Thursday, November 30, 2017

Vakáció a halott utcában. 1978.

Каникулы на пустынной улице / Vakáció a halott utcában. 1978.
Épül az új lakótelep, de mellette még ott vannak a régi kis házak. Lebontásra ítéltettek, lakóik már el is költöztek, de egy-egy ottmaradt tárgy, egy elfelejtett névtábla még emlékeztet a régi lakókra és foglalkozásukra. Az új házakba pedig már költöznek be a "boldog" új lakók. Illetve költöznének, mert a lakásokat nem lehet használni, éjszakánként újra eltűnnek a mosdók, a csapok, de még a WC-csészék is. Az új lakókkal érkeznek gyerekeik is, akik hamarosan felfedezik a régi, elhagyott házakat, s birtokba is veszik őket. Többek között egy volt magánnyomozó irodáját, s mi sem természetesebb, hogy nyomozni kezdenek. S a nyomoznivaló is adva van, hiszen a felnőttek még mindig tehetetlenek a mosdók, csaptelepek tolvajaival szemben. A film sok humorral ábrázolja a gyerekek kalandéhségét, s enyhe szarkazmussal a felnőttek időnkénti tehetetlenségét.
Director: György Palásthy.
Cast: András Ambrus, Irén Bódis, Zsuzsa Csala, István Fillár, József Fonyó, Szergej Gabányi, Árpád Gyenge, András Gyetvai, László György, Józsa Hacser, László Halász, Gábor Harsányi, László Horesnyi, Gyula Horváth, László Inke.
Hungary, 1978.
Language: Hungarian.
Download Vakáció a halott utcában.
Каникулы на пустынной улице / Vakáció a halott utcában. 1978.
Vakáció a halott utcában. 1978.

Feriengewitter. 1988.

Летние грозы / Feriengewitter. 1988.
 Summer holidays are beginning for 13 yo Daniel, a boy from East Berlin. He does not know yet that his parents are going to get divorced. They are afraid of Daniel`s reaction, so they have not told him about their decision until now. Together they drive to a village in the mountains. There Daniel finally recognises the truth about his parents marital problems. When Daniel has an accident, this brings his parents together again, at least for the moment...
Director: Karola Hattop.

Cast: Etienne Charle, Christian Nathe, Joachim Latsch, Sandra Puhlmann, Barbel Rohl, Joachim Latsch, Christoph Engel, Eva Schafer, Michael Deponte, Lars Paul Nathe, Christian Näthe, Albrecht, Gabriele Schäfer, Uwe Geyer.
DDR, DEFA, 1988.

Language: German, Russian.
Download Feriengewitter.
Летние грозы / Feriengewitter. 1988.
Feriengewitter. 1988.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tusen år till julafton. 2015. 24 episodes.

Tusen år till julafton. 2015. 24 episodes.
 Tusen år till julafton var Sveriges Televisions julkalender 2015.
2015 års julkalender i SVT leddes av Erik Haag och Lotta Lundgren från SVT-serien Historieätarna, som reste tusen år genom historien, från år 1015 till julafton 2015, för att berätta barnens svenska historia. TV-serien utspelade sig under ett helt år, från vår, sommar, höst till vinter, och olika barn agerar sidekickar i varje avsnitt. Tusen år till julafton tog sig an historien ur barnens perspektiv, med ämnen som kläder, boende, försörjning, matbrist och rädslan för svält och krig.
När uppfanns pruttkudden? Hur var det att äta sig mätt på inälvor? Och hur var det som barn att arbeta i gruva på 1500-talet eller att bo i kollektiv på 1970-talet? I julkalendern ”Tusen år till julafton” tar Erik Haag och Lotta Lundgren oss med på en resa i historien från vikingatiden fram till idag.
Episode List:
1. 1015: För tusen år sedan.
A lone viking mother prepares Christmas celebrations when the children's father comes home after having been away on a journey of trade and raiding for three and a half years.
2. 1015: Livet som träl.
The family takes on life as thralls. The thrall family wakes up to another day of the master and is told that they will be sold, one by one, before the day is over.
3. 1300-talet: En dag på riddarskola.
The 14th century: A day at the knights school. Two prospective children arrive at the knight's castle to be trained to knighthood by an old squire and a lovesick lady in waiting.
4. 1300-talet: Digerdöden.
The 14th century: The Black Death. A cat-loving peasant family has fled their village, hoping to escape the plague, find a new house and try to make God happy.
5. 1500-talet: Barnarbetare i gruvan.
The 16th century: Child labor in the mine. Welcome home to the toddlers family where everyone is working in the mine. For what else could they do?
6. 1500-talet: Pappa heter Gustav Vasa.
7. 1600-talet: En tid med häxor.
8. 1600-talet: De fyra stånden.
9. 1700-talet: Gustav den tredje som barn.
22. 1980-talet: Skidtur och räkfrossa.
23. 1990-talet: Internet kommer.
24. 2015: Julafton i vår egen tid.
Director: Karin af Klintberg.
Cast: Erik Haag, Lotta Lundgren, Stina Ekblad, Tareq Taylor, Cleo Ryberg, Elma Thomhave, Sabina Walldin, Morris Berglund-Andreassen, Olof Wretling, Hjalmar af Klintberg.
Sweden, 2015.
Language: Swedish.
1280x720 HD
Download Tusen år till julafton. 2015. 24 episodes:
2 parts archive:
Tusen år till julafton. 2015. 24 episodes.
Tusen år till julafton. 2015. 24 episodes.
Tusen år till julafton. 2015. 24 episodes.
Tusen år till julafton. 2015. 24 episodes.

Monday, November 27, 2017

The Strength of Water. 2009.

Сила воды / The Strength of Water. 2009.
A rare New Zealand film about the Maori family: when a mysterious stranger arrives in their isolated coastal town, 10-year-old twins, Kimi and Melody are forced apart. Kimi must find the strength to let go of what he loves the most.
Director: Armagan Ballantyne.
Cast: Isaac Barber, Hato Paparoa, Melanie Mayall-Nahi, McCarthy Pearse, Jim Moriarty, Richmond Patua, Nancy Brunning, Shayne Biddle, Trearjn Prangley, Matthew Sunderland.
Germany, New Zealand, 2009.
Language: English.
Сила воды / The Strength of Water. 2009.
The Strength of Water. 2009.

Keby som mal pušku / If I Had a Gun. 1971.

Если бы у меня была пушка / Keby som mal pušku / If I Had a Gun. 1971.
 Film, ktorý vznikol podľa literárnej predlohy Milana Ferka rozpráva o vojnových časoch z pohľadu detských hrdinov a patrí v tomto smere spolu s filmom Stanislava Barabáša Pieseň o sivom holubovi medzi najlepšie filmy slovenskej kinematografie. Na pozadí udalostí na Slovensku medzi vypuknutím Slovenského národného povstania a oslobodením sledujeme osudy malých hrdinov s ich detskými starosťami i radosťami. Stávame sa svedkami ich objavovania okolitého sveta, sexuality, komentovania ľudí a udalostí a v neposlednom rade i túžby po dospelosti, ktorú v tomto prípade paradoxne predstavuje puška. Mozaikovité rozprávanie však okrem dychtivého poznávania mladých hrdinov sprevádzajú nestále stretnutia so smrťou alebo aspoň hrozba jej zjavenia. Film Keby som mal pušku patrí do Zlatého fondu Slovenskej kinematografie a zaslúžili sa o to okrem režiséra Štefana Uhra aj kameraman Stanislav Szomolányi, hudobný skladateľ Iľja Zeljenka, strihač Max Remeň a v neposlednom rade herecké obsadenie.
Director: Štefan Uher.
Cast: Marián Bernát, Jozef Gráf, Daniel Lapúnik, Brigita Hausnerová, Emília Došeková, Hana Grissová, Ľudovít Reiter, Tomáš Žilinčík, Michal Monček, Igor Hrabinský, Anton Šulík, Ľudovít Króner, Katarína Marečková, Mária Hojerová, Xénia Gracová, Milka Furinová, Ján Kroner st., Karol Kuniak, Vilma Jamnická, Brigita Máčajová-Bobulová, Jozef Belan, Imrich Fazekas.
Czechoslovakia, 1971.
Language: Czech, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download Keby som mal pušku / If I Had a Gun.
Если бы у меня была пушка / Keby som mal pušku / If I Had a Gun. 1971.
Keby som mal pušku / If I Had a Gun. 1971.

La guerra di Mario / Mario's War. 2005.

La guerra di Mario / Mario's War. 2005.
 A rebellious little boy has been taken away from his abusive mother and placed in the temporary care of a young couple. And while Mario is a singular child, commendably portrayed by the pugilistic Marco Grieco, what turns Antonio Capuano's Mario's War into a fine film is not just this penetrating performance but the sensitive depiction of the new world that envelops this young boy. This film gets to the heart of the restless struggle between an adult and a child who have to adapt to each other without the bond of a biological relationship. Giulia is a special woman who gratefully and bravely embraces her new foster son. As played by the wonderful Valeria Golino (recently seen in Respiro), we recognize her unbending strength and commitment to meeting this huge challenge. Not only does she have to grapple with every obstacle Mario throws at her, but she has to cope with the doubts and hesitation of Sandro (Andrea Renzi), the man she lives with and loves...
Director: Antonio Capuano.
Cast: Valeria Golino, Marco Grieco, Andrea Renzi, Imma Villa, Emanuele Annunziata, Anita Caprioli, Rosaria De Cicco, Nunzio Gallo, Antonio Pennarella, Valeria Sabel.
Italy, 2005.
Language: Italian, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
La guerra di Mario / Mario's War. 2005.
La guerra di Mario / Mario's War. 2005.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Der Schlunz. Ep. 1-3. 2010-2012.

Шлунц. Серии 1-3 / Der Schlunz. Ep. 1-3. 2010-2012.
 Schlunz is a boy who lost his memory. The day when the family Schmidtsteiner finds the neglected, completely intimidated guy in the wood, that's the beginning of a new turbulent time for Dad, Mom, the nine-year-old Nele and and especially for Lukas, who becomes Schlunz' best friend. The only thing, on what the boy with the tousled hair remembers, is, that he was called "der Schlunz"...
While the first three series, to be continued...
Director: Rainer Hackstock.
Cast: Finn Lucas Mayer, Luca Claar, Lea Sophie Schmidt, Hanna Steidle, Gabi Koch, Klaus Beyer, Yvonne Gallo, Timo Ehrmann, Laura Petri, Dorothea Luise Kläs, Sinnikka Auner, Lena Krauthäuser, Finni-Marie Eigenbrodt, Nick Wenserit, Samuel Schneider, Lukas Siering.
Germany, 2010-2012.
Language: German.
1024x576 HD.
Шлунц. Серии 1-3 / Der Schlunz. Ep. 1-3. 2010-2012.
Der Schlunz. Ep. 1-3. 2010-2012.

Damer. 1997.

 NO. Det kan være lurt å forberede seg på puberteten når den kan komme hver dag som helst. Det mener ihertfall de to guttene i denne filmen. Å melde seg på kurs i synkronsvømming skulle vel gi en rimelig god sjanse for å treffe damer. Men vet gutta hva et slik møte kan utsette dem for-sånn rent følelsesmessig? Det blir litt sterkt for dem i denne sorgmuntre historien.
EN. You may want to prepare for puberty when it may come any day, any time. At least that's what the two boys in this film believe. To enroll in courses in synchronized swimming would give a reasonably good chance of hitting ladies.
Director: Torun Lian.
Writer: Per Schreiner.
Cast: Teodor Gautier Teigen, Øyvind Kensland, Celine Engebrigtsen,
Norway, 1997.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Damer. 1997.
Damer. 1997.

Mormor og de åtte ungene i skogen. 1979.

Бабушка и восемь детей в лесу / Mormor og de åtte ungene i skogen. 1979.
The eight kids Maren, Martin, Marte, Mads, Mona, Milly, Mina and Morten has moved with their parents and grandmother from the tiny apartment in the city to a cozy, red house in the forest. Here there is plenty of room for everyone to play, and having grandmother around proves to be useful. She watches the kids, sells waffles to passing ski-goers, and mediates between her own local knights and the attacking Indians from Tiriltoppen.
Director: Espen Thorstenson.
Cast: Anne-Cath Vestly, Jon Eikemo, Eli Skolmen Ryg, Inger Johanne Byhring, Svend Skjønsberg, Siri Stonex, Peter Jackson, Charlotte Borgersen, Inger Lise Nilsen, Karen Olsen, Grim Snorre Langen, Espen Blakstad, Jan-Erik Kristiansen.
Norway, 1979.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Mormor og de åtte ungene i skogen. 1979.
Бабушка и восемь детей в лесу / Mormor og de åtte ungene i skogen. 1979.
Mormor og de åtte ungene i skogen. 1979.

Mormor og de åtte ungene i byen / Grandma and the Eight Children. 1977.

Бабушка и восемь детей в городе / Mormor og de åtte ungene i byen / Grandma and the Eight Children. 1977.
NO. Filmen handler om de åtte ungene som bor i en leilighet i byen sammen med mor og far. De bor på et lite kjøkken og bare ett soverom. Så en dag blir den grønne lastebilen til far stjålet og alle ungene begynner å lete etter den. Til slutt finner de lastebilen, men nå er den blitt rød. Det er Henrik som har tatt lastebilen og han blir en god venn av familien. Mormor som bor i sin lille stue ute i skogen reiser til byen og hun synes det er vanskelig å tilpasse seg livet i byen. Men hun får god hjelp av alle de åtte ungene.
EN. The eight children Maren, Martin, Marte, Mads, Mona, Milly, Mina and Morten Minstemann, live with their parents in a tiny apartment in the city. Grandmother lives in the country side, but one day she comes to town for a visit. Everything is new and unusual for her, and she doesn't act like other people in the city. However, the children helps her out and they go for a trolley ride. When it's time for Grandmother to go back home she has no money for the train ticket. She spent her money on kitchen supplies, and now the children tries to come up with a plan to get her home. Easier said than done.
Director: Espen Thorstenson.
Writers: Espen Thorstenson, Anne-Cath Vestly.
Cast: Inger Johanne Byhring, Svend Skjønsberg, Siri Stonex, Peter Jackson, Charlotte Borgersen, Inger Lise Nilsen, Karen Olsen, Grim Snorre Langen, Anne-Cath Vestly, Jon Eikemo, Eli Skolmen Ryg, Jorunn Kjellsby.
Norway, 1977.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Mormor og de åtte ungene i byen / Grandma and the Eight Children. 1977.
Бабушка и восемь детей в городе / Mormor og de åtte ungene i byen / Grandma and the Eight Children. 1977.
 Mormor og de åtte ungene i byen / Grandma and the Eight Children. 1977.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Sweet Movie. 1974.

Сладкий фильм / Sweet Movie. 1974.
 Sweet Movie is a 1974 avant-garde art house comedy-drama film written and directed by Yugoslavian director Dušan Makavejev.
An international co-production of companies from France, Canada, and West Germany, the film follows two women: a Canadian beauty queen, who represents a modern commodity culture, and a captain aboard a ship laden with candy and sugar, who is a failed communist revolutionary.
One narrative follows Miss Monde 1984/Miss Canada, who wins a contest of the "most virgin"; her prize is the marriage to a milk industry tycoon. However, following his degrading puritanical introduction to intercourse, she vents her intention to leave to her mother-in-law who, at that point, nearly has her killed. The family bodyguard takes her away, further humiliates her, and finally packs her in a trunk bound for Paris. She finds herself on the Eiffel Tower, where she absently meets and has intercourse with a Latin singer, El Macho. The sexual act is interrupted by touring nuns who frighten the lovers into penis captivus. In her post-coital shocked state, she is adopted into an artist community led by Otto Muehl, where she finds affectionate care. The commune practices some liberating sessions, where a member, with the assistance of the others, goes through a (re)birth experience, cries, urinates and defecates like a baby, while the others are cleaning and pampering him. Later she is seen acting for an obscene advertisement, in which she is naked, covered in liquid chocolate.
The second narrative involves a woman, Anna Planeta piloting a candy-filled boat in the canals of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with a large papier-mache head of Karl Marx on the prow. She picks up the hitchhiking sailor Potemkin, though she warns him that if he falls in love, she will kill him. He ignores her many suggestions for him to leave and their relationship evolves. Eventually, in the state of love making, she stabs him to death in their nidus of sugar. She also seduces children into her world of sweets and revolution. She is eventually apprehended and arrested by the police who lay down plastic sacks containing the children's bodies on the side of the canal, implying they too have been killed by Planeta. The film ends with the children, unseen by the others, being reborn from their plastic cocoons.
Director: Dušan Makavejev.
Writers: France Gallagher (collaboration), Dušan Makavejev.
Cast: Carole Laure, Pierre Clémenti, Anna Prucnal, Sami Frey, Jane Mallett, Roy Callender, John Vernon, Hansi Roll, Therese Schulmeister, Renata Steiger, Berndt Stein, Herbert Stumpfl, Otto Muehl, Catherine Sola, Louis Bessières.
France, Canada, West Germany, 1974.
Language: English, French, Polish, Spanish, Italian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Сладкий фильм / Sweet Movie. 1974.
Sweet Movie. 1974.

Den Bästa Sommaren / A Summer Tale. 2000.

Лучшее лето / Летняя сказка / Den Bästa Sommaren / A Summer Tale. 2000.
 The summer of '58, the year Sweden almost won the world championship in soccer over Brazil, Yngve Johansson accepts two children to live with him during the summer, as told through the eyes of a young boy. His name is Mårten, and the other child's name is Annika. She is a rough girl, with many problems. The three of them do not get along, and Yngve is a true dictator to the children's eyes. However, when the children discover that their new guardian has a crush on their teacher (Cecilia Nilsson), they do what they can to bring the two together. Soon enough, the three will discover that they have a lot more in common than they previously imagined, and together they can make their lives worth living again. This is a sweet story about life in Sweden in the mid 1900's. It is about family, love, hate, innocent friendship that we all can relate to, and much, much more. The movie invites laughter as well as tears, and the actors, both the young and the old, are very talented...
Director: Ulf Malmros.
Cast: Kjell Bergqvist, Anastasios Soulis, Rebecca Scheja, Cecilia Nilsson, Brasse Brännström, Marcus Hasselborg, Gachugo Makini, Göran Thorell, Ann Petrén, Pale Olofsson, Anna Kristina Kallin, Ralph Carlsson, Jerker Fahlström.
Sweden, Denmark, 2000.
Language: Swedish, Russian.
Лучшее лето / Летняя сказка / Den Bästa Sommaren / A Summer Tale. 2000.
Den Bästa Sommaren / A Summer Tale. 2000.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Bambule. 1970.

Бамбуле / Bambule. 1970.
DE. Bambule ist ein deutsches Fernsehspiel des Südwestfunks aus dem Jahr 1970; Regie führte Eberhard Itzenplitz, das Drehbuch stammt von Ulrike Meinhof.
Der Film kritisiert die autoritären Methoden der Heimerziehung (Fürsorgeerziehung) in einem Mädchenheim. Im Verlauf der Handlung kommt es zu einer Revolte der Heiminsassinnen gegen die unterdrückenden Strukturen. Die Handlung des Films wird oft auch als Parabel auf die gesellschaftlichen Zustände der Zeit verstanden, denen eine neue, verschärfte Form des Klassenkampfes entgegengesetzt werden müsse.
Die vielschichtige Handlung spielt über 24 Stunden in einem West-Berliner Mädchenheim für adoleszente Mädchen. Gleich zu Anfang flüchten zwei von ihnen. Monika wird wegen einer Fußverletzung sofort wieder eingefangen, Irene gelingt die Flucht im zweiten Anlauf. Während Monika zur Strafe im „Bunker“ (der Arrestzelle des Heims) sitzt, erzählt sie einer verständnisvollen und liberal eingestellten Erzieherin, Frau Lack, wie sie schon als kleines Kind von ihrer Stiefmutter ins Heim gesteckt und dort von Nonnen schikaniert wurde; besonders, nachdem diese ihre lesbischen Neigungen entdeckten. Die ebenfalls lesbische Irene wird zunächst von ihrer Mutter abgewiesen und kommt schließlich bei zwei ehemaligen Heiminsassinnen unter, die sich mittlerweile mit Prostitution über Wasser halten. Ein Treffen mit ihrer Freundin, einer Heiminsassin, die mittlerweile als „Freigängerin“ außerhalb des Heimes als Verkäuferin arbeitet, scheitert an einem Missverständnis. Ebenso scheitert der Versuch mit einer ehemaligen Heiminsassin. Deswegen kehrt auch Irene in das Heim zurück. Monika wurde unterdessen, gegen ihren Willen, zu den Klosterschwestern abgeschoben, schafft es aber durch Provokation, dass diese sie postwendend an das Heim zurückschicken. Die dritte Hauptfigur, Evelyn, zettelt in der folgenden Nacht einen Zellenaufstand („Bambule“) an, der zu einem Polizeieinsatz führt. Am Morgen sitzen Evelyn und Irene gemeinsam im Bunker und denken über weitere Möglichkeiten des Widerstandes gegen die Verhältnisse nach.
EN. The film criticizes the authoritarian methods of home education in a girls' home. In the course of the action, there is a revolt against the oppressive structures. The plot of the film is often understood as a parable to the social conditions of the time, to which a new, more acute form of class struggle must be opposed. The multi-layered plot plays for 24 hours in a West Berlin girls' home for adolescent girls.
Director: Eberhard Itzenplitz.
Writer: Ulrike Meinhof.

Cast: Petra Redinger, Christine Diersch, Dagmar Biener, Helge Hennig, Barbara Schöne, Antje Hagen, Marlene Riphahn, Dagmar Tass, Christiane Lemm, Petra Schröder, Hansi Jochmann, Ute Gerhard, Hilde Hessmann, Sabine Körner, Monika Häckermann.
West Germany, 1970.
Language: German.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Bambule.
Бамбуле / Bambule. 1970.
Bambule. 1970.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Ha-Kayitz shel Aviya / The Summer of Aviya. 1988.

Лето Авии / Ha-Kayitz shel Aviya / The Summer of Aviya. 1988.
It is summertime, 1951, in an Israeli town where European immigrants continue to settle after World War II. Still scarred and raw from the Holocaust, they are often misunderstood and ridiculed by native Israelis.
Aviya is a bright ten-year-old girl whose fiercely independent mother, Henya is traumatized by her own experiences as a Partisan during the war. Their affectionate, fragile and deeply poignant relationship is told through Aviya, who hopes for stability with her mother while still having fantasies of a father she refuses to believe is dead.
An exquisite and courageous memoir providing profound insights into Israeli society. Based on the autobiographical book THE SUMMER OF AVIYA by Gila Almagor..
Director: Eli Cohen.

Cast: Gila Almagor, Kaipu Cohen, Eli Cohen, Marina Rossetti, Avital Dicker, Dina Avrech, Ya'ackov Ayali, Rami Baruch, Yossi Kantz, Ariella Rabinovich, Ruthy Wysenbeek, Sandra Sade, Yitzhak Goren.
Israel, 1988.
Language: Hebrew, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Ha-Kayitz shel Aviya / The Summer of Aviya.
Лето Авии / Ha-Kayitz shel Aviya / The Summer of Aviya. 1988.
 Ha-Kayitz shel Aviya / The Summer of Aviya. 1988.

Pixote: A Lei do Mais Fraco. 1981.

Пишоте: Закон самого слабого / Pixote: A Lei do Mais Fraco. 1981.
Pixote, a 10-year-old runaway boy, is arrested on the streets of Sao Paulo during a police round-up homeless people. Pixote endures torture, degradation and corruption at a local youth detention center where two of the runaways are murdered by policemen who frame Lilica, a 17-year-old transvesite hustler. Pixote helps Lilica and three other boys escape where they make their living by the life of crime which only escalates to more violence and death.
Director: Hector Babenco.
Cast: Fernando Ramos da Silva, Jorge Julião, Gilberto Moura, Edilson Lino, Zenildo Oliveira Santos, Claudio Bernardo, Israel Feres David, Jose Nilson Martin Dos Santos, Marília Pêra, Jardel Filho, João José Pompeo.
Brazil, 1981.
Language: Portuguese, Russian.
Download Pixote: A Lei do Mais Fraco.
Пишоте: Закон самого слабого / Pixote: A Lei do Mais Fraco. 1981.
Pixote: A Lei do Mais Fraco. 1981.

Valerie a týden divů / Valerie and Her Week of Wonders. 1970.

Валери и неделя чудес / Valerie a týden divů / Valerie and Her Week of Wonders. 1970.
EN. A thief awakens Valerie, just 13, taking earrings left to her by her mother. By morning, the earrings have been returned, Valerie's first period has begun, and a troupe and a missionary have arrived in her Medieval town. The thief is Orick; he reports to a cloaked constable who may also be the missionary. Attention to sexuality is everywhere: Valerie's grandmother's puritanical nature, the missionary's sermon to the town's virgins, the parish priest's attempt to seduce Valerie, and lusty adults at play. Valerie's nascent sexuality puts her in great danger. Can she navigate the passage from innocence to experience, a route teaming with vampires, a murderer, and an obscure family tree?
CZ. Po adaptaci Kunderova románu "Žert" se Jaromil Jireš uchýlil ke zcela odlišné látce i k rozdílnému způsobu vyjadřování. Ve snivém výtvarně dekorativním vyprávění vylíčil osudy a pocity dospívající dívky, jež žije se svou přísnou babičkou ve starém domě a ocitá se v samém středu bizarních událostí, ohrožována tajemným "tchořím upírem"... Na vizuální podobě surreálné fantazie Vítězslava Nezvala se podílela Ester Krumbachová. Autoři hojně využívali hororových prvků i lyrické básnivosti.
Director: Jaromil Jireš.
Cast: Jaroslava Schallerová, Helena Anýžová, Petr Kopřiva, Jiří Prýmek, Martin Wielgus, Jan Klusák, Alena Stojáková, Karel Engel, Libuše Komancová, Eva Olmerová, Jana Andresíková, Jiřina Machalická, Alice Auspergerová, Bedřiška Chalupská, Michaela Klocová, Zdenka Kovářová, Otto Hradecký, Eva Hnátková, Kristina Maarová, Jarmila Langášková, Karel Bělohradský, Antonín Cmíral, Karel Medek, Jan Berka, Robert Nezval, Jan Žižka, Viola Zinková, Nina Divíšková, Josef Abrhám .
Czechoslovakia, 1970.
Валери и неделя чудес / Valerie a týden divů / Valerie and Her Week of Wonders. 1970.
Valerie a týden divů / Valerie and Her Week of Wonders. 1970.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Ferien / Vacation. 2007.

Ferien / Vacation. 2007.
 A relaxing vacation becomes an impromptu family reunion when a family of three takes a sun soaked trip to their summer cottage, only to find the entire extended family unexpectedly showing up on their doorstep. Anna, Robert, and their adolescent son Max were looking forward to a quiet retreat to the Uckermark region of Germany, but their peace is soon shattered by the arrival of children, parents, siblings, and grandchildren. At first everyone does their best just to get along, though it doesn't take long for old wounds to fester and buried secrets to surface.
Director: Thomas Arslan.
Cast: Angela Winkler, Karoline Eichhorn, Uwe Bohm, Gudrun Ritter, Anja Schneider, Wigand Witting, Amir Hadzic, Babette Semmer, Leyla Bobaj, Aaron Raabe, Maria Hengge, Helge Niesytka.
Germany, 2007.
Language: German.
Subtitles: Russian. 
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Ferien / Vacation. 2007.
Ferien / Vacation. 2007.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Allez, Eddy! 2012.

Всё, Эдди! / Allez, Eddy!  2012.
 The eleven year old cycling talent Freddy is the son of a butcher in an idyllic village in no man's land. His isolated life is turned upside down completely in 1975 when the first supermarket in the village opens its doors. To mark the opening the supermarket organizes a cycling race and the winner of that match will meet Eddy Merckx. Freddy's father is a fervent opponent of the supermarket and the competition, but Freddy subscribes behind his back. By participating in the race a new world opens, not only for Freddy, but also for all those around him.
Director: Gert Embrechts.
Cast: Jelte Blommaert, Peter Van den Begin, Barbara Sarafian, Mathias Vergels, Lotte Bode, Silke Cnockaert, Stefaan Degand, Bruno Georis, Coline Leempoel, Frieda Pittoors, Bruno Vereeck, Ben Van den Heuvel.
Belgium, 2012.
Language: Dutch, Russian.
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Всё, Эдди! / Allez, Eddy!  2012.
Allez, Eddy!  2012.

Gojitmal / Lies. 1999.

Ложь / Gojitmal / Lies. 1999.
A conscious exploration of fantasy and flesh. The director talks about the novel upon which the film is based, we see the crew at work, the actors talk about what's going on. Y, a schoolgirl of 18, chooses her first lover (rather than wait to be raped, as were her two older sisters). After phone sex with J, a sculptor who's 38, they begin an affair that, by the second meeting, includes spankings as foreplay. J brings a suitcase full of rods, hoses, and wires; Y gathers sticks to bring. Y's brother discovers the affair. J's wife, studying in Paris, calls him to join her. Will the lovers part? Will the violence get out of hand? When do the lies begin? 
Director: Sun-Woo Jang.
Cast: Sang Hyun Lee, Tae Yeon Kim, Hyun Joo Choi, Kwon Taek Han, Hyuk Poong Kwon, Myung Keum Jung, Min Soo Shin, Young Sun Cho, Mi Kyung Ahn, Kum Ja Yeom, Boo Ho Choi, Hye Won Goh, Chui Jin Kwak.
South Korea, 1999.
Language: Korean, Russian.
Ложь / Gojitmal / Lies. 1999.
Gojitmal / Lies. 1999.

Le genou de Claire / Claire's Knee. 1970. HD.

Колено Клер / Le genou de Claire / Claire's Knee. 1970.
FR. Jérôme, trente-cinq ans, attaché d'ambassade, se rend près d'Annecy pour vendre la propriété familiale. Il y retrouve une ancienne amie, Aurora, romancière qui lui présente son hôtesse, Mme Walter, dont la fille Laura est une jeune lycéenne de seize ans. Après son départ Laura clame qu'elle est amoureuse de Jérôme, mais ce dernier va se laisser séduire par son amie Claire, dont il admire les genoux. Avant-dernière partie des "Six Contes Moraux".
EN. Claire's Knee is a 1970 French drama film directed by Éric Rohmer. It is the fifth movie in the series of the Six Moral Tales.
The story happens between 29 June and 29 July, presumably in 1970. (Inter-title cards of the dates are displayed before the daily events are shown.)
While holidaying at Lake Annecy on the eve of his wedding, career diplomat Jérôme accidentally meets up with Aurora, an old personal friend. Through Aurora, he meets Aurora's landlady, Madame Walter, and Laura, Madame Walter's youngest teenage daughter. Observant Aurora detects Laura's crush on Jérôme, and advises Jérôme of such. After Jérôme and Laura take a hike in the mountains together, she confesses that she is "a little in love with" Jérôme.
Days later (on 8 July), Laura's attractive older half-sister Claire arrives. Upon seeing Claire's knee on a ladder, he finds himself longing to touch her knee. However, Jérôme controls his temptation. Eventually an opportunity presents itself during a boat trip on the lake when Jérôme and Claire have to seek shelter in a hut from an approaching storm. Jérôme tells Claire that he saw her boyfriend, Gilles, together with another girl. When Claire starts to cry Jérôme consoles her by placing his hand upon Claire's knee.
 Director: Éric Rohmer.

Cast: Jean-Claude Brialy, Aurora Cornu, Béatrice Romand, Laurence de Monaghan, Michèle Montel, Gérard Falconetti, Fabrice Luchini, Sandra Franchina.
France, 1970.

Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
984x720 HD
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Колено Клер / Le genou de Claire / Claire's Knee. 1970.
Le genou de Claire / Claire's Knee. 1970.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Lust och fägring stor / All Things Fair / Love Lessons. 1995.

Цветения пора / Lust och fägring stor / All Things Fair / Love Lessons. 1995.
Malmö, Sweden during the Second World War. Stig is a 15 year old pupil on the verge of adulthood. Viola is 37 years old and his teacher. He is attracted by her beauty and maturity. She is drawn to him by his youth and innocence, a god-sent relief from her drunk and miserable husband. They start a passionate and forbidden relationship - but it has consequences they never could have expected. 
Director: Bo Widerberg.
Cast: Johan Widerberg, Marika Lagercrantz, Tomas von Brömssen, Karin Huldt, Nina Gunke, Björn Kjellman, Kenneth Milldoff, Frida Lindholm, Sigge Cederlund, George Bisset, Per Olov Börjeson.
Denmark, Sweden, 1995.
Language: Swedish, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Цветения пора / Lust och fägring stor / All Things Fair / Love Lessons. 1995.
 Lust och fägring stor / All Things Fair / Love Lessons. 1995.

Viva Cuba! 2005.

Маленькие беглецы / Viva Cuba! 2005.
In a tale akin to Romeo and Juliet, the friendship between two children is threatened by their parents' differences. Malu is from an upper-class family and her single mother does not want her to play with Jorgito, as she thinks his background coarse and commonplace. Jorgito's mother is a poor socialist that is proud of her family's social standing. She places similar restriction on her son. What neither woman recognizes is the immense strength of the bond between Malu and Jorgito. When the children learn that Malu's mother is planning to leave Cuba, they decide to travel to the other side of the island to find Malu's father and persuade him against signing the forms that would allow it.
Directors: Juan Carlos Cremata Malberti, Iraida Malberti Cabrera.
Cast: Malú Tarrau Broche, Jorge Milo, Luisa María Jiménez Rodríquez, Larisa Vega Alamar, Lieter Ledesma Alberto, Sara Cabrera, Pavel García Valdés, Albertico Pujols Acosta, Juan Carlos Cremata Malberti.
France, Cuba, 2005.
Маленькие беглецы / Viva Cuba! 2005.
 Viva Cuba! 2005.

Summer of '42. 1971.

Лето 42-го / Summer of '42. 1971.
Silent as a painting, the movie shows us day-dreamer Hermie and his friends Oscy and Benjie spending the summer of '42 on an US island with their parents - rather unaffected by WWII. While Oscy's main worries are the when and how of getting laid, Hermie honestly falls in love with the older Dorothy, who's married to an army pilot. When her husband returns to the front, Hermie shyly approaches her.
Director: Robert Mulligan.
Cast: Jennifer O'Neill, Gary Grimes, Jerry Houser, Oliver Conant, Katherine Allentuck, Christopher Norris, Lou Frizzell.
USA, 1971.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
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Лето 42-го / Summer of '42. 1971.
Summer of '42. 1971.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Primite telegrammu v dolg. 1979.

Примите телеграмму в долг / Primite telegrammu v dolg. 1979.
"Primite telegrammu v dolg" - a feature film of 1979, created at the film studio Belarusfilm.
Completely independent boy Sanya Linove decided to make his own jet aircraft. Applying for moral support to Academician Aleksandrov, and at the same time raising the question of the fuel necessary for his offspring, Sanya sent an urgent telegram to Moscow and began to earn money in order to start production.
Director: Leonid Nechaev.
Cast: Andrey Tikhonchik, Andrey Myagkov, Anastasiya Voznesenskaya, Yana Poplavskaya, Tatyana Pelttser, Evgeniy Evstigneev, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Mariya Barabanova, Oleg Anofriev, Fyodor Odinokov, Denis Shtrykov.
USSR,  Belarusfilm, 1979.
Language: Russian.
Download Primite telegrammu v dolg.
Примите телеграмму в долг / Primite telegrammu v dolg. 1979.
Primite telegrammu v dolg. 1979.

Mago / Naked Paradise. 2002.

Маго / Обнажённый Рай / Mago / Naked Paradise. 2002.
 Mago (aka Naked Paradise) is a Korean film dealing with the rape of the earth through heavy-handed symbolism. It’s pure exploitation depicting hundreds of naked men and women and the slaughter and butchering of many animals.
With a truly sickening opening scene of a street full of frogs being trampled underfoot and run over by vehicles, it gains your attention but also blows its own credibity (as a serious piece of art with a positive ecological message) by way of its hypocrisy. A gruesome slaughterhouse scene had one disturbing moment as you witness a dog splattered with blood having a rope put around its neck.(the film depicts rape scenes and over 800 actors and actresses nude–no crotch though)and Lots of shots of pollution and dying animals and also, (rather disturbing) real footage of real animals being slaughtered.
Director: Hyeon-il Kang.
Cast: Yi-rim Lee, Ae Ka, Ya Dan, Nam-hyeon Song, Young-hee Choi, Lee Young-Ran, Do-yeon Kim, Lee Eun-Mi.
South Korea, 2002.
Language: Korean.
Subtitles: Russian.
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Маго / Обнажённый Рай / Mago / Naked Paradise. 2002.
Mago / Naked Paradise. 2002.