Monday, April 11, 2016

Totor. 1994.

Черепаха / Totor. 1994.

A boy and his turtle provide the main story in this film which alternates between surrealism, comedy and graphically violent drama. The film does contain a very realistic circumcision scene which may be disturbing to some viewers. Mentse is a young boy. After his mother is burned to death in a murder, Mentse goes to a neighboring village where he is adopted. Totor, an adorable turtle, provides much comic action as the villagers fight for him.
Director: Daniel Kamwa.
Cast: Edna Kamwa, Gaylord Kamwa, Marcel Bokalli, Mapeta Bolitchitchi, Marthe Bouambo, Jean Djamani, Daniel Kamwa, Marie Kedi, Aloys Mahouwa, Helianne Manzouer.
Cameroon, France, 1994.
Language: French.
Download Totor.
Черепаха / Totor. 1994.
Totor. 1994.

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