Saturday, May 27, 2017

Metta Meta Gakido Koza. 1971.

Metta Meta Gakido Koza. 1971.
 Metta Meta Gakido Koza is a live-action comedy from 1971 directed by Mio Ezaki, based on a manga by Tanioka Yasuji. It’s a crazed blend of Benny Hill, Monty Python, and Takashi Miike’s Visitor Q. The main character is a lecherous boy, around twelve years old, who has a habit of hitting people on the head with an ax. (In fact, the characters are constantly inflicting violence upon each other, though there’s no blood.) Among the other characters are his brother, who is only a couple of years younger but is always dressed like a baby, and a “superhero” who wears a blue rooster costume with three leglike appendages attached for some reason. Occasionally, various characters grow huge buck teeth (a bit like the ones in the Monty Python sketch).
Director: Mio Ezaki.
Cast: Rika Fujie, Kirin Kiki, Tomomi Sawa. Miki Kawana, Kazuhito Matsubara, Attack Ichiro, Toyoko Takechi, Yaeko Wakamizu, Carrousel Maki, Yuki Sasama. Keiko Aikawa, Kyomi Sakura, Haruko Miyaji. Eiji Gô, Masahiko Tanimura, Toshiaki Minami, Takehiko Maeda, Nikaku Shofukutei, Yasuji Tanioka.
Japan, 1971.
Download Metta Meta Gakido Koza.
Metta Meta Gakido Koza. 1971.
Metta Meta Gakido Koza. 1971.

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