Thursday, May 25, 2017

Nattlek / Night Games. 1966.

Ночные игры / Nattlek / Night Games.
 A young man and his fiancee visit the castle where he grew up. As the narrative, told in flashback, unfolds, it becomes clear that the boy's mother has been indulging in sexual peversity ranging from orgies to incest. Zetterling's second feature was adapted from her own novel and received sensational publicity at the time. The direct treatment of the subject matter - sex, birth and perversion - provoked something of an outcry from the press, who probably wouldn't bat an eyelid today.
Director: Mai Zetterling.
Cast: Ingrid Thulin, Keve Hjelm, Jorgen Lindstrom, Lena Brundin, Naima Wifstrand, Monica Zetterlund.
Sweden, 1966.
Language: Swedish.
 Subtitles: Russian.
Download Nattlek / Night Games.
Ночные игры / Nattlek / Night Games.
Nattlek / Night Games.

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