Monday, November 28, 2016

L'adolescente / An Adolescent Girl. 1979.

L'adolescente / Подросток.
 The summer of 1939. Marie, at 13, goes with her parents to visit her grandmother in a small town near Avignon. Although rumors of war reach the countryside, it's an idyllic place. Marie's parents are constantly making love. Surrounded by sexual frankness, Marie fancies herself a woman and develops a crush on Alexander, the town's young Jewish doctor. She's despondent when he treats her as if she were a child. After Marie's father abruptly leaves for a few weeks to assist with a relative's harvest, Marie's mother and the doctor disappear into the woods for hours at a time. Marie tries to spy on them. When dad returns, what will the family and the doctor do?
Director: Jeanne Moreau.
Cast: Simone Signoret, Francis Huster, Laetitia Chauveau, Edith Clever, Jacques Weber, Jean-Francois Balmer, Hugues Quester, Roger Blin, Frank Muth, Maurice Baquet.
France, Germany, 1979.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
Download L'adolescente / An Adolescent Girl.
L'adolescente / Подросток.
L'adolescente / An Adolescent Girl. 1979.

Mikres Afrodites / Young Aphrodites. 1963.

Юные Афродиты / Mikres Afrodites / Young Aphrodites. 1963.
 Parallel stories of Eros set in 200 B.C. Nomadic shepherds, plagued by drought, happen on a fishing encampment with plentiful fresh water. The local men are away but will return when it rains; the shepherds stay to refresh their flock until the rain comes. A shepherd lad and a local girl, both on the verge of puberty, start a mating dance. Also, one of the shepherds approaches a beautiful local woman, inviting her to sleep with him. How will she respond? She's married, her husband at sea for the week. Is love forever or temporary? A subtext dramatizes the capture of fish, birds, foxes, and other animals: their fates seem arbitrary.
Director: Nikos Koundouros.
Cast: Eleni Prokopiou, Takis Emmanuel, Kleopatra Rota, Vangelis Ioannidis, Zannino, Anestis Vlahos, Kostas Papakonstantinou, Stathis Giallelis.
Greece, 1963.
Download Mikres Afrodites / Young Aphrodites.
Юные Афродиты / Mikres Afrodites / Young Aphrodites. 1963.
Mikres Afrodites / Young Aphrodites. 1963.

Afrodita. 1993.

Афродита / Afrodita.
 1. Jedenáctiletý Michal Ronec žije po smrti matky s otcem - řidičem náklaďáku, který je často na cestách. Ani ve škole to Michal nemá jednoduché, spolužáci jsou k němu nepřátelští. Michal se seznámí s chlapem jménem Vojta, který se svým koněm Afroditou rozváží po městě pečivo. Rozvine se přátelství mezi chlapcem a mužem a také mezi chlapcem a koněm. Spolužáci, kteří se snaží Michalovi ztrpčovat život, se však nevzdávají a chystají se k úderu.
Jde o slovenský film pro děti a mládež, natáčení ovšem probíhalo v Mikulově na jižní Moravě
2. Filmový príbeh nielen o priateľstve chlapca a koňa, ale aj o hodnotách charakteru i hľadaní porozumenia medzi deťmi, dospelými a všade okolo nás.
Director: Lubomir Kocka.
Cast: Dominik Mysak, Marcela Fuksova, Bohdan Krnac, Vladislav Zaborsky, Ondrej Pavelka.
Slovakia, 1993.
Language: Slovak.
Афродита / Afrodita. 1993.
Afrodita. 1993.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Putkinotko / Ödemarkens barn. 1954.

Putkinotko / Odemarkens barn. 1954.

Teuvo Tuliolta vaikutteita ottaneiden melodraamojen ja sotilasfarssien jälkeen Roland af Hällström ohjasi neljä merkittävää klassikkokirjallisuuden filmatisointia, joita voi pitää ohjaaja-käsikirjoittajan päätöinä. Ensimmäisenä valmistui Joel Lehtosen Putkinotkon (1920) elokuvasovitus, jota seurasi Putkinotkoa monessa muistuttanut Ilmari Kianto -filmatisointi Ryysyrannan Jooseppi (1955), F. E. Sillanpään samannimisen kuuluisimman teoksen filmatisointi Poika eli kesäänsä (1955) ja vielä Minna Canth -sovitus Lain mukaan (1956). Näistä Putkinotko ja Ryysyrannan Jooseppi nousevat omaan luokkaansa.
Viime vuosisadan alussa lähellä Savonlinnaa asuvan Käkriäisen perheen elämästä yhden päivän ajalta kertova Putkinotko on tarina rähjäisistä, köyhistä ja sivistymättömistä metsäläisistä. Juutas (Matti Lehtelä), perheen pää, on ulkonäöltään koko perheestä kaikkein räjähtänein, niin likaisen näköinen, että melkein hänet voi haistaakin. Valtaosan vuodesta Juutas on saamaton vätys, joka kyllä rakastaa vaimoaan (Elvi Saarnio) ja eritoten monia lapsiaan, mutta viihtyy parhaiten yksin ja omilla reissuillaan.
Käkriäisen perheen elanto tulee viinan trokaamisesta, mutta rähjäisen mökkinsä he ovat saaneet vuokralle siitä hyvästä, että huolehtivat tilasta ja samassa pihapiirissä sijaitsevasta päärakennuksesta, jonne äveriäs kaupunkilaismies Muttinen (Pentti Viljanen) aina silloin tällöin saapuu kesää viettämään – tänään vieläpä fiinin naisystävänsä (Hillevi Rautio) kanssa. Juutas ei ole pestistä erityisen innoissaan, koska pelkää häätöä eikä muutenkaan tunnu olevan halukas tekemään työtä toisen hyväksi.
Putkinotkon päivä on toimintaa täynnä. Muttisen visiittiä ennen vaimo ja lapset ehtivät käydä kaupungissa ja Juutas jauho-ostoksilla, myöhemmin illalla käydään saunomassa ja vielä sen jälkeen laskemassa verkkoja. Pelkästään Juutaksen jauhokaupoista on saatu hyvin yksinkertaisella tavalla tehtyä loistavaa viihdettä, eikä vaimon asiointi apteekissa ole yhtään sen tylsempää katseltavaa. Kaupungissa käydessään vaimo yrittää yhdessä veljensä (Ari Laine) kanssa miettiä, miten Juutaksen saisi suostumaan pontikankeittoon. 
Director: Roland af Hällström.
Cast: Elvi Saarnio, Matti Lehtela, Lasse Poysti, Ritva Juhanto, Jorma Kutvonen, Sirkka Saarnio, Ilari Paatso, Pirjo Paatso, Reijo Suomalainen, Leena Rahikka, Raija Suomalainen, Heikki Jalkanen, Sylva Rossi, Ari Laine, Pentti Viljanen.
Finland, 1954.
Language: Finnish.
Download Putkinotko / Ödemarkens barn.

Putkinotko / Odemarkens barn. 1954.

Putkinotko / Odemarkens barn. 1954.
Putkinotko / Ödemarkens barn. 1954.

Salut les frangines. 1975.

Привет, ребята / Salut les frangines.1975.Denis spends a holiday at his friend's home, Marc. Staying with the family for several days, even though the Chotards have other things in mind than sex, he will have nice encounters with the girl of the house, Marianne, a young maid, and more.
Director: Michel Gerard.
Cast: Frederic Duru, Laure Cottereau, Jacqueline Jehanneuf, Maurice Biraud, Regis Porte.
France, 1975.
Language: French.
Download Salut les frangines.

Привет, ребята / Salut les frangines.1975.
Привет, ребята / Salut les frangines.1975.
Salut les frangines.1975.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

All films of David Hamilton.

Билитис / Bilitis. 1976.

Bilitis. 1976.

A coming of age story centering on the exploits of a young girl during summer vacation.
Director: David Hamilton.
Cast: Patti D'Arbanville, Mathieu Carriere, Mona Kristensen, Bernard Giraudeau, Gilles Kohler, Irka Bochenko.
Britain, France, 1976.

Билитис / Bilitis. 1976.
Bilitis. 1976.

 Нежные Кузины / Tendres Cousines. 1980.

  Tendres Cousines. 1980.

Summer 1939 in the Provence, France: the 14 years old Julien has a crush on his cousin Julia, who lives together with his family in their small hotel. Unfortunately she ignores him, because she's several years older. Then the hotel guest Charles enters the competition, a slimy twenty-something who lusts for the girl, despite the fact that he's engaged.
Director: David Hamilton.
France, Germany, 1980.

 Нежные Кузины / Tendres Cousines. 1980.
 Tendres Cousines. 1980.
Лора, тени лета / Laura, les ombres de l'ete. 1979.

  Laura, les ombres de l'ete. 1979.

Sculptor Paul meets a former great love again after a long time -- but is much more impressed by her 15 years old daughter Laura, who looks now like her mother when Paul was in love with her. Laura likes him very much too, but her jealous mother prevents any further contact. She allows him to make a sculpture of Laura, but only from photos.
Director: David Hamilton.
Cast: Maud Adams, Dawn Dunlap, James Mitchell, Pierre Londiche, Maureen Kerwin,  Louise Vincent, Luciano.
France, 1979.

Лора, тени лета / Laura, les ombres de l'ete. 1979.
Laura, les ombres de l'ete. 1979.

Лето в Сан-Тропе / Un été à Saint-Tropez / Summer In Saint Tropez. 1983.

  Un été à Saint-Tropez / Summer In Saint Tropez. 1983.

In an isolated country house close to the shore near Saint-Tropez, seven young women share a bedroom. Over two days, they wake, shower, breakfast, play dress up, bathe in the sea, picnic, ride bikes, pick flowers, have a pillow fight, run on the strand, practice ballet stretches, groom themselves and each other, and laugh. Anne returns a horse to Renaud; the next day, he's in a rowboat and meets her by the pier. By the film's end, all are celebrating with the lovers.
Director: David Hamilton.
Cast: Anne, Renaud, Monica Broeke, Joan, Helene, Esther, Ellen, Cyrilla, Catherine.
France, 1983.

Лето в Сан-Тропе / Un été à Saint-Tropez / Summer In Saint Tropez. 1983.
Un été à Saint-Tropez / Summer In Saint Tropez. 1983.
Первые желания / Premiers Desirs. 1984.

  Premiers Desirs. 1984.

Three teenage girls decide to visit a romantic island and find love. They get shipwrecked and end up on different sides of the island. Each girl begins her own romantic adventure either with a man, a boy or even another girl.
Director: David Hamilton.
Cast: Monica Broeke, Patrick Bauchau, Inge Maria Granzow, Anja Schute, Emmanuelle Beart, Bruno Guillain, Stephane Freiss, Charly Chemouny,Serge Marquand.
France, Germany, 1984.

Первые желания / Premiers Desirs. 1984.
Premiers Desirs. 1984.

Complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Juillet août / July-August. 2016.

Juillet août / July-August. 2016.

FR. C’est l’été. Les familles migrent et se recomposent.
Laura, 14 ans, et Joséphine, 18 ans, partent en juillet avec leur mère dans le Sud, puis en août chez leur père en Bretagne.
La cohabitation entre ados et adultes ne manque ni de tendresse, souvent non-dite, ni d’exaspération, parfois bruyante…
Car les filles ont leurs secrets, qui n’ont pas grand-chose à envier aux problèmes de leurs parents et de leurs beaux-parents.
C’est l’été de tous les dangers? Pas tout à fait. Quoique.
EN. It's summer. Families migrate and recompose.
Laura, 14, and Joséphine, 18, leave in July with their mother in the South, then in August with their father in Brittany.
The cohabitation between teenagers and adults does not lack tenderness, often unspoken, nor exasperation, sometimes noisy...
Because girls have their secrets, which have little to envy the problems of their parents.
Is it the summer of all dangers? Not quite. Whatever.
Director: Diastème.
Cast: Luna Lou, Pascale Arbillot, Alma Jodorowsky, Patrick Chesnais, Thierry Godard, Jérémie Laheurte, Lou Chauvain, Ali Marhyar, Délia Espinat-Dief, Nicolas Wanczycki, Antoine Dito, David Faure.
France, 2016.
Language: French.
Download Juillet août / July-August.
Juillet août / July-August. 2016.
Juillet août / July-August. 2016.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Fragile. 2014.

Fragile. 2014.
 When 8 year old Alex moves in permanently with his Dad, he is forced to suppress his true identity as he struggles to live up to the expectations set for him. He is bullied and beaten at school and is pushed to abide by his Dad's rules at home. Alex realizes he may have to choose between who he is and who his Dad thinks he should be. After getting caught cross dressing, he runs away from home and befriends a woman who restores his confidence. Alex eventually comes to terms with who he really is.
Director: Juliet Juliana Mango.
Cast: Alex Bryans, Russell Lambe, Jasmine Nibali.
Australia, 2014.
Language: English.
Subtitles: Russian.
1280x720 HD.
Download Fragile.
Fragile. 2014.
Fragile. 2014.

Martha... Martha. 2001.

Martha... Martha. 2001.
 FR. De marché en marché, de coin de pêche en partie de monopoly, Martha, Reymond et leur fille Lise vivent et s'aiment à contre-courant. Le bonheur semble à portée de main.
Mais les fantômes de l'enfance guettent, et Martha, traquée, entraîne son petit monde au fil d'une dérive sans fin.
EN. Martha is a woman with problems. She is not the ideal mother for her daughter Lise, or the ideal wife for her husband Reymond : she taunts Lise with lines like "you spoil everything", and stays out at bars while Rey takes care of everything. Her childhood is never really disclosed, but she is shunned from her family, who regard her as some kind of an embarrassment.
The characters in this film are wonderfully fleshed out : Martha, who knows she is acting stupidly but can't stop herself; Lise, their intelligent daughter; and Reymond, the loving father who manages to keep it all together during the films intense third quarter.
A gritty contemporary neo-realist piece, this amazing film is about never giving up on people, no matter how dire the situation (indeed it is even dedicated to "the need for consolation").
Director: Sandrine Veysset.
Cast: Valérie Donzelli, Yann Goven, Lucie Régnier, Lydia Andrei, Séverine Vincent, Javier Cruz, Pierre Pezon, Catherine Ferran, Robert Beal.
France, 2001.
Language: French.
Download Martha... Martha.
Martha... Martha. 2001.
Martha... Martha. 2001.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

'Non', ou A Vã Glória de Mandar / No, or the Vain Glory of Command. 1990.

Нет, или тщеславие командования / 'Non', ou A Va Gloria de Mandar / No, or the Vain Glory of Command.
 Episodes from entire military history of Portugal are told through flashbacks as a professorish soldier recounts them while marching through a Portuguese African colony in 1973. He easily draws his comrades into philosophical musings, and the little contingent suffers badly at the hands of the local military opposition.
Director: Manoel de Oliveira.
Cast: Luis Miguel Cintra, Diogo Doria, Miguel Guilherme, Luis Lucas, Carlos Gomes, Antonio S. Lopes, Mateus Lorena, Lola Forner, Raul Fraire, Ruy de Carvalho, Teresa Menezes.
Portugal, Spain, France, 1990.
Language: Portuguese.

Нет, или тщеславие командования / 'Non', ou A Va Gloria de Mandar / No, or the Vain Glory of Command.
/ 'Non', ou A Va Gloria de Mandar / No, or the Vain Glory of Command.

Ellos Volvieron / They Returned. 2015.

Они возвращаются / Ellos Volvieron / They Returned. 2015.
 Ellos Volvieron (aka They Returned) is a beautifully touching and unnerving story about the unexplained disappearance of three children, two boys and one girl, and their reappearance three days later in a semi-autistic state. Not even the children themselves are able to help anyone understand what happened. No clues or signs are left, other than the fact that, as we discover later, two of them were mutilated.
As the police carry out their investigation, and the town slowly sinks into a deep state of suspiciousness, small community of children - classroom colleagues of the missing three - run their own parallel search.
Only one person is a potential suspect: the children’s own classroom teacher, recently arrived from another town. He does not help his case when he attempts to make the school psychologist understand that the children were in fact murdered...
Director: Iván Noel.
Cast: Valentina Sartorelli, Juan Ignacio Molina, Lauro Veron, Camila Cruz, Julio Mendez, Rosana Rossotti, German de Goycoechea, Edmee Aran, Romina Pinto, Jorge Booth.
Argentina, 2015.
Format : MKV / 1920x804 FULL HD
Duration : 100 min
File Size : 3160 MB
Download Ellos Volvieron / They Returned. 2015.

Они возвращаются / Ellos Volvieron / They Returned. 2015.

Они возвращаются / Ellos Volvieron / They Returned. 2015.
Ellos Volvieron / They Returned. 2015.

Pějme píseň dohola. 1990. DVD.

Воспеваем будни без прикрас / Pějme píseň dohola. 1990. DVD.
 K prvnim citovym i sexualnim zazitkum lze prijit ruzne, docela spolehlive byvaly zejmena pionyrske tabory, hojne poradane za minuleho rezimu. Zjistuje i ponekud vykuleny praktikant, jenz se jedne takove akce ucastni. Vznikla nahorkla komedie, zajiste presna v jednotlivych detailech a postihujici obvykle taborove stereotypy, avsak v celkovem vyzneni tvurci - scenar napsali Jan Hrebejk a Petr Jarchovsky - zapoli s urcitym vyrazovym zmatnenim. Snimek rezisera (a pozdeji hlavne producenta) Ondreje Trojana provazel az nespravedlive prehlizivy postoj publika.
Director: Ondrej Trojan.
Cast: Vaclav Chalupa, Ulrika Kotajna, Ladislav Brothanek, Jiri Strach, Jitka Andelova, Ana Geislerova, Martin Janous, Andrea Sousedikova.
Czechoslovakia, 1990.
Language: Czech, Russian.
Subtitles: Czech.
DVD9, bonuses: photos, interviews, trailers.
Menu animated, voiced.
3 audio tracks:
Audio 1: AC3, 2/0 ch, 192 Kbps, Russian.
Audio 2: AC3, 2/0 ch, 224 Kbps Czech.
Audio 3: AC3, 3/2+LFE ch, 448 Kbps, Czech.
Download DVD Pějme píseň dohola.
Воспеваем будни без прикрас / Pějme píseň dohola. 1990. DVD.
Pějme píseň dohola. 1990. DVD.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Cuore Di Mamma. 1969.

Сердце матери / Cuore Di Mamma. 1969.

This film is a social commentary about the mindless violence that is perpetuated on impressionable youth by television. Lorenz (Carla Gravina) has three young children who are victims of a media who wishes to turn out terrorists. She contends with her monstrous offspring and student revolts until she can't take it anymore. Lorenz takes matters into her own hands by planting a bomb in the factory of her estranged husband. The director attempts to illustrate the effect that Big Brother has on the lives of people and how they are subjected to behavioral conditioning beyond their control.
Director: Salvatore Samperi.
Cast: Beba Loncar, Yorgo Voyagis, Massimiliano Ferendeles, Valentino Orfeo, Sara Di Nepi.
Italy, 1969.
Download Cuore Di Mamma.
Сердце матери / Cuore Di Mamma. 1969.
Cuore Di Mamma. 1969.

Vägen till Gyllenblå! 1985.

Vägen till Gyllenblå! 5 Episodes. 1985. FULL-HD.
 Vägen till Gyllenblå! (English: The Road to Golden Blue) is a Swedish science fiction TV miniseries that premiered on 29 December 1985.
Ratio Rasch, the president of planet Gyllenblå, has banned laughter and emotions in order to create a society based on reason. Police are constantly patrolling the planet and anyone caught laughing is imprisoned and given anti-laughter serum. Only a few members of an underground guerrilla oppose the president. On Earth, the eccentric Dr. Krull listens to signals from outer space and realizes that something needs to be done so he sends the two children Cecilie and Fredrik to Gyllenblå. Epicykel, a guerrilla member, senses their presence and hopes to get to them first but fails. The children are put in school, where Fredrik has great difficulty controlling his laughter but Cecilie adapts well. The guerrilla knows that laughter is contagious and Fredrik gives them new hope of returning laughter to the people of Gyllenblå.
Writer: Roar Skolmen.
Director: Leif Krantz.
Cast: Maria Tornlund, Erik Lindgren, Liv Alsterlund, Sven-Erik Vikström, Kim Anderzon, Christina Carlwind, Maria Hedborg, Tuncel Kurtiz, Peder Falk, Lennart Tollén, Benny Haag, Catharina Alinder, Nils Eklund, Gunnel Fred, Liv Alsterlund, Erik Lindgren, Kim Anderzon.
Sweden, 1985-1986.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Vägen till Gyllenblå! 5 Episodes. 1985.
Vägen till Gyllenblå! 5 Episodes. 1985. FULL-HD.
Vägen till Gyllenblå! 5 Episodes. 1985. FULL-HD.

Vägen till Gyllenblå! 5 Episodes. 1985. FULL-HD.
Vägen till Gyllenblå! 5 Episodes. 1985. FULL-HD.


Friday, November 18, 2016

A világ legrosszabb gyereke.1987.

Худший ребёнок в мире / A világ legrosszabb gyereke.
 Kavicsék új lakásba költöztek. Apja külföldön vállalt munkát, anyja sokat túlórázik, a kisfiúra a Nénike vigyáz, aki nem engedi senkivel játszani. Kavics mindent elkövet, hogy játszópajtásokat szerezzen magának, s eközben válik a világ legrosszabb gyerekévé.
Director: Takács Vera.
Cast: Kovács Róbert, Csákányi Eszter, Kovács Mária, Mátyás Usztics, Józsa Hacser, Réka Acél, Tamás Angyal, Miklós Gerely.
Hungary, 1987.
Language: Hungarian.
Download A világ legrosszabb gyereke.
Худший ребёнок в мире / A világ legrosszabb gyereke.
A világ legrosszabb gyereke.1987.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

La fille et l'amande / The Girl and the Almond. 1996.

La fille et l'amande / The Girl and the Almond. 1996.
 FR. Portrait d'une jeune fille qui n'a jamais fait l'amour et qui en meurt d'envie.
EN. Portrait of a girl who never made love and who dies of envy.
Film was demonstrated at the Cannes International Film Festival.
Director: Bénédicte Brunet.
Cast: Laure Cavallera, Hélène Force, René Fernandez, Prune Lieuthier, Quentin Conessa.
France, 1996.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
Download La fille et l'amande / The Girl and the Almond.
La fille et l'amande / The Girl and the Almond. 1996.
La fille et l'amande / The Girl and the Almond. 1996.

Monday, November 14, 2016

L'enfant lion / The Lion Child. 1993.

L'enfant lion / The Lion Child. 1993. FULL-HD.
FR. L'Enfant lion est un film franco-burkinabé réalisé par Patrick Grandperret, sorti en 1993. Il s'agit d'une adaptation cinématographique du roman Sirga la lionne, de l'écrivain français René Guillot, paru en 1951.
Au village de Pama, en Afrique, au XXe siècle, Oulé vient au monde le même jour que Sirga, la petite lionne. Ils grandissent ensemble et deviennent inséparables, passant leurs journées à chasser, au grand dam de Léna, la douce amie d'Oulé. L'enfant apprend le langage des animaux, du vent et du feu. Ses connaissances vont d'ailleurs lui devenir précieuses, lorsqu'un jour surgissent des hommes armés venus du Nord. La tribu est décimée et les enfants sont emmenés en esclavage au Maghreb ou en Arabie. Oulé tente de retrouver sa terre natale avec l'aide des félins.
EN. In the village of Pama, Sirga the lioness and Oule the young boy, born the same day, grow up together as sister and brother. Oule discovers the world alongside Sirga, and it is through her that he learns the secrets of the brush. He knows how to speak to the trees, the beasts, the bees and the wind. But one day, horsemen arrive from the Nord to take away all of the children of the village in chains and sell them into slavery. Oule and his friend Lena are bought by a nobleman of the high plains who, terrified by Oule's powers, sends him into exile. But Oule posesses the strength of lions and he finds Sirga. With Lena, they will reconstruct the village of Pama...
Director: Patrick Grandperret.
Cast: Mathurin Sinze, Sophie-Véronique Toue Tagbe, Souleyman Koly, Wéré Wéré Liking, Salif Keïta, Jean-René de Fleurieu, Michel Boccara, Damouré Zika, Guy Cuevas.
France, Burkina Faso, 1993.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English, French.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download L'enfant lion / The Lion Child. 1993.
L'enfant lion / The Lion Child. 1993. FULL-HD.
L'enfant lion / The Lion Child. 1993. FULL-HD.

Sweetwater. 1988.

Sweetwater. 1988.
SE. Sweetwater är en norsk-svensk science fiction-, drama- och thrillerfilm från 1988 i regi av Lasse Glomm och med manus av Glomm och Petter Skavlan. I rollerna ses bland andra Bentein Baardson, Petronella Barker och Alphonsia Emmanuel.
Efter ett stort ödeläggande krig flyttar den unge arkitekten Allan ut från staden Sweetwater till en soptipp. Där lever han tillsammans med familjen och livnär sig på soporna från staden. Det största problemet är att få tag på färskvatten och i sökandet efter detta stöter Allan på en rad personer som blir hans vänner. Till slut sprids våldet från staden ända ut till soptippen.
EN. The action takes place in a grim anarchist future civilization after a big crash or war. A young man, Allan (Bentein Baardson), decides to move out of the city as his family live in. He brings his wife, Lisa ('Petronella Barker'), and the son to a big garbage dump located outside the city. Where they settle and survive on the waste they find on the dump. They are in many ways more closely related to each other by living this way, and Lisa eventually becomes pregnant. But there is a great shortage of water (Sweetwater) and the family of three must go out and look for water. When they discover they are not alone in staying in landfill. It will be a struggle for existence.
 Director: Lasse Glomm.
Cast: Bentein Baardson, Petronella Barker, Martin Disch, Alphonsia Emmanuel, Per Jansen, Sven Wollter, Sverre Anker Ousdal, Bjørn Sundquist Sundquist, Tom Tellefsen, Elsa Lystad, Morten Faldaas, Terje Strømdahl, Lars Arentz-Hansen.
Sweden, Norway, 1988.
Language: Norwegian, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Sweetwater. 1988.
Sweetwater. 1988.
Sweetwater. 1988.


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sabine Kleist, sieben Jahre. 1982.

Сабина Клейст, 7 лет / Sabine Kleist, sieben Jahre. 1982.

Little Sabine has spent her childhood in an orphanage after her parents died in a car accident. When one of the women in charge at the orphanage, Edith, leaves to have a baby, Sabine runs away, because Edith was the only adult there she could trust. She then wanders through the city to find someone to take her in. She meets a lot of people on her journey, but she seems out of place everywhere she goes until, at last, she realizes that there is a special place where she belongs.
Director: Helmut Dziuba.
Cast: Petra Lammel, Martin Trettau, Dietmar Bauschke, Johanna Clas, Peter Cwielag.
DDR, 1982.
Download Sabine Kleist, sieben Jahre.
Сабина Клейст, 7 лет / Sabine Kleist, sieben Jahre. 1982.
Sabine Kleist, sieben Jahre. 1982.
Сабина Клейст, 7 лет / Sabine Kleist, sieben Jahre. 1982.
Sabine Kleist, sieben Jahre. 1982.