Wednesday, January 22, 2025

우리들 / U-ri-deul / The World of Us. 2016. HD.

우리들 / U-ri-deul / The World of Us. 2016. HD.
KR. 2016년 6월 16일에 개봉한 한국 영화.
영화의 아역들은 연기 경력이 한번도 없는 아이들이며 대본을 숙지하지 않고 연기를 하기 위해 상황극을 한 뒤 촬영을 진행했다고 한다. 때문인지 대본을 숙지하고 연기를 하는 위화감이 없다.
그 여름, 나에게도 친구가 생겼다…
“내 마음이 들리니”
언제나 혼자인 외톨이 선은 모두가 떠나고 홀로 교실에 남아있던 방학식 날, 전학생 지아를 만난다.
서로의 비밀을 나누며 순식간에 세상 누구보다 친한 사이가 된 선과 지아는 생애 가장 반짝이는 여름을 보내는데,
개학 후 학교에서 만난 지아는 어쩐 일인지 선에게 차가운 얼굴을 하고 있다.
선을 따돌리는 보라의 편에 서서 선을 외면하는 지아와 다시 혼자가 되고 싶지 않은 선.
어떻게든 관계를 회복해보려 노력하던 선은 결국 지아의 비밀을 폭로해버리고 마는데...
EN. The World of Us (Korean: 우리들; RR: Woorideul) is a 2016 South Korean drama film written and directed by Yoon Ga-eun in her feature-length directorial debut. The film was released in South Korea on June 16, 2016.
At an age when perhaps friends mean more than moms, 10 year-old Sun is an outcast at school. During summer vacation, she meets Jia, who is new to town. As Sun shows Jia around the neighborhood and they play at each other's houses and share secrets, they become best friends. However when the new semester starts, Jia notices a strange vibe between Sun and the other kids. Jia tries to get into the cool kids group and starts to distance herself from Sun. Inside the perhaps more complex and delicate world of children than adults, the two girls end up hurting and getting hurt by each other.
Director: Ga-eun Yoon.
Cast: Soo-In Choi, Hye-in Seol, Lee Seo-Yeon, Joon-woo Choi, Hye Jin Jang.
South Korea, 2016.
Language: Korean.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download 우리들 / U-ri-deul / The World of Us. 2016.
우리들 / U-ri-deul / The World of Us. 2016. HD.
우리들 / U-ri-deul / The World of Us. 2016. HD.


52 procent / The 52 Percent. 2006.

52 procent / The 52 Percent. 2006.
PL. Film opowiada historię 11 - latki z Petersburga, której marzeniem jest dostanie się do szkoły baletowej - Akadamii Waganowej. Dziewczynka idzie na egzaminy wstępne i nie dostaje się, ma jednak drugą szansę. Zdeterminowana, z pomocą matki ciężko ćwiczy w domu, aby wydłużyć sobie nogi i zyskać idealne proporcje, których wymaga od niej zawód tancerza.
EN. 11-year-old Alla desperately wants to get to an elite ballet academy in St. Petersburg. The jury give her a second chance - in 2 months' time she just needs to improve her proportions.
Director: Rafal Skalski.
Poland, 2006.
Language: Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download 52 procent / The 52 Percent. 2006.

52 procent / The 52 Percent. 2006.
52 procent / The 52 Percent. 2006.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Verano / Summer. 2014. HD.

Verano / Summer. 2014. HD.
ES. Manu disfruta las vacaciones más solitarias de su vida.
EN. Manu enjoys the loneliest vacation of his life.
Director: Manuel Eyzaguirre.
Cast: Ricardo Eyzaguirre Montenegro.
Peru, 2014.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Verano / Summer. 2014.
Verano / Summer. 2014. HD.
Verano / Summer. 2014. HD.


Şi va fi / Predchuvstviye. 1992.

Şi va fi / Predchuvstviye. 1992.
RO. Și va fi este un film românesc din 1991 regizat de Valeriu Jereghi. Rolurile principale au fost interpretate de actorii Maria Ploae, Daniel Ionescu.
EN. There are a small number of people for whom imagery and symbolism alone are sufficient reason to watch an otherwise difficult film such as this one. In the story, a boy, a woman and a cow seem to be the only survivors of a global catastrophe, except for whoever is following them threateningly in a tank. Slowly they put together what they need to survive, and despite the difficulty of all this, it looks as though the human race may just manage a new beginning. This simple, darkly imaged story is told with a very minimal amount of dialog. Sci-Fi and action fans may find the film disappointing, but conoisseurs of metaphor may find what they are looking for here.
Director: Valeriu Jereghi.
Cast: Daniel Ionescu, Maria Ploae, Lunaia.
Romania, USSR, 1992.
Language: none (Romanian).
Download Şi va fi / Predchuvstviye. 1992.
Şi va fi / Predchuvstviye. 1992.
Şi va fi / Predchuvstviye. 1992.


Monday, January 20, 2025

Nocomodo. 2022. FULL-HD.

Nocomodo. 2022. FULL-HD.
In the summer of her seventh birthday, Selma is molested by an associate of her father’s who soon appears to her in the guise of an animal. Shocked, Selma discovers the power of her own language as a bulwark against adult violence.
Nocomodo follows Selma, a little girl confronted with a too brutal reality. Through an imaginary language and dreamlike projections, Selma finds protection and begins a rebellion. With little dialogue, the film borrows from both realism and surrealism aesthetic and is as close as possible to the little girl’s sensations and her vision of adults.
Director: Lola Halifa-Legrand.
Cast: Tissem Boukchem, Bastien Bouillon, Gaspard Caens, Esther Garrel.
France, 2022.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Nocomodo. 2022.
Nocomodo. 2022. FULL-HD.
Nocomodo. 2022. FULL-HD.


Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996. HD.

Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996. HD.
 FR. Le Bel Été 1914 est un film français réalisé par Christian de Chalonge, sorti le 21 août 1996. Le scénario est adapté d'après le roman de Louis Aragon, Les Voyageurs de l'impériale.
À la veille de la guerre de 14-18, Pierre et Paulette Mercadier partent en vacances avec leur fils Gabriel encore dans la pré-puberté.
C'est dans le château de leur oncle ruiné, le comte de Sainteville, qu'ils se rendent en vacances, le comte a dû louer une partie de sa demeure à des roturiers lyonnais, Ernest, Blanche et leurs filles, Suzanne et Yvonne.
Les enfants font la découverte des premiers émois de la sensualité et de l'érotisme, alors que Pierre tombe amoureux de la belle Blanche...
Ce vieux château a su garder tout son charme et ses souvenirs, l'été torride est lumineux, et la campagne est bucolique…
EN. A couple take their son for the holidays to an uncle, so short of money that he rents part of his big isolated house to a businessman whose wife and daughters are there on holiday too. An affair develops among the adults, while the children start their own explorations. Deaths, disappearances and financial ruin follow as the world drifts into war.
Director: Christian de Chalonge.
Cast: Claude Rich, Maria Pacôme, Hippolyte Girardot, Judith Henry, Marianne Denicourt, Philippe Torreton, Emmanuel Salinger, Julia Maraval, Robinson Stévenin, Pauline De Boever, Marie-Joséphine Crenn, Maria Lhande, Stéphanie Petiot.
France, 1996.
Language: French.
1280x720 HD
Download Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996.
Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996. HD.
Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996. HD.

Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996. HD.
Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996. HD.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Trocadéro bleu citron / Trocadero Lemon Blue. 1978. FULL-HD.

Trocadéro bleu citron / Trocadero Lemon Blue. 1978. FULL-HD.
FR. Il était une fois au Trocadéro, à Paris, un petit garçon du non de Phil. Phil a dix ans et il est heureux de vivre et de voir clair dans une ville toute rose. A la loterie des mères, il a décroché le gros lot: sa maman, c'est Annie. Annie est photographe, elle est belle, jeune et vit dans une maison pleine de soleil et d'oiseaux. C'est la maman du bonheur, Phil est heureux de vivre aussi parce que ses meilleurs copains sont formidables. Il font du skate comme des fous au Trocadéro et la vie s'écoule dans les rires et la joie. Jusqu'au jour où, au détour d'une allée longeant les bassins, Phil la voit, elle, Caroline et il ressent comme un grand vide dans la poitrine. Comme si elle lui avait toujours manqué. A partir de ce grand moment, Phil et Caroline vont se voir souvent grace à la complicité d'Annie à qui Phil s'est confié. Annie sa meilleur copine, sa maman qui, mieux que personne, a compris qu'il faut l'aider et que son besoin de tendresse est immense.
 EN. Phil, 10 years old, living with his mother, has fallen in love with a girl of his age. He also likes skateboarding with his friends.
Director: Michael Schock.
Cast: Lionel Melet, Anny Duperey, Bérengère de Lagatinerie, Martine Sarcey, Henri Garcin, Franck Fitoussi, Stephane Leborgne, Cem Aykac, Elfie Weiss, Philippe Barry de Longchamp, Patrice Melennec, Jacques-Olivier Holzer.
France, 1978.
Languages: French, German.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Trocadéro bleu citron / Trocadero Lemon Blue. 1978.
Trocadéro bleu citron / Trocadero Lemon Blue. 1978. FULL-HD.
Trocadéro bleu citron / Trocadero Lemon Blue. 1978. FULL-HD.

Trocadéro bleu citron / Trocadero Lemon Blue. 1978. FULL-HD.
Trocadéro bleu citron / Trocadero Lemon Blue. 1978. FULL-HD.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. FULL-HD.

Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. FULL-HD.
Finally found a perfect quality version of this movie!
IT. Un dentista separato con due figli piccoli decide un'estate di farsi una crociera sulla "barca" (acquistata a rate) assieme ai figlioli. Ma è talmente imbranato che la moglie decide di imbarcarsi anche lei per evitare che i figli affoghino. La crociera si rivela comunque disastrosa: la famiglia è presa in ostaggio da due evasi, il cabinato affonda. Ma intanto è rinato l'amore fra i due coniugi, con gran sollievo dei ragazzi.
EN. I'm Getting a Yacht (Italian: Mi faccio la barca) is a 1980 Italian comedy film directed by Sergio Corbucci.
As an ex-husband, his wife and their two children take a vacation on the ex's new yacht, the scene is set for disaster when it becomes clear that the ex-husband knows absolutely nothing about yachting. The crew quickly find out that the Mediterranean has its own challenges, and the wife discovers her particular nemesis in a thoroughly unlikeable playboy who has his sights set a little too firmly on her alone. The interaction between the triad of wife, ex-husband, and playboy reaches a final resolution as the yacht moves closer to its own special fate.
Director: Sergio Corbucci.
Cast: Laura Antonelli, Johnny Dorelli, Cariddi McKinnon Nardulli, Marco Massoni, Christian De Sica, Itaco Nardulli, Daniela Poggi, West Buchanan, Franco Giacobini, Daniele Formica, Sal Borgese.
Italy, 1980.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980.
Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. FULL-HD.
Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. FULL-HD.

Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. FULL-HD.
Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. FULL-HD.


Sestra moya, Lyusya / My Sister Lyusya. 1985.

Sestra moya, Lyusya / My Sister Lyusya. 1985.
The film is a recollection of an adult about the unforgettable days of the first post-war year. Klava, who lost her husband at the front, with her 12-year-old daughter Lyusya sheltered Aygul with a seven-year-old boy in her house. Aygul's son - the main character, now became a pilot, recalls his childhood in a small Kazakh city, which fell on a difficult post-war time. Flying high above the Earth, he thinks of the Russian girl Lyusya, from his distant past.
Director: Yermek Shinarbayev.
Cast: Valentina Telichkina, Lyubov Germanova, Olga Ostroumova, Nikolay Grinko, Lyudmila Ivanova, Raisa Mukhamedyarova, Viktor Yevgrafov, Boris Klyuev,
Innokentiy Smoktunovskiy.
USSR, Kazakhfilm, 1985.
Language: Russian.
Subtitles: English.

Sestra moya, Lyusya / My Sister Lyusya. 1985.
Sestra moya, Lyusya / My Sister Lyusya. 1985.

Naiá e a Lua / Naiá and the Moon. 2010. FULL-HD.

Naiá e a Lua / Naiá and the Moon. 2010. FULL-HD.
PT. A jovem índia Naiá se apaixona pela lua ao ouvir da anciã de sua aldeia a história do surgimento das estrelas no céu.
EN. Young Indian Naia falls in love with the moon after listening to the story on how the stars in the sky came to be. Based on an indigenous legend from the Amazon Rainforest.
Director: Leandro Tadashi.
Cast: Liviane Arã Mirim de Lima.
Brazil, 2010.
Language: Guarani.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Naiá e a Lua / Naiá and the Moon. 2010.
Naiá e a Lua / Naiá and the Moon. 2010. FULL-HD.
Naiá e a Lua / Naiá and the Moon. 2010. FULL-HD.


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014. FULL-HD.

Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014. FULL-HD.
 At the age twenty, Older escapes incarceration and seeks out his ten year old little brother, Younger. Clearly the bad influence, Older gets the boys mixed up in the "accidental" killing of a young girl and they are forced to go into hiding as they wait for their mother to rescue them. Thanks to their mother, the brothers now have a car and enough money to begin their bizarre road trip. Along the way, they encounter a host of people ranging from their unwelcoming sister to a troubled maid and her violent lover. Eventually, they wind up on the doorstep of their father's compound, wherein the three of them are quickly reminded why they are estranged in the first place. Just as the walls are about to close in, their father packs up his brood and takes them on a road trip of his own. They join several militaria enthusiasts in a remote forest where they re-enact actual Vietnam War battles. Once in the "jungle," the three of them revert to hostile tendencies building up to a final confrontation between father and sons, leaving the audience to decide what is real and what is make believe.
Director: Andrew T. Betzer.
Cast: Gabriel Croft, Hale Lytle (Fort Apache), Jay Featherstone, Johnathan Frasier, Sandra L. Hale, Daniel P. Jones, Adrian Lemon, Ali Lynch, Pilisa Mackey, Julie Sokolowski, Josephine Decker.
USA, Andrew T. Betzer Film Production, 2014.
Language: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014.
Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014. FULL-HD.
Young Bodies Heal Quickly. 2014. FULL-HD.


Perto de Casa / Close to home. 2009.

Perto de Casa / Close to home. 2009.
PT. Um passeio perto de casa entre irmãos e o pai. Uma saga de amor, ódio, pecado e morte, da casa para o mundo.
EN. A walk close to home between brothers and their father. A saga of love, hate, sin and death, from the home to the world.
Director: Sérgio Borges.
Cast: Ravi Queiroz, Iel Queiroz.
Brazil, 2009.
Language: Portuguese.
Subtitles: Portuguese.
Download Perto de Casa / Close to home. 2009.
Perto de Casa / Close to home. 2009.
Perto de Casa / Close to home. 2009.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Jacquot de Nantes / Jacquot of Nantes. 1991. HD.

Jacquot de Nantes / Jacquot of Nantes. 1991. HD.
Jacquot de Nantes is a 1991 French drama film directed by Agnès Varda. It was screened out of competition at the 1991 Cannes Film Festival.
The film is a portrait of the making of an artist; recreating the early life of Varda's husband, Jacques Demy, in Occupied France and his interest in the various crafts associated with film making, such as casting, set design, animation and lighting. The fictional sections set in wartime Nantes are matched with brief documentary interludes involving the dying Demy.
Director: Agnès Varda.
Cast: Jacques Demy, Philippe Maron, Edouard Joubeaud, Laurent Monnier, Brigitte De Villepoix, Daniel Dublet, Clément Delaroche, Rody Averty, Hélène Pors, Marie-Sidonie Benoist, Jérémie Bernard, Cédric Michaud, Guillaume Navaud.
France, 1991.
Languages: French, German, English.
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French, Japanese, German, Italian.
1280x720 HD
Download Jacquot de Nantes / Jacquot of Nantes. 1991.
Jacquot de Nantes / Jacquot of Nantes. 1991. HD.
Jacquot de Nantes / Jacquot of Nantes. 1991. HD.

Der Richter und das Mädchen / The Judge and the Girl. 1995. FULL-HD.

Der Richter und das Mädchen / The Judge and the Girl. 1995. FULL-HD.
Dr. Maximilian Pfeiffer, in his early 40s, divorced, is a judge. He is valued by his colleagues as a correct official and above all as a relentless pursuer of sex offenders. But he himself has a preference for underage girls. Schadewald couple, who has a marriage institute for clients with very special sex wishes plays him a videotape to please him. The video belongs to Marion, their lawyer and one of their clients. On the video her 13-year-old daughter Sandra can also be seen. He begins to take an interest in the teenage girl and steals the love of the mother to approach her. Sandra is pretty, intelligent and self-confident. Of course she likes her mother's new friend. She is fascinated by his dazzling manners, his looks and the authority. During a holiday in Spain, the repressed tendencies of the judge are increasingly gaining the upper hand.
Director: Rainer Boldt.
Cast: Udo Schenk, Janne Drücker, Roswitha Schreiner, Anuk Ens, Michael Greiling, Paul Frielinghaus, Rolf B. Wessels, Marina Krogull, Senta Bonneval, Elke Czischek, Renato Grünig, Maria Scholz.
Germany, 1995.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Der Richter und das Mädchen / The Judge and the Girl. 1995.

Der Richter und das Mädchen / The Judge and the Girl. 1995. FULL-HD.
Der Richter und das Mädchen / The Judge and the Girl. 1995. FULL-HD.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

À mon âge je me cache encore pour fumer / I Still Hide to Smoke. 2016. FULL-HD.

À mon âge je me cache encore pour fumer / I Still Hide to Smoke. 2016. FULL-HD.
I Still Hide To Smoke (in French: À mon âge je me cache encore pour fumer) is a 2016 French-Greek-Algerian drama film directed by Rayhana Obermeyer.
Fatima, a strong-minded woman, is the lead masseuse of a hammam in Algiers. This is 1995 and the situation is tense in the capital. The day ahead promises to be hectic for all, and for Fatima in particular. Already, while walking to her place of work, she is the distant witness of a terrorist attack. At the hammam, Fatima should feel better, but the atmosphere proves electric in her small enclosed world, she has great difficulty in maintaining order. All the more as Meriem, a sixteen-year-old pregnant girl comes to take shelter at the hammam. And as irate brother, Mohamed, is after her to cleanse his honor in blood.
Director: Rayhana Obermeyer.
Cast: Hiam Abbass, Fadila Belkebla, Nadia Kaci, Nassima Benchicou, Sarah Layssac, Maymouna, Lina Soualem, Faroudia Amazit, Fethi Galleze, Biyouna, Aliki Kalogirou, Maria Stefanidou.
France, Greece, Algeria, 2016.
Language: Arabic, French.
Subtitles: French, English, Portuguese, Romanian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download À mon âge je me cache encore pour fumer / I Still Hide to Smoke. 2016.
À mon âge je me cache encore pour fumer / I Still Hide to Smoke. 2016. FULL-HD.
À mon âge je me cache encore pour fumer / I Still Hide to Smoke. 2016. FULL-HD.


Monday, January 13, 2025

Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.

Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.
 Nicolas is a young adventurer filmmaker. He arrives in an Indian village in the heart of the Rio Xingu valley with the aim of shooting a documentary there about an ancestral tribal ceremony, Kuarup.
He immediately falls in love with Luacema, the daughter of Chief Ayupu. Watched over by Roberto, the director of the Toa Toari reserve, Nicolas and Ruben, his guide as ridiculous as he is incompetent, settle in the village. In order to get closer to the woman he secretly loves, Nicolas slowly integrates into the villagers’ daily life. After being initiated into local customs, he is made aware of the threat weighing on his new friends and the woman he loves: deforestation.
Ayupu then drags him into their struggle against loggers, responsible for the devastation of the forests that date back to the Palaeozoic era. After several intimidation tactics against Olympio Ferra and his men, Ayupu realizes that Nicolas’s camera is a formidable weapon that could be put to use for their cause.
They leave together for Rio de Janeiro where they hope to be able to impress upon younger generations the danger hanging over their environment and their future.
Nicolas finds the heroic strength to transform his unrequited love for Luacema into a desire to protect her people. This Amazonian adventure gives a meaning to his life and propels him into a fight against ignorance and reckless destruction around the world.
Director: Jean-Pierre Dutilleux.
Cast: Aurélien Wiik, Chief Ayupu, Murilo Elbas, Tapi Iawalapiti, Assalu Mehinaco, Rodrigo Penna, Jose Steimberg, Anna Carolina Vigo, Leo Mehinaco.
France, Brazil, 2004.
Language: English, French, Portuguese, Tupi.
1280x720 HD
Download Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004.
Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.
Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Munted. 2011. HD.

Munted. 2011. HD.

 Innocence and prejudice weave together in a child’s story of betrayal.
Munted is an unusual story about an accusation of pedophilia and its terrible consequences. Set in 1961 in a remote rural community, it tells the story of a ten-year old girl and her friendship with a brain damaged artist. Told through erosions between film and drawing the film is a lyrical and brutal account of the cost of rumour and prejudice.
Set in the early 1960s Munted is an unusual film that tells the story of a mother who returns to retrieve Katrina, her almost feral daughter, from her sister’s farm. When it is evident that her sister is not going to give the child up, the mother’s attention is drawn to the child’s strange relationship with a brain-damaged botanical artist who rents a small cottage on the property.
Across the years of her childhood Katrina has befriended this man.
The artist, who can barely speak, paints delicate if somewhat discordant pictures of the world that surrounds him and it is via these that the story is told. For the first part of the film we are not sure of the safety of their relationship, but following a revelation, we see the cost of rumour on the innocence of their world. As an accusation of pedophilia takes hold the film builds to a dramatic and unforgiving climax.
Director: Welby Ings.
Cast: Ella Edward, Phil Peleton, Tammy Lee, Lise Baldwin, Erroll Shand, Yvonne Stewart, Katrina Ings, Tess Renneberg, Kayla Renneberg, Amy Bridson, Nathaniel Lee, Brian Gordon.
New Zealand, 2011.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Munted. 2011.

Munted. 2011. HD.
Munted. 2011. HD.