Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Daddy Longlegs / Go Get Some Rosemary. 2009.

Daddy Longlegs / Go Get Some Rosemary. 2009.
 After months of being alone, sad, busy, sidetracked, free, lofty, late and away from his kids, Lenny, 34 with graying frazzled hair, picks his kids up from school. Every year he spends a couple of weeks with his sons Sage, 9, and Frey, 7. Lenny juggles his kids and everything else all within a midtown studio apartment in New York City. He ultimately faces the choice of being their father or their friend all with the idea that these two weeks must last 6 months. In these two weeks, a trip upstate, visitors from strange lands, a mother, a girlfriend, "magic" blankets, and complete lawlessness seem to take over their lives. The film is a swan song to excuses and responsibilities; to fatherhood and self-created experiences, and to what it's like to be truly torn between being a child and being an adult.
Directors: Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie.
Cast: Ronald Bronstein, Alex Greenblatt, Sage Ranaldo, Frey Ranaldo, Victor Puccio, Lance 'Batman' Chamberlain, Baker Suitson, Peter Cramer, Eleonore Hendricks, Sean Price Williams, Dakota O'Hara.
USA, France, 2009.
Language: English, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Daddy Longlegs / Go Get Some Rosemary.
Daddy Longlegs / Go Get Some Rosemary. 2009.
Daddy Longlegs / Go Get Some Rosemary. 2009.

Oblako Nad Rayem / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999.

Oblako Nad Rayem / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999.
 A better version of this film is found!
"A Cloud above paradise" is a presentation short feature film, which symbolizes eternal problems of human life. Its plot is developing on a background of the Chernobyl tragedy consequences. This movie received the prize for the best short film of 2000 (Moscow). "A Cloud above paradise" was nominated for the best short feature film award at international festivals: "The Canadian Festival", "The Festival of Short Cinema" in S.Petersburg and Moscow. It aslo was presented on TV in Germany, Canada and the US.
Director: Alexandr Tsatsuev.
Cast: Denis Bazdyrev, Tariel Gabidzashvili, Ekaterina Mikhaylovskaya, Vladimir Pivovarov.
Russia, 1999.
Language: Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Warning: the quality of the picture is still far from good, better versions are on the wanted list...
Download Oblako Nad Rayem / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999.
Oblako Nad Rayem / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999.
Oblako Nad Rayem / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999.

Monday, July 30, 2018

A nagy füzet / The Notebook. 2013.

A nagy füzet / The Notebook. 2013.
 HU. A film a második világháború idején egy határszéli faluban a nagymamájuknál nevelkedő és a könyörtelen világban túlélni igyekvő ikerpár megrázó története. A gyerekeknek egyedül kell megtanulniuk mindent, ami a túléléshez szükséges. Magányosan, éhezve és fázva vezetik naplójukat a nagy füzetbe. Följegyzik, mit láttak, mit hallottak, mit tettek, mit tanultak. Ugyan életben maradnak, de szívük megkeményedik, testük megedződik. A nagy füzet posztmodern háborúellenes dráma, nagyhatású parabola arról, milyen pusztító hatással van a háború a gyermeki pszichére.
A film Kristóf Ágota, magyar származású Svájcban élő író művéből készült.
A film öt nemzetközi díjai között a legrangosabbak a Karlovy Vary Nemzetközi Filmfesztivál (2013) Kristály Glóbusz díja Szász Jánosnak, és a Chicago-i Nemzetközi Filmfesztivál díja Molnár Piroska színésznőnek.
EN. The Notebook (Hungarian: A nagy füzet) is a 2013 Hungarian drama film directed by János Szász.
The Nazis have invaded Hungary and war is raging in the main cities. To avoid it, a woman leaves her thirteen-year-old twin boys at their grandmother's place in the countryside. The children don't know their grandmother, a dirty, miserly, and mean old woman who barely allows them inside the house. Left to their own devices, the two children learn to cope with hunger, the cold, and the everyday cruelty in a devastated country. To protect themselves, the twins reject all moral codes and values and instead take their lessons from the evil around them in order to try to survive. The siblings studiously note, as objectively as possible, their discoveries and their burgeoning knowledge in a notebook.
Director: János Szász.
Cast: László Gyémánt, András Gyémánt, Piroska Molnár, Ulrich Thomsen, Ulrich Matthes, Gyöngyvér Bognár, Sabin Tambrea, Péter Andorai, Diána Magdolna Kiss, Orsolya Tóth, János Derzsi.
Hungary, Germany, Austria, France, 2013.
Language: Russian (Hungarian).
Download A nagy füzet / The Notebook.
A nagy füzet / The Notebook. 2013.
A nagy füzet / The Notebook. 2013.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Dein Kind, das unbekannte Wesen. 1970.

Dein Kind, das unbekannte Wesen. 1970.
This is a continuation of the sex education films by Oswald Kolle. The entire Kolle family appears nude and openly discusses sex among the parents, two daughters and one son. The father recommends masturbation for children unless the act would be traumatic for the participant. Some mention of the Oedipal complex is discussed, but no details are given because individual situations may vary. The color process is not credited.
Director: Werner M. Lenz, Oswalt Kolle.
Cast: Wolf-Michael Hoffmann, Martin Jente, Cornelia Kolle, Marlies Kolle, Nino Kolle, Oswalt Kolle, Stefan Kolle, Till Kolle, Erich Joey Pfluger, Renate Weprich.
Germany, Konstantin Films, Arca, 1970.
Language: German.
Dein Kind, das unbekannte Wesen. 1970.
Dein Kind, das unbekannte Wesen. 1970.

Eros, O Deus do Amor. 1981.

Eros, O Deus do Amor. 1981.
 Throughout his life, the Director/Writer Walter Hugo Khouri accomplished 25 feature-films, being one of the names with recognized authenticity in the Brazilian cinematography that born and died in Sao Paulo.
A film director recognized for his notably personal style and for the dense, weird and poetical atmosphere of his films, with exemplary ambiance, language and theme unity.
This film is considered as one of his masterpieces. An adolescence's interest in female body, which is very natural.
Director: Walter Hugo Khouri.
Cast: Jorge Achoa, Akemi Aoki, Sueli Aoki, Dorothee Marie Bouvyer, Maria Claudia, Renee de Vielmond, Marcelo Ribeiro , Selma Egrei, Ken Kaneko.
Brazil, 1981.
Language: Portuguese.
Eros, O Deus do Amor. 1981.
Eros, O Deus do Amor. 1981.

Expedition to rainforests of Brazil. 1948.

Expedition to rainforests of Brazil. 1948.
 Expedition to rainforests of Brazil in 1948, Xingu indians.
 This rare film is the first documentary film about Indians Xingu. Filmed in 1948 by an Italian expedition, which has come a long way over the Amazon expanse, part of the way was overcome by plane, with taps in the Indian village in Brazil.
Italy, 1948.
Download Expedition to rainforests of Brazil. 1948.
Expedition to rainforests of Brazil. 1948.
Expedition to rainforests of Brazil. 1948.

Piccoli fuochi / Little Flames. 1985.

Маленький огонь / Piccoli fuochi / Little Flames. 1985.
EN. The Italian childhood fantasy Little Flames (Piccoli Fuochi) concerns 5-year-old Dino Jakosic. Proving too much for his parents, Jakosic is often sent to his room, where he interacts with several bizarre "imaginary" playmates who bedevil the servants with their sadistic pranks (the audience is never certain whether the playmates are real or whether the boy is pulling off the pranks himself). Valeria Golino plays the family's new maid, whom Jakosic takes a liking to. He begs his playmates to leave Golino alone, but out of jealousy they plan an awful revenge on the poor woman. In a startling sequence, Golino's boyfriend is tied to a bed and set afire. Jakosic confesses to the murder (indeed, as mentioned, he may have done it), but no one believes him capable of so horrible an act. Little Flames does not so much end as stop abruptly, with Jakosic bidding his playmates goodbye after they've wreaked their last havoc. Be sure not to book this one for your kid's next birthday party.
A schizophrenic look at the sexual life of a five-year-old boy, from the child's and the adult's point of view.
 IT. La vita affettiva di Tommaso (un bimbo di sei anni) non e molto ricca. Sensibile e pieno di problemi com'e, e poco seguito dal padre, uno scrittore inconcludente, e dalla madre, impegnata nel suo lavoro e un po' isterica. Per il che Tommaso si rifugia in un mondo di fantasticherie e di personaggi amici: un Re bizzarro e nano, un drago pacioccone ed un luccicante "robot" di latta. Il giorno, pero, che i genitori lo affidano ad una ragazza bella e sensuale, la quale gli si affeziona ed a cui il piccolo si attacca profondamente, la vita di Tommaso cambia in maniera radicale. In un misto di ingenuita e fantasia, oltre che di autentico bisogno schietto e ricco di "amore" (infatti, ad un certo momento si fa promettere che essi "si sposeranno per sempre"). Ma la ragazza ha gia una sua vita privata e ben altri rapporti con un bullo grossolano e anche manesco. Quando Tommaso viene portato dai due in moto fino alla casa di lui, il tipo, per tenerlo tranquillo, gli fa dono di un piccolo calcolatore e, mentre gioca con questo, il bimbo sente, con oscuro senso di disagio, tutto cio che sta accadendo nella camera vicina. Naturalmente egli comincia a detestare l'amico della "sua" Mara e la realta con le sue crudezze ha la meglio sui sogni ed i personaggi delle favole e delle fantasie infantili. Tommaso comincia lo sciopero della fame: mentre si trova in clinica sotto flebo, egli sogna che il bullo muore nel rogo della propria casa. In effetti il tizio sara trovato morto bruciato (una bottiglia vuota vicino al suo letto). Mara e interrogata dalla Polizia e poi, considerata innocente, e lasciata libera; sara pero licenziata dai genitori di Tommaso. Lei arriva perfino a sospettare che il bambino (nelle cui mani vede il calcolatore, datogli a sua insaputa dall'amico), sia l'autore dell'incendio. Ma una ipotesi simile e assolutamente folle. Cosi Mara tornera da Tommaso misteriosamente attratta dalla forza sincera di quell'affetto, mentre i due distratti genitori rapiranno, dopo l'oscuro episodio, quanto poco si sono occupati del loro figlio e di quanto amore egli abbia bisogno.
La buona riuscita del film e dovuta in gran parte al sapiente approccio dell'autore a una tematica per lui tutt'altro che nuova - basti ricordare quella che forse e la sua opera piu nota. 'Piso, pisello' - e alla formula ben indovinata dell'integrazione tra fantasia e realta. Un valido contributo e stato offerto anche dal piccolo Dino Jaksic, che ha saputo rispondere alle indicazioni del regista con i suoi occhi colmi di pensieri inespressi, sempre seri e malinconici. Valeria Golino, a tratti un po' insicura, e sembrata tutto sommato abbastanza disinvolta, piu che nei panni si dovrebbe dire nella pelle di Mara, cui fa da contrasto, con brevi ma piacevoli apparizioni, Daniela Giordano, dolcissima e affidabile maestra d asilo.
La vita affettiva del piccolo Tommaso non e serena: sensibile e pieno di problemi com'e, il bambino si rifugia in un mondo di fantasticherie e di personaggi amici. Un giorno, pero i genitori lo affidano ad una ragazza bella e sensuale, la quale gli si affeziona ed alla quale Tommaso si attacca profondamente. 
Director: Peter Del Monte.
Cast: Dino Jaksic, Valeria Golino, Carlotta Wittig, Mario Garriba, Ulisse Minervini, Daniela Giordano, Simona Tedeschi, Patrizia Barbera, Giancarlo Caponera..
Italy, 1985.

 Download Piccoli fuochi / Little Flames.
Маленький огонь / Piccoli fuochi / Little Flames. 1985.
Маленький огонь / Piccoli fuochi / Little Flames. 1985.

Het Debuut. 1977.

Дебют / Het Debuut.
 A 14 year old girl and a 41 year old friend of her father's fall in love, and soon their relationship grows into a sexual one as well. For some time all is happy, but then the tension grows too much, because of the secrecy and frustration of being the lover of a married man, and because she feels he starts to treat her too much like a child instead of a lover.
Director: Nouchka van Brakel.
Cast: Marina de Graaf, Gerard Cox, Pleuni Touw, Kitty Courbois, Dolf de Vries, Sandrien Van Brakel, Joop Keesmaat.
Holland, 1977.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Het Debuut.
Дебют / Het Debuut.
 Het Debuut.

Pelle der Eroberer / Pelle the conqueror. 1986.

Пелле завоеватель / Pelle der Eroberer / Pelle the conqueror. 1986.
 Set in the late 1800's, the original "Pelle der Eroberer" (aka Pelle the conqueror) comes from Martin Anderson Nexo's novel about a Swedish boy Pelle and his elderly father Lasse who come to Denmark in search of work and a better life. A bleak and desolate future becomes apparent when the two find employment on a farm full of abuse, slavery, and scandal. Not everyone is happy to see Pelle and his father and soon it becomes obvious to everyone that the immigrants are not welcome.
Director: Christian Steinke.
Cast: Stefan Schrader, Martin Trettau, Klaus Manchen, Karin Gregorek, Walfriede Schmitt, Marianne Wünscher, Ursula Karusseit, Maurice Zirm, Manfred Zetzsche, Michael Lucke, Horst Kotterba, Berndt Stichler.
DDR, DEFA, 1986.
Download Pelle der Eroberer / Pelle the conqueror.
Пелле завоеватель / Pelle der Eroberer / Pelle the conqueror. 1986.
Pelle der Eroberer / Pelle the conqueror. 1986.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988.

Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988.
Nun sind endlich die Sommerferien herangekommen. Marco (Tobias Blume) und Tobi (René Hahn) haben vorab viele Pläne geschmiedet, die aus ihrer Sicht geeignet sind, die gesamten acht Wochen Ferien entsprechend abwechslungsreich und unter Jungs zu gestalten. Dann aber kommt die “schlechte” Nachricht: Marco soll für eine Zeit in ein Ferienlager ins Erzgebirge fahren. Was ist nun mit den schönen Vorhaben der beiden?
Um in dieser Hinsicht nicht alles über Bord werfen zu müssen und gemeinsame Abenteuer erleben zu können, überredet Marco seinen Freund, ihn mit Pferd und Wagen von zu Hause bis zum Ferienlager zu begleiten - das Ganze natürlich auf Umwegen, versteht sich! Und in der Weise beginnen die beiden Jungen dann eine interessante, abenteuerliche Expedition. Alles verläuft dann aber nicht ganz ohne kleine “Wehehchen” , so dass sie ziemlich lädiert im Ferienlager eintreffen. Als sie sehen, wie vielfältig das Lagerleben ist, ärgern sie sich, nicht schon früher eingetroffen zu sein.
Director: Karl-Heinz Bahls.
Cast: Tobias Blume, René Hahn, Heinz Hupfer.
DDR, Fernsehen der DDR, 1988.
Language: German.
Download Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten.
Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988.
Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Los días. 2012.

Los días. 2012.
 ES. Martina y Micaela, dos hermanas gemelas, viven con madre que se ocupa de ellas: las despierta, les cocina, las ayuda con los deberes escolares, las peina y las viste. También las acompaña a sus clases de catequesis y a castings en la Capital, con la intención de que sus hijas sean actrices famosas. Una rutina que se altera cuando Norma comienza a trabajar y abandona las tareas del hogar. Martina y Micaela se quedan solas y, en una situación de frágil desamparo y libertad, inician un aprendizaje de supervivencia doméstica.
EN. Twin sisters Martina and Micaela live with their mother, Norma who takes care of them. She also accompanies them to their classes of catechesis (basic Christian religious education) and to castings in the capital, with the intention that her daughters would be famous actresses. The routine is altered when Norma begins to work and leaves the tasks of the home. Martina and Micaela are left alone and, in a situation of fragile helplessness and freedom, begin a learning of domestic survival.
Director: Ezequiel Yanco.
Cast: Micaela Mendes, Martina Méndez, Norma Ponzio.
Argentina, 2012.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Los días. 2012.
Los días. 2012.
Los días. 2012.

Chiedo asilo / Seeking Asylum. 1979.

Chiedo asilo / Seeking Asylum. 1979.
 IT. Chiedo asilo è un film del 1979 diretto da Marco Ferreri, vincitore dell'Orso d'argento, gran premio della giuria al Festival di Berlino del 1980.
Per la prima volta in una scuola materna di Corticella (Bologna) prende servizio un maestro di sesso maschile. Roberto, questo il suo nome, è un eccellente educatore, che stabilisce subito un ottimo rapporto con i bambini (che fra l'altro apprezzano moltissimo l'insolita presenza non "materna" nel corpo insegnante), e con le colleghe; tuttavia i suoi metodi educativi, piuttosto anticonvenzionali e ispirati ad una grande libertà, lo porteranno ad avere alcuni problemi con i tutori dell'ordine. Roberto instaura una relazione con Isabella, madre nubile della sua alunna Michela, e la donna si ritrova un'altra volta incinta; inoltre si lega di particolare amicizia con Gianluigi, un bambino affetto da disturbi comportamentali, che non parla e si alimenta pochissimo e in considerazione di questo viene allontanato dall'asilo per essere ospitato in una casa di cura. Nell'estate successiva Isabella, prossima al parto, manifesta l'intenzione di trasferirsi in Sardegna dove possiede un cinema dismesso. Roberto, pur non espressamente invitato a seguirla, la accompagna insieme a un gruppo di bambini fra cui Gianluigi. Proprio nei giorni in cui Isabella dà alla luce il suo secondo bambino Gianluigi dà segni di guarigione.
EN. Roberto has a new job as the teacher at a nursery school. The first child he meets is Gianluigi, who's mute. Roberto is spirited, bringing a TV into class, then a donkey. He takes children on an unscheduled field trip to their fathers' plant. He dates Isabella, the mother of one of his students, and soon she's pregnant. He's moody about it, so Isabella leaves for her family's abandoned movie theater in Sardinia, but not before Roberto is briefly arrested and questioned about past radical activity. He takes ten children, including Gianluigi, to Sardinia for the baby's birth, and there, surrounded by the sea, the mother of us all, he and Gianluigi play out their surprising bond.
Director: Marco Ferreri.
Cast: Roberto Benigni, Dominique Laffin, Chiara Moretti, Carlo Monni, Girolamo Marzano, Franco Trevisi, Luca Levi, Lauro Versari.
Italy, France, 1979.
Language: Italian, Russian.
Download Chiedo asilo / Seeking Asylum.
Chiedo asilo / Seeking Asylum. 1979.
Chiedo asilo / Seeking Asylum. 1979.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Unde eşti, copilărie? / Childhood Memories. 1988.

Unde eşti, copilărie? / Childhood Memories. 1988.
 După mai bine de douazeci de ani de la întâlnirea celor doi interpreți ai serialului Năică, Alexandra Foamete și Bogdan Untaru, Smărăndița, azi regizoare, pornește în căutarea interpretului ideal pentru un rol de copil…
Director: Elisabeta Bostan.
Cast: Alexandra Foamete, Bogdan Untaru,
Romania, 1988.
Language: Romanian.
Download Unde eşti, copilărie? / Childhood Memories.
Unde eşti, copilărie? / Childhood Memories. 1988.
Unde eşti, copilărie? / Childhood Memories. 1988.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Anthology of short films. Part 53.

Anthology of short films. Part 53.
 Next, at number 53, a collection of shorts from around the world, the best mini-films in the last 50 years. Today in the anthology of short films there are 9 films.
1. The Boy in the Water. 2011.
A lonely young girl, Pandora, turns on the bath taps to drown out the noise of her parents arguing. But when she looks into down into the bath tub, a world of make believe is unveiled.
Director: Sophie Boyce.
Cast: Cassie Bunton, Samuel McKone, Phillip Gormley.
UK, 2011.
Language: English
2. Strafstoß. 2007.
Der zehnjährige Ulli bekommt von seinem älteren, kleinkriminellen Bruder Kai einen Fußball zum Geburtstag geschenkt. Kai behauptet, den Ball habe der Nationalspielers David Odonkor signiert. Dann fliegt der Ball über die hohe Mauer in den Hof eines Gefängnisses. Ulli setzt mutig alle Hebel in Bewegung, um ihn zurückzuholen. Auf abenteuerliche Weise kommt er wieder zu seinem Ball.
Director: Till Endemann.
Cast: David Krstic, Philipp Quest, Axel Häfner, Fardad Bagherzadeh Hasseini.
Germany, 2007.
Language: German.
3. Una muerte menor. 2007.
A boy is killed on the street. Before our eyes it grows, it reproduces, it wins and it dies, showing itself a fantasy of what it will never achieve in an instant before dying.
Director: Paulina Castellanos.
Cast: Ruth Sánchez, Ana Jiménez, Juan Diego Vega, Manuel Enrique Herreros.
Mexico, Spain, 2007.
Language: Spanish.
4. Födelsedagar och andra katastrofer. 2000.
Alice and her sister Moa live in a dysfunctional family. Their father Olle is an alcoholic and their mother Kerstin cannot handle the situation. At Alice's birthday Olle hasn't bought any present to his daughter. Although he is drunk, he takes her on a ride in his car, to buy her a dog. In a turn he crashes into a garden and hurts a man with his car. He and Alice run away from the accident in the car. Alice promises not to tell anybody about what has happened. When things are getting worse in the family, Alice decides to find the man in the garden and tell him that it is her father who hurt him.
Director: Lisa Siwe.
Cast: Johanna Björnæs, Peter Brottman, Simona Ericsson, Göran Forsmark, Sissela Kyle.
Sweden, 2000.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English.
5. Parent to Child About Sex. 1966.
This instructional film teaches parents how to talk to their children about sex.
Cast: Mary Calderone, Tommy N. Evans, Stuart M. Finch.
USA, 1966.
Language: English.
6. Der Aufreißer. 2006.
This German language Indie Film is about a man who awakens in a woman's apartment being questioned by her Pre-teen daughter regarding his intentions towards her mother. The ensuing very uncomfortable confrontation and question and answer sessions between the very resourceful daughter and this increasingly eager to leave good looking Casanova become the centerpiece of this very clever short film which should serve as a warning to everyone seeking one night stands!
Director: Steffen Weinert.
Cast: Steffen Groth, Chantal Hourticolon, Nina Weniger.
Germany, 2006.
Language: German.
7. À mains nues. 2005.
Laeti is a twelve-year-old. Not a little girl any longer. Her body is changing and she is beginning to look at the bodies of others with different eyes. She loves touching with bare hands. And being touched.
Director: Agnès Feuvre.
Cast: Anne-Charlotte Sanciaume, Jules Pons, Jeanne Boesch, Vanessa Maitron.
France, 2005.
Language: French.
8. Der Fremde. 2004.
Ein Mann lebt in seiner eigenen Welt, diesich für ihn nur durch Zahlen erschließt.
In seiner Welt erhalten auch absurde Zusammenhänge und Beziehungen ihren Sinn durch entsprechende Zahlenkombintionen. Aber in der sogenannte realen Welt bleibt dieser Mann ein Fremder.
Director: Xavier Ballester.
Cast: Murat Yeginer, Cem Yeginer, Stephanie Baak, Reimer Hoffmann, Bettina Römer Antje Tietken.
Germany, 2004.
Language: German.
9. Oh! Toumei ningen / Oh! Invisible Man. 2010.
Based on a legendary Japanese charismatic comic! "Oh! Invisible Man" of the sexy comedy has been miraculously adapted to the screen again! ! Gene of salmon roe has been passed on the daughter from her father, and now both of them have the ability to be invisible... The hilarious comedy has been back!
Director: Masakazu Migita.
Cast: Mitsuko Hoshi, Kôichi Ikari, Yoshifumi Ikeda, Haruna Ito, Yû Kawana, Meme.
Japan, 2010.
Language: Japanese.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 53.
Anthology of short films. Part 53.
Anthology of short films. Part 53.
Anthology of short films. Part 53.
Anthology of short films. Part 53.

Plivnik. 1990.

Plivnik. 1990.
 Malá Bětka se trápí pro ztracené černé kuřátko. Tatínek, aby ji utěšil, vypráví holčičce pohádku o Plivníkovi a také to, že Plivník, ztracené černé kuře, na sebe mohlo vzít jinou podobu, třeba i lidskou. To je ovšem něco pro Bětčinu fantazii. Vykonstruuje si, že ztracený Plivník je jejich nová sousedka, chalupářka z Prahy, a zosnuje spolu s kamarádkou Andulkou velkolepou past, na kterou ovšem sama doplatí. V komedii pro děti i dospělé si hlavní dětskou roli zahrála Klára Jandová.
Director: Libuše Koutná.
Cast: Klára Jandová, Jan Kalous, Lenka Termerová, František Husák, Dagmar Havlová-Veškrnová, Petr Brukner, Karolína Pospíšilová, Nina Jiránková, Ladislav Krečmer, Eva Vlachová.
Czechoslovakia,  Ceskoslovenská televize Praha, 1990.
Language: Czech.
1920x1080 HD
Download Plivnik. 1990.
Plivnik. 1990.
Plivnik. 1990.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Dead Birds. 1963.

Dead Birds. 1963.
 Dead Birds is a 1963 documentary film by Robert Gardner about the Dani people of New Guinea. It was produced as part of the Harvard-Peabody Expedition to study the highlands of New Guinea, at that time one of the few remaining areas in the world uncolonized by Europeans.
The premiere of Dead Birds took place at the Loeb Drama Center at Harvard University in October 1963. In 1998, this film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
DEAD BIRDS is a film about the Dani, a people dwelling in the Grand Valley of the Baliem high in the mountains of West Irian. When I shot the film in 1961, the Dani had an almost classic Neolithic culture. They were exceptional in the way they focussed their energies and based their values on an elaborate system of intertribal warfare and revenge. Neighboring groups of Dani clans, separated by uncultivated strips of no man's land, engaged in frequent formal battles. When a warrior was killed in battle or died from a wound and even when a woman or a child lost their life in an enemy raid, the victors celebrated and the victims mourned. Because each death had to be avenged, the balance was continually being adjusted with the spirits of the aggrieved lifted and the ghosts of slain comrades satisfied as soon as a compensating enemy life was taken. There was no thought in the Dani world of wars ever ending, unless it rained or became dark. Without war there would be no way to satisfy the ghosts. Wars were also the best way they knew to keep a terrible harmony in a life which would be, without the strife they invented, mostly hard and dull. DEAD BIRDS has a meaning which is both immediate and allegorical. In the Dani language it refers to the weapons and ornaments recovered in battle. Its other more poetic meaning comes from the Dani belief that people, because they are like birds, must die. In making DEAD BIRDS certain kinds of behavior were followed, never directed. It was an attempt to see people from within and to wonder, when the selected fragments of that life were assembled, if they might speak not only of the Dani but also of ourselves. - Robert Gardner.
Director: Robert Gardner.
Cast: Robert Gardner (Narrator).
USA, Peabody Museum, 1963.
Language: English.
960x720 HD
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Dead Birds. 1963.
Dead Birds. 1963.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Amintiri din copilarie / Memories of My Childhood. 1964.

Воспоминания детства / Amintiri din copilarie / Memories of My Childhood. 1964.
 RO. Ecranizarea Elisabetei Bostan dupa cartea omonima a lui Ion Crenaga, filmul a primit : Marele Premiu "Osso pardo asturiano" si Premiul special al juriului la Festivalul international al filmului pentru copii si tineret de la Gijon - 1965. În seara de Ajun, Stefan Ciubotarasu in rolul lui Ion Creangă ( cu care, poare fi ca figura, pur si simplu identificat ) îşi aduce aminte la bătrâneţe de poznele copilăriei sale, in sapte dintre schitele volumului ”Amintiri din copilarie":cand copil fiind (admirabil de natural micutul interpret Ion Bocancea, in rolul Nica a lui Stefan a Petrei, cadea mereu in buclucuri si facea pozne dupa pozne: "La cirese", "La scaldat", "Calul Balan", "Pupaza din tei", "Badita Vasile", "Cu plugusorul" si "Caprele Irinucai".
EN. Loosely based on Romanian author Ion Creanga's life as a child during the 1840s.Young schoolboy Ion is growing up fast in a provincial town of the Moldavia region of Romania.Local villagers call him "Nica a lui Stefan a Petrei".The film offers a detailed account of his childhood with special focus on the relationships between Ion and the various people in his life.The relationships between Ion as a child and his parents,friends,neighbors and teachers are described.The larger context of the Romanian rural social universe of the 19th century is also touched upon.Finally,the film shows Ion's coming-of-age from an innocent child growing up in an idyllic remote village to a rebellious adolescent dreaming of becoming a priest.
Director: Elisabeta Bostan.
Cast: Stefan Ciubotarasu, Ion Bocancea, Corina Constantinescu, Emanoil Petrut, Nicolae Venias, Eliza Petrachescu, Zoe Anghel Stanca, Mircea Constantinescu, Alexandru Azoitei.
Romania, 1965.
Language: Romanian.
Download Amintiri din copilarie / Memories of My Childhood.
Воспоминания детства / Amintiri din copilarie / Memories of My Childhood. 1964.
Amintiri din copilarie / Memories of My Childhood. 1964.

Baby Love. 1968.

Baby Love. 1968.
 Now 15 years old, Luci grew up alone with her slutty mother in a poor district of London. After her mother's suicide, Robert, her mother's former high-school boyfriend, brings Luci to his home where she meets his rich wife Aimee and their teenage son. However, Robert is not the boy's biological father. Luci makes Robert think that he's guilty of her mother's death, because he left her after he finished university. Nevertheless, she wants to stay with his family in their beautiful home. It seems to them that she wants revenge. The whole family is confused by her strange behavior toward each of them, which is interpreted as sexual advances...
Director: Alastair Reid.
Cast: Diana Dors, Linda Hayden, Troy Dante, Ann Lynn, Sheila Steafel, Dick Emery, Keith Barron, Lewis Wilson, Derek Lamden, Patience Collier, Terence Brady, Marianne Stone, Vernon Dobtcheff, Yvonne Horner.
United Kingdom, 1968.
Language: English.
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Baby Love. 1968.

Baby Love. 1968.
Baby Love. 1968.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Meine Kindheit an der See. 2010.

Meine Kindheit an der See. 2010.
 Eine nostalgische Zeitreise ins Norddeutschland der 50er, 60er und 70er Jahre.
Eine Kindheit an der See ist verbunden mit dem Geruch von Schlick, Schiffsdiesel und Fisch. Ob in Rostock, Cuxhaven, am Greifswalder Bodden oder auf der Hallig - Seekinder wachsen mit einem Gefühl von Freiheit auf. "Wir waren den ganzen Tag draußen", erzählt Johann Petersen, der auf der Hallig Langeneß aufgewachsen ist. Aus Seegras und Holz haben er und seine Freunde Hütten am Strand gebaut. "Einmal haben wir da drin Feuer gemacht und aus Versehen die ganze Hütte abgefackelt."
Boy Andresen hat das Leben auf den Halligen noch ohne Strom und fließendes Wasser erlebt. Wenn bei Hochwasser Land unter war, hat er sich gefreut, weil es schulfrei gab und er endlich Zeit hatte, Bücher von Karl May zu lesen. In den Prielen ist Boy mit selbst gebauten Booten rumgeschippert - nur schwimmen hat er nie gelernt. "Hühner und Hallig-Lüt", sagt er in seinem charmanten nordfriesischen Platt, "können nicht schwimmen. Das war schon immer so, Hochwasser hin oder her."...
Director: Claudia Wallbrecht.
Gast: Ludger Abeln (NDR-Moderator), Peter Döbler (Langstreckenschwimmer), Cornelia Linse (ehemalige Weltmeisterin im Rudern und Zweite bei den Olympischen Spielen 1980 in Moskau), Karen Marin (sie erlebte in Eckernförde den Zweiten Weltkrieg), Heidrun Reshöft (Tochter eines Campingplatzbesitzers direkt am Ostseestrand), Claudia Rusch (Journalistin und Schriftstellerin), Saskia Valencia (Schauspielerin).
Germany, NDR, 2010.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Meine Kindheit an der See. 2010.
Meine Kindheit an der See. 2010.
Meine Kindheit an der See. 2010.

ป่า / The Forest. 2016.

ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
TH. เป็นหนังผีที่แหวกขนบหนังผีแบบไทยๆ หลายแง่มุม ซึ่งเล่าผ่านมุมมองของผู้กำกับชาวอังกฤษ พอล สเปอร์เรียร์ (Paul Spurrier) ที่อยู่ในไทยมากว่า 10 ปี โดยหนังได้ติดตามชายหนุ่มที่เพิ่งออกจากร่มกาสาวพัสตร์มาเป็นครูยังภาคอีสาน ดินแดนที่มีเรื่องเล่าถึงผีและวิญญาณมากมาย ซึ่งหนึ่งในลูกศิษย์เป็นเด็กหญิงที่ไม่ยอมพูดกับใคร และมักถูกเพื่อนร่วมชั้นรังแก จนทำให้ครูมือใหม่ต้องยื่นมือเข้าช่วย
หนังเล่าถึงขั้วที่แตกต่างโดยใช้ครูหนุ่มและเด็กหญิงเป็นตัวเปรียบเทียบ แม้ว่าทั้งคู่ต้องเผชิญเรื่องราวร้ายๆ ที่มาพิสูจน์ความอดทนเช่นกัน แต่ครูหนุ่มก็พยายามปรับตัวเข้าหาโลกความเป็นจริงหลังจากที่ใช้ชีวิตในโลกอุดมคติมานาน ในขณะที่เด็กหญิงพยายามหลีกหนีจากความจริงอันโหดร้ายเข้าสู่โลกแห่งจินตนาการในป่า โดยมีเด็กหนุ่มลึกลับเป็นเพื่อน
ประเด็นน่าสนใจสะท้อนผ่านหนังเรื่องนี้ ทั้งการปะทะกันของความจริงกับจินตนาการ การต่อสู้เพื่ออุดมการณ์กับการใช้อำนาจอย่างไร้เหตุผล บทบาทหน้าที่ซึ่งสังคมกำหนดกับความต้องการที่แท้จริงของแต่ละคน ความอัปลักษณ์ของภูติผีกับจิตใจที่ดำทมิฬของมนุษย์ การอยู่รอดของคนชายขอบ ความรัก ความตาย ความเศร้า และการยึดติด แต่ทั้งหมดนี้อยู่รวมกันอย่างปนเปและบางครั้งไม่มีการสานต่อ จนทำให้บางประเด็นสื่อสารได้ไม่คมเท่าที่ควร
EN. The villagers may be afraid of the forest, but little Ja knows how to deal with it...
A new teacher arrives at a small village in rural Thailand. He has just left the monkhood and has taken a job at the local school in a quest to discover life outside the monastery. He finds that one of his pupils is a mute girl who is being bullied by the other children in the class. Both the teacher and the girl must face the challenges and cruelties of the real world. The girl retreats into a fantasy world, finding solace in the forest with a strange wild boy. The teacher struggles to bring her back, whilst at the same time himself questioning the world of reality. The worlds of fantasy and reality clash with tragic consequences.
Director: Paul Spurrier.
Cast: Tanapol Kamkunkam, Thidarat Kongkaew, Natpatson Lhakkum, Vithaya Pansringarm, Asanee Suwan, Pongsanart Vinsiri, Ramphai Wintawong, Wannasa Wintawong.
Thailand, 2016.
Language: Thai.
Subtitles: Polish.
Download ป่า / The Forest.
ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
ป่า / The Forest. 2016.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Stein. 1991. HD.

Stein. 1991. HD.
 DE. Stein ist ein deutsches Filmdrama der DEFA von Egon Günther aus dem Jahr 1991.
DDR-Bühnenstar Ernst Stein bricht am 21. August 1968 aus Protest gegen den Einmarsch der Sowjet- und DDR-Truppen in die CSSR mitten in einer Aufführung ab, verlässt die Bühne für immer, zieht sich in seine alte Villa in Berlin-Wilhelmsruh zurück und verbringt dort ein Leben zwischen Traum und Wahnsinn. Er öffnet keine Briefe mehr, führt stundenlange Telefonate mit einer imaginierten Geliebten in Italien, erhält nur Besuch von Jugendlichen und Kindern, die den Alten behüten und denen seine Villa ein Refugium der freien Entfaltung bietet, woraus schließlich die Opposition gegen den Obrigkeitsstaat entsteht, die zum Ende der DDR führt. Doch als die Mauer fällt, stirbt Stein. – Die Rückkehr des ehemaligen DDR-Regisseurs Egon Günther in die DEFA-Studios.
EN. Actor Ernst Stein, having abdicated from the stage in 1968 in protest of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, has long since retreated from the world around him. In a remote house encircled by an overgrown garden, he lives in a world of dreams and memories. Suddenly, in 1989, an out-of-kilter society sends forth its progeny. Young people, tramps and characters of all sorts take refuge with Stein for a short span, carrying the turmoil of the times into his house.
Director: Egon Günther.
Cast: Rolf Ludwig, Franziska Herold, Evelin Dahm, Johanna Möhring, Änne Ferse, Margit Bendokat, Uwe Dag Berlin, Eckhard Doblies, Jörg Foth, Gerhard Hähndel, Alexander Hetterle, Christian Kuchenbuch.
DDR, DEFA, 1991.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Stein. 1991.
Stein. 1991. HD.
Stein. 1991. HD.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Home. 2008.

Home. 2008.
 FR. Au milieu d'une campagne calme et désertique s'étend à perte de vue une autoroute inactive, laissée à l'abandon depuis sa construction. Au bord du bitume, à quelques mètres seulement des barrières de sécurité, se trouve une maison isolée dans laquelle vit une famille. Les travaux vont reprendre et on annonce l'ouverture prochaine de l'autoroute à la circulation...
EN. Home is a 2008 Swiss drama film directed by Ursula Meier and starring Isabelle Huppert and Olivier Gourmet. The film was the official Swiss submission for Best Foreign Language Film at the 82nd Academy Awards.
Life for an isolated rural family is upended when a major highway next to their property, constructed 10 years before but apparently abandoned, is finally opened.
Director: Ursula Meier.
Cast: Isabelle Huppert, Olivier Gourmet, Adélaïde Leroux, Madeleine Budd, Kacey Mottet Klein, Renaud Rivier, Kilian Torrent, Jean-François Stévenin, Ivaylo Ivanov, Hugo Saint-James.
Switzerland, France, Belgium, 2008.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Home. 2008.
Home. 2008.
Home. 2008.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

La mal-aimée. 1995.

La mal-aimée. 1995.
 FR. En ce début de grandes vacances, tous les malheurs semblent s’abattre sur la jeune Ludivine, à peine 13 ans, mais triste comme si elle en avait cent.
EN. At the beginning of the holiday, all the misfortunes seem to fall on young Ludivine, barely 13 years old, but sad as if she had one hundred.
NL. De 13-jarige Ludivine (Maud Kornman) voelt zich in de steek gelaten door haar familie en heeft daarbuiten niemand anders waar ze terecht kan. Om haar bestaan meer waarde te geven en van nut te kunnen zijn, ontvoert ze het kleinzoontje van haar buurvrouw om het kind met al haar overvloedige liefde te verzorgen en op te voeden.
Director: Bertrand Arthuys.
Cast: Maud Kornman, Thérèse Liotard, Emily Morel, Estelle Skornik, Denis Podalydès, Antoine Basler, Lara Guirao, Yaële Simkovitch, Adrien Chakhtoura, Guillaume Chakhtoura, Lia Gama, Jorge Parente.
France, 1995.
Language: French.
Download La mal-aimée.
La mal-aimée. 1995.
La mal-aimée. 1995.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Le monde selon Tippi / Tippi of Africa. 1997.

Le monde selon Tippi / Tippi of Africa. 1997.
 FR. Bienvenue dans le monde féerique de Tippi. Une petite fille de 6 ans vit en Namibie avec ses parents chasseurs d'images. Les animaux sauvages sont devenus ses plus fidèles compagnons, sans oublier les "Bushmen", une tribu dont l'histoire semble remonter aux origines de l'homme...
EN. Le Monde Selon Tippi is a 1997 French documentary about the life of young Tippi Benjamine Okanti Degri, who spent the first ten years of her childhood growing up in the African bush.
The real-life Mowgli: Incredible story of the little girl who spent her first 10 years growing up in the African bush with an elephant as her 'brother' and a leopard best friend
Sitting next to an adult leopard, Tippi Degre looks completely at ease.
While most parents would not let their children anywhere near the big cat, Tippi's was a particularly unusual childhood.
The daughter of French photographers Sylvie Robert and Alan Degre, she spent her first ten years travelling around Africa, and her parents chronicled her experiences.
Director: Christian Crye.
Cast: Tippi Degre.
France, 1998.
Language: French, Russian.
Download Le monde selon Tippi / Tippi of Africa.
Le monde selon Tippi / Tippi of Africa. 1997.
Le monde selon Tippi / Tippi of Africa. 1997.