonists.
2. A micro-budgeted delight that could have been made at the dawn of the Sundance indie boom, Little Feet finds one of that scene's participants, Alexandre Rockwell, imagining his own children as near-orphans fending for themselves on a day-long mission through Los Angeles. Commercial prospects are hobbled by an hour-long running time, but few who see the picture will fail to be charmed; word of mouth will be good if, perhaps paired with a simpatico short, it makes its way into non-fest arthouse bookings.
Lana and Nico Rockwell play Lana and Nico, whose unnamed father dresses in a funny-animal suit for a living and collapses drunk upon getting home from work. "How did Mommy die?" is the film's first whispered line of dialogue, and the children devote much of their imagination to ways she may still be present: They see her underwater in the bathtub, as a feather in the air...
Director: Alexandre Rockwell.
Cast: Lana Rockwell, Nico Rockwell, Rene Cuante-Bautista, Olinga Bolden, Benjamin Keepers, Tussi Bolden.
USA, 2013.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
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Маленькие ножки / Little Feet. 2013.
Little Feet. 2013.

Le silence, d'abord. 2003.

Молчание / Le silence, d'abord. 2003.
 Claire, 11 years old, bears a heavy secret. But neither her dad, nor anybody else must ever know. Except maybe Eric, her playmate, who is not afraid of Uncle Etienne…
Director: Pierre Filmon.
Cast: Nathalie Jouin, Рюдигер Фоглер, Carol-Anne Rouvier, Youri Babillot, Christophe Thebault.
France, 2003.
Language French.
Молчание / Le silence, d'abord. 2003.
Le silence, d'abord. 2003.

Princess. 2014.

Принцесса / Princess. 2014.
Princess is a 2014 Israeli drama film directed and written by Tali Shalom Ezer. It is Ezer's first feature film. Shira Haas stars as Adar, a 12-year-old girl whose close relationship with her mother's boyfriend becomes sexually abusive. Princess premiered at the 2014 Jerusalem Film Festival.
While her workaholic mother is away from home, 12-year-old Adar and her stepfather push their role-playing games into dangerous territory. As Adar attempts to delicately maneuver between the tempestuous and fiery relationships at home, she meets Alan - a dreamy boy who keenly resembles her, and brings him into the family. Alan leads Adar through a dark journey between childhood and adolescence, reality and fantasy, which will forever change the rules of the game in the household.
Director: Tali Shalom-Ezer.
Cast: Shira Haas, Keren Mor, Ori Pfeffer, Adar Zohar-Hanetz, Amitay Yaish Benuosilio, Shimon Mimran, Ariel Wizman.
Israel, 2014.
Language: Hebrew.
Subtitles: Russian, English, Hebrew.
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Принцесса / Princess. 2014.
 Princess. 2014.
Принцесса / Princess. 2014.
Princess. 2014.