Sunday, November 5, 2017

Kid Svensk. 2007.

Это особенное лето / Kid Svensk. 2007.
The year is 1984. It's summer, and the rebellious 12-year-old girl Kid wants to stay in Gothenburg, but her mother has other plans. Kid discovers that summer vacation in Finland isn't as bad as first feared. In a few hot weeks she discovers her dawning sexuality, and experience her first crush.
Director: Nanna Huolman.

Cast: Mia Saarinen, Milka Ahlroth, Jim Rautiainen, Mari Rantasila, Agnes Sörensen, Kalle Ekdahl, Jonna Ekdahl, Ralph Carlsson, Mats Blomgren, Linnea Cart-Lamy, Malin Myrehag, Claudia Takkinen Salonen, Morgan Alling.
Finland, Sweden, 2007.
Download Kid Svensk.

Это особенное лето / Kid Svensk. 2007.
Kid Svensk. 2007.

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