Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014.

Молодые тела исцеляются быстро / Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014.
At the age twenty, Older escapes incarceration and seeks out his ten year old little brother, Younger. Clearly the bad influence, Older gets the boys mixed up in the "accidental" killing of a young girl and they are forced to go into hiding as they wait for their mother to rescue them. Thanks to their mother, the brothers now have a car and enough money to begin their bizarre road trip. Along the way, they encounter a host of people ranging from their unwelcoming sister to a troubled maid and her violent lover. Eventually, they wind up on the doorstep of their father's compound, wherein the three of them are quickly reminded why they are estranged in the first place. Just as the walls are about to close in, their father packs up his brood and takes them on a road trip of his own. They join several militaria enthusiasts in a remote forest where they re-enact actual Vietnam War battles. Once in the "jungle," the three of them revert to hostile tendencies building up to a final confrontation between father and sons, leaving the audience to decide what is real and what is make believe.
Director: Andrew T. Betzer.
Cast: Gabriel Croft, Хейл Hale Lytle (Fort Apache), Jay Featherstone, Johnathan Frasier, Sandra L. Hale, Daniel P. Jones, Adrian Lemon, Ali Lynch, Pilisa Mackey.
USA, Andrew T. Betzer Film Production, 2014.
Language: English.
Download Young Bodies Heal Quickly.

Молодые тела исцеляются быстро / Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014.

Молодые тела исцеляются быстро / Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014.
Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Oedipus orca. 1977.

Эдипово чудовище / Oedipus orca. 1977.
 IT. Alice, che nel film precedente era stata rapita, scopre che il padre non era intenzionato a pagare il riscatto per liberarla. Questo fatto la fa dubitare che l'uomo sia davvero suo padre. Inizia a indagare sul passato della madre fino a scoprire Lucio, un suo vecchio amante. La ragazza si offre a lui e dopo un iniziale rifiuto l'uomo cede. Il mattino dopo Lucio per raggiungere la ragazza che se ne era andata resta vittima di un incidente.
EN. Alice is brought back to her family after she is rescued from the men that kidnap her, but her nightmare is far from over since she continues to have constant flashbacks of her ordeal. She resents her parents because she believes they wouldn't pay for her ransom, since that is what she heard her captors say through a wall when she was kidnapped. Coming back to normal life is not easy for her because she has to deal with her parents, her boyfriend, and mix feelings she had for one of the captors that she had sex with in order to survive.
Director: Eriprando Visconti.
Cast: Rena Niehaus, Gabriele Ferzetti, Carmen Scarpitta, Michele Placido, Piero Faggioni, Vittorio Valsecchi, Enzo Consoli, Gianni Bortolotto, Eleonora Morana, Agnes Kalpagos, Miguel Bosé.
Italy, 1977.
Language: Italian, Russian.
Download Oedipus orca.
Эдипово чудовище / Oedipus orca. 1977.
Oedipus orca. 1977.

Flowers in the Attic. 2014.

Цветы на чердаке / Flowers in the Attic. 2014.
 Based on V.C. Andrews' controversial cult-classic novel, "Flowers in the Attic" tells the story of the Dollanganger kids who, after the unexpected death of their father, are coerced to stay hidden in the attic of their ruthless grandmother.
Director: Deborah Chow.
Cast: Maxwell Kovach, Heather Graham, Kiernan Shipka, Ellen Burstyn, Mason Dye, Dylan Bruce, Chad Willett, Ava Telek, John Emmet Tracy, Laura Jaszcz, Beau Daniels, Don Thompson, Xantha Radley,  Ian Robison, Andrew Kavadas, B.J. Harrison, Caroline Matthews.
USA, 2014.
Language: English.
1024х540 HD.
Download Flowers in the Attic. 2014.
Цветы на чердаке / Flowers in the Attic. 2014.
Flowers in the Attic. 2014.

Das Märchenschloß. 1961.

Das Märchenschloß. 1961.
 Die Brüder Peter, Günter und Klaus wandern los, um das Objekt ihrer Träume zu finden. Günter und Klaus wollen einen Mähdrescher und einen Traktor finden, geben jedoch schon nach kurzer Zeit auf. Der jüngste, Peter, sucht das Märchenschloss, von dem er in seinem Buch gelesen hat, und macht sich allein auf den Weg. Auf einer Wiese läuft ihm ein Pony zu, das dem Pony seines Buchs gleicht. Er nennt es Pedro und reitet mit ihm los. Unterwegs trifft er auf einen Schäfer, der ihm den Weg zum Rosenschloss weist, wo Pedro offensichtlich herstammt...
Director: Herrmann Zschoche.
Cast: Lutz Bosselmann, Jürgen Krüger, Rosemarie Stein, Andreas Neugebauer, Peter Piesick, Volker Scharf, Paul Borgelt, Heinz Brehm, Heinz Brehm, Sigrid Göhler, Horst Lampe, Hanna Rimkus, Werner Wenzel..
DDR, DEFA, 1961.
Language: German.
Download Das Märchenschloß.
Das Märchenschloß. 1961.
Das Märchenschloß. 1961

Walkabout. 1971.

Бродяжничество / Обход / Walkabout. 1971.
"The Aborgine and the girl 30,000 years apart ...together."
A privileged British family consisting of a mother, a geologist father and an adolescent daughter and son, live in Sydney, Australia. Out of circumstance, the siblings, not knowing exactly where they are, get stranded in the Outback by themselves while on a picnic. They only have with them the clothes on their backs - their school uniforms - some meagre rations of nonperishable food, a battery-powered transistor radio, the son's satchel primarily containing his toys, and a small piece of cloth they used as their picnic drop-cloth. While they walk through the Outback, sometimes looking as though near death, they come across an Australian boy who is on his walkabout, a rite of passage into manhood where he spends months on end on his own living off the land. Their largest problem is not being able to verbally communicate. The boy does help them to survive, but doesn't understand their need to return to civilization, which may or may not happen based on what the Australian boy ends up...
Director: Nicolas Roeg.
Cast: Jenny Agutter, David Gulpilil, Luc Roeg, John Meillon, Robert McDarra, Peter Carver, John Illingsworth, Hilary Bamberger, Barry Donnelly, Noeline Brown.
United Kingdom, Australia, 1971.

 Бродяжничество / Обход / Walkabout. 1971.

Бродяжничество / Обход / Walkabout. 1971.
Walkabout. 1971.

Kapitán Korda / Captain Korda. 1970.

Kapitán Korda / Captain Korda. 1970.
 V poetice dětského filmu lze řešit závažné problémy - třeba citovou rozervanost malého chlapce z dětského domova, jenž přilnul ke svým adoptivním rodičům, avšak po čase se ozvala jeho biologická matka... Příběh je samozřejmě hodně didaktický, uzpůsoben vnímání cílové divácké skupiny, takže mu odpustíme lecjaká zjednodušení, avšak vyhmátnutí ústředního sporu je přesné.
Director: Josef Pinkava.
Cast: Michal Vavruša, Vladimír Brabec, Milena Dvorská, Drahomíra Hofmanová, Jiří Vala, Václav Babka, Vlastislav Hudec, Jiří Sika, Roman Skřivánek, Jan Stibor, Ota Kadleček, Rudolf Vavřínek, Antonín Ženčák, Božena Böhmová .
Czechoslovakia, 1970.
Language: Czech.
Download Kapitán Korda / Captain Korda.
Kapitán Korda / Captain Korda. 1970.
Kapitán Korda / Captain Korda. 1970.

O. 2006.

О / Вода / O. 2006.
 Two people are standing in the middle of a desert, which once has been the bottom of the largest river of the world; they are looking for water.
They discover a point, being the basis of a line. During the process of their search for water, they are creating the concept of time, whereby lines inherently are being connected with it. Time is getting scarce. Speed. In what way can lines play a role in increasing speed?
Human creature shapes lines. From now on, line structures are subjected to logics and technology, as a base for the creation of his society. Points are being connected to each other, as straight as possible, as a clear conclusion. From now on, lines are guiding human being at an ever increasing velocity. An obsessed striving for rectilinearity, not knowing he is also part of a cycle.
The human being is offered a present in the form of beauty. For the first time, he discovers the curved line, sensual. He is getting aware of the sense of feeling admiration, in order to eventually return to the stream he had been looking for, the stream in its smallest unit, in its most pure form and floating in an endlessness. A drop.
As a point.
Director: Pieter-Jan De Pue.
Cast: Sidndey Kenedy de Lima Ferreira, Antonio de Oliveira Pereira, Eran De Vlam, Celestes De Vlam, Jan Haegens, Claudio Graisman, Koedn Dejaeger.
Belgium, 2006.
Translation is not required.
Video high quality 1024х576 HD.
Download O. 2006.
О / Вода / O. 2006.
O. 2006.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Tri šťastné čerešne. 1977.

Три счастливые вишни / Tri stastne ceresne. 1977.
 Moderná rozprávka, poeticky ladený príbeh o chlapcovi - prvákovi, ktorý sa nevedel dočkať zrelých čerešní.
Director: Vladimir Kavciak / Vladimír Kavčiak.
Cast: Робин Шурина / Robin Surina / Robin Šurina, Марош Тварожек / Maros Tvarozek / Maroš Tvarožek, Эдуард Станчик / Eduard Stancik / Eduard Stančík, Beata Znaková, Jana Plichtová, Jozef Cút, Karel Augusta, Miriam Čovaková, Роберт Богуницки / Robert Bohunicky / Robert Bohunický, Лацо Кужела / Laco Kuzela / Laco Kužela.
Czechoslovakia,  1977.
Language: Slovak.
Три счастливые вишни / Tri stastne ceresne. 1977.
Tri šťastné čerešne. 1977.

Mi tao cheng shu shi / Fruit Is Swelling. 1997.

Яблоко созрело / Mi tao cheng shu shi / Fruit Is Swelling. 1997.
 Category III soft sex comedy about two 8 year old girls who want to become adults. One day through magic this happens, but how should they handle this new situation?
Director: Man Kei Chin.
Cast: Chun Chung, Stephanie Fong, Christine Hung, Qi Shu, Elvis Tsui, Shu-Kei Wong, King-Tan Yuen.
Hong Kong, 1997.
Language: Cantonese.
Subtitles: English.
Download Mi tao cheng shu shi / Fruit Is Swelling.

Яблоко созрело / Mi tao cheng shu shi / Fruit Is Swelling. 1997.

Яблоко созрело / Mi tao cheng shu shi / Fruit Is Swelling. 1997.
Mi tao cheng shu shi / Fruit Is Swelling. 1997.

Anna. 2009.

Анна / Anna. 2009.
 Anna is a 12-year-old girl, living in a small fishing village. She is at a crossroad in her life. Her surroundings are changing - and so is she.
Director: Rúnar Rúnarsson.
Cast: Marie Hammer Boda, Daniel Stampe, Petrine Agger, Kristianna Nordoy, Leonora Nielsen, Henrik Noel Olesen.
Denmark, 2009.
Language: Danish.
Download Anna. 2009.
Анна / Anna. 2009.
 Anna. 2009.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Rakuyôju / Tree without leaves. 1986.

Дерево без листьев / Rakuyôju / Tree without leaves. 1986.
 The story is simple. A boy has a mother who is dedicated to him in every way, emotionally engaged and prepared for extreme sacrifice for the smallest pleasure for him. On the other side is a father so stern he makes Bergman's Scandinavian Lutherans seem mild. The mother dies when the boy is 11; all the siblings have fled and the boy at the end is stuck with his father, penniless. The thing is framed as the book the boy writes, now old and missing key parts of his soul. Lots of snow. Lots of lonely stares that contrast with the wide eyes of the boy, selfish and demanding.
It works. It works because its gentle, a gentle knife that wounds. In the west, you'd have Nick Nolte shouting. Beatings. Dark drama and loud. Here, the routineness of how bleakness seeps is much more disturbing. Everything is beautiful.
The anchor scene. There's usually one in such compositions, and here it is obvious because it is recalled a dozen times and repeated about half that. The boy and his sister are in the field playing. Tossing sandals in the air and pretending they are bats. We see the bats in their imagination as they attempt to catch them, which of course they are, continuing to keep them flying. The saintlike mother calls them for supper, which we know was painstakingly and perfectly prepared.
The children ignore her, playing with their imaginary hauntings in fun because they know they can control them. It builds and builds in resonance each occurrence, obviously the center of the movie the adult plays over and over in his head...
Director: Kaneto Shindô.
Cast: Keiju Kobayashi, Nobuko Otowa, Ichirô Zaitsu, Meiko Kaji, Kotoe Hatsui, Taiji Tonoyama, Bin Moritsuka, Rokkô Toura, Yûno Sugawara, Tokiko Miyama, Mami Okamoto, M. Shôjo, Tsuyoshi Naitô.
Japan, 1986.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Дерево без листьев / Rakuyôju / Tree without leaves. 1986.
 Rakuyôju / Tree without leaves. 1986.

Weasel. 2013.

Ласка / Weasel. 2013.
 Weasel, villain of fables, known for sucking out eggs and leaving shells intact. Weasel, a film concerned with man, boy, and rope.
Director: Charles Birns.
Cast: Hale Lytle (Young Bodies Heal Quickly), Michael Joseph Robinson, Robert Clohessy, Anthony Scarpone-Lambert, Jack Brennan.
USA, 2013.
Language: None.
HQ video 1280x720 HD.
Download Weasel.
Ласка / Weasel. 2013.
Weasel. 2013.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Brotherly. 2008.

Brotherly. 2008.Based on a true story of two brothers in 1970's Ohio. It tells of their abandonment by their alcoholic parents and how the brothers turned to each other for support.
Director: J.C. Oliva.

Cast: Kevin Fabian, Malcolm McRae, Mathis Fender, Jonathan Robert Kaplan, Lisa Michel.
USA, 2008.
Language: English.
Download Brotherly.
По-братски / Brotherly. 2008.
Brotherly. 2008.

Panorama. 2016.

Panorama. 2016.
Dazed by her mother's death, 9-year-old Hanali travels with her father to a remote town where she meets Rosa, a mother who recently lost her child. Under the weight of their grief, delusion takes hold - pulling the two together as they seek to find what they've lost.
Director: Virginia Urreiztieta.
Cast: Samantha Castillo, Andrés Castro, Martín Gornés, Victoria Da Silva.
Venezuela, 2016.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Panorama.
Panorama. 2016.
Panorama. 2016.

Trompeten Anton. 1981.

Trompeten Anton. 1981.
 Anton zieht mit seiner Familie in ein Hochhaus. Damit die neuen Nachbarn seine Trompetenmusik akzeptieren, muss er erst ein kleines “Wunder” mit dem Instrument vollbringen.
Director: Wolfgang Hubner.
Cast: Andreas Pfaff, Madeleine Lierck, Jurgen Heinrich, Fred Delmare, Ilse Voigt, Hans-Edgar Stecher, Carl Heinz Choynski, Ursula Staack, Dirk Rommel, Steven Dolling, Rene Albrecht, Bernard Hoffmann.
DDR, DEFA, 1981.
Language: German.
Trompeten Anton. 1981.
Trompeten Anton. 1981.

Apnea. 2015.

Apnea. 2015.
 ES. Este cortometraje realizado en Estados Unidos recrea la relación de cariño entre una nana latina y un niña norteamericana que se encuentra a su cuidado. Con una marcada presencia del agua como elemento que une al corto, la película deja en evidencia la contradicción que existe en esta relación, ya que aunque se acompañan con ternura, ambos personajes añoran estar con sus propios familiares.
EN. Little Claire kills time while waiting for her mother’s arrival with María, her Ecuadorian nanny.
Director: Manuela Martelli.
Cast: Ximena Mieles, Rebeca Sandler.
Chile, 2015.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download Apnea.
Apnea. 2015.
Apnea. 2015.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Schatjes! / Darlings! 1984.

Schatjes! / Darlings! 1984.
 NL. John Gisberts is een helikopterpiloot bij het Nederlandse leger. Samen met zijn vrouw en hun vier kinderen woont hij in een riante villa, net als de familieleden van de andere officieren. Van een warme gezinssfeer is er echter geen sprake. John zelf is amper thuis en zijn vrouw blijkt niet vies van een slippertje. Hun twee jongste zoontjes, Jan-Julius en Valentijn, krijgen geen degelijke opvoeding en de twee pubers van het gezin, Thijs en Madelon zijn het onverantwoord gedrag van hun ouders grondig beu.
EN. A peaceful family-life is suddenly disturbed when the children enter puberty. The children take over the house and ban their parents from their lives.
Director: Ruud van Hemert.
Cast: Peter Faber, Geert de Jong, Akkemay, Frank Schaafsma, Pepijn Zomer, Olivier Zomer, Rijk de Gooyer, Erik Koningsberger, Arie van Riet, Esgo Heil, Sue Ellen Somer.
Netherlands, 1984.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Schatjes! / Darlings!
Schatjes! / Darlings! 1984.
Schatjes! / Darlings! 1984.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Bi Ơi Đừng Sợ! / Bi, Don't Be Afraid. 2010.

Не бойся, Би! / Bi Ơi Đừng Sợ / Bi, Don't Be Afraid. 2010.
 In an old house in Hanoi, Bi, a 6-year-old child lives with his parents, his aunt and their cook. His favorite playgrounds are an ice factory and the wild grass along the river. After being absent for years, his grandfather, seriously ill, reappears and settles at their house. While Bi gets closer to his grandfather, his father tries to avoid any contact with his family. Every night, he gets drunk and goes and see his masseuse, for whom he feels a quiet strong desire. Bi's mother turns a blind eye on it. The aunt, still single, meets a 16-year-old young boy in the bus. Her attraction to him moves her deeply.
Director: Dang Di Phan.
Cast: Thanh Minh Phan, Thi Kieu Trinh Nguyen, Ha Phong Nguyen, Thuy Hoa, Tran Tien, Mai Chau, Phuong Thao Hoang, Huynh Anh Lê, Kim Long Thach, Hoang Ha Pham.
Vietnam, France, Germany, 2010.
Language: Vietnamese.
Subtitles: Russian.
Не бойся, Би! / Bi Ơi Đừng Sợ / Bi, Don't Be Afraid. 2010.
Bi Ơi Đừng Sợ / Bi, Don't Be Afraid. 2010.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978.

Тоби / Тоби, ребёнок с крыльями / Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978.
 Tobi (or Tobi el niño con alas) is a 1978 Spanish dramedy film written by Horacio Varcarcel and Antonio Mercero and directed by Antonio Mercero. Starring Lolo Garcia, Francisco Vidal, Norma Aleandro, Antonio Ferrandis, and Walter Vidarte, the film is about a little boy who grows a pair of wings on his back, giving him the appearance of an angel. The boy draws the attention of his community including doctors, scientists and schoolmates. The wings are surgically removed but eventually they grow back.
Director: Antonio Mercero.
Cast: Lolo García, María Casanova, Francisco Vidal, Silvia Tortosa, José Lifante, Andrés Mejuto, Norma Aleandro, Antonio Ferrandis, Walter Vidarte, Willy Rubio, Manuela Camacho, Lorenzo Ramírez.
Spain, 1978.
Language: Spanish.
Download Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas.
Тоби / Тоби, ребёнок с крыльями / Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978.
Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978.

De Honger / The Hunger. 2013.

Голод / De Honger / The Hunger. 2013.
 NL. De Honger’ heet die nieuwe film. Aanvankelijk was de naam ‘1963. Het verhaal speelt zich ook in 1963, meer bepaalde op een een woensdagnamiddag, op 29 mei om precies te zijn. Die namiddag gaan drie jongetjes spelen in de duinen. Hun spel wordt onderbroken wanneer ze een ontdekking doen die hun leven voorgoed zal veranderen. Een ontdekking ook die ze altijd geheim zullen houden.
EN. Wednesday afternoon, 29 May, 1963. Three boys are playing soldiers in the vast dunes of the Flemish coast. When one of them finds his sister making love deep in the dunes, their brother-sister relationship is put severely to the test.
Director: Benoit de Clerck.
Cast: Vincent Collin, Dorien De Clippel, Griet De Wolf, Carlos Dewulf, Mathias Van Mieghem, Daan Roofthooft, Julian-Benjamin Lens.
Belgium, 2013.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: English.
Download De Honger / The Hunger.
Голод / De Honger / The Hunger. 2013.
De Honger / The Hunger. 2013.

Sally Mann, photographer.

What Remains: The Life and Work of Sally Mann.
Sally Mann, all I could find about this interesting fine art photographer in one archive, the contents of the following:
1. As one of the world's preeminent photographers, Sally Mann creates artwork that challenges viewers' values and moral attitudes. Described by Time magazine as "America's greatest photographer," she first came to international prominence in 1992 with Immediate Family, a series of complex and enigmatic pictures of her three children. What Remains--Mann's recent series on the myriad aspects of death and decay--is the subject of this eponymously titled documentary.
Filmed at her Virginia farm, Mann is surrounded by her husband and now-grown children, and her willingness to reveal her artistic process allows the viewer to gain exclusive entrance to her world. Never one to compromise, she reflects on her own personal feelings about mortality as she continues to examine the boundaries of contemporary art. Spanning five years, What Remains contains unbridled access to the many stages of Mann's work, and is a rare glimpse of an eloquent and brilliant artist.
Director: Steven Cantor.
USA, 2005.

Language: English.

Immediate FamilyImmediate Family
2. The archive is also a photo album Sally Mann "Immediate Family": "These are photographs of my children....Many of these pictures are intimate, some are fictions and some are fantastic, but most are of ordinary things every mother has seen. I take pictures when they are bloodied or sick or naked or angry. They dress up, they pout and posture, they paint their bodies, they dive like otters in the dark river."  

Blood Ties: The Life and Work of Sally Mann.

3. Blood Ties: The Life and Work of Sally Mann.
Documentary about Sally Mann.

Blood Ties: The Life and Work of Sally Mann is a 1994 short documentary film directed by Steven Cantor and Peter Spirer. It was premiered at the 1994 Sundance Film Festival and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.
USA, 1993.
Language: English.

4. The music video presentation photo album Sally Mann Immediate Family.
 Download Sally Mann, photographer.
What Remains: The Life and Work of Sally Mann.
What Remains: The Life and Work of Sally Mann.

En Sabana Grande siempre es de dia. 1988.

En Sabana Grande siempre es de dia. 1988.
ES. Víctor, un niño de clase media, escapa de su casa en busca de su padre; después de múltiples travesías lo encuentra donde menos lo espera, con la ayuda de dos pequeños que viven en la calle.
EN. Victor, a middle-class child, escapes from his home in search of his father; after multiple crossings find it where you least expect, with the help of two small living on the street.
Director: Manuel de Pedro.
Cast: Daniel López, Virginia Urdaneta, Mario Antonini, Nelson Marquina, Frank García, Ramón Hinojosa, William Moreno, Freddy Galavis, Freddy Pereira, Antonio Briceño, Alejo Felipe.
Venezuela, 1988.
Language: Spanish.
Download En Sabana Grande siempre es de dia.
En Sabana Grande siempre es de dia. 1988.
En Sabana Grande siempre es de dia. 1988.